Although this should seem to be very straightforward, I cannot find out how to see the number of layers I have currently selected in QGIS. For example, in the example below I want to see somewhere in the GUI the number 5, or be able to somehow retrieve this number:

Example of layer selection

Obviously, with only five layers selected, I can directly see how many layers I have selected. However, with a lot of layers, it can become an arduous task if I have to count each layer myself. I want to quickly compare the number of layers I have in two different sets of layers. Ideally, I would also be able to see the number of layers within a layer (sub)group (e.g. "Input [X]", where 'X' is the number of layers in the group).

Is there something I should change in the QGIS View settings? Or is there any other method to quickly retrieve this number?

  • this is a great question!
    – Taras
    Commented Feb 4, 2023 at 8:29

2 Answers 2


You can use this script. It adds a toolbar as seen in the image and shows how many layers are selected.

label = QLabel("Selected Layers Count:")
count = QLabel()

tree_view = iface.layerTreeView()
c = len(tree_view.selectedLayers())

tb = iface.addToolBar("Selected layers")

def show_selected_layers_count():
    c = len(tree_view.selectedLayers())


enter image description here


To extend the great solution by @Kadir Şahbaz, you could do something like this to get a count per group:

p = QgsProject.instance()
root = p.layerTreeRoot()
view = iface.layerTreeView()

tb = iface.addToolBar("Selected layers")

def show_selected_layers_count():
    tb.addWidget(QLabel('Selected layers per group:      '))
    for child in root.children():
        if root.isGroup(child):
            label = QLabel(f'{child.name()}: ')
            selected_layers = []
            for selectedLayer in view.selectedNodes():
                if selectedLayer.parent() == child:
            count = len(selected_layers)
            count_label = QLabel(str(count) + '    ')
con = view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(show_selected_layers_count)

# to disconnect the function from the signal

enter image description here

  • Great addition, thank you @Matt!
    – Sytze
    Commented Jan 17, 2023 at 14:32
  • 2
    It currently works with 1st level groups. It will need some modification to work with sub-groups, let me know if you need me to update the function
    – Matt
    Commented Jan 17, 2023 at 14:59
  • That would actually be very useful, so please, go ahead!
    – Sytze
    Commented Jan 18, 2023 at 9:06

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