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Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply@mkennedy's reply to How would I convert this point to WKID 4326?How would I convert this point to WKID 4326?. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, Esri provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply to How would I convert this point to WKID 4326?. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, Esri provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply to How would I convert this point to WKID 4326?. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, Esri provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

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Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply to a similarHow would I convert this point to WKID 4326? question. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, ESRIEsri provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply to a similar question. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, ESRI provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply to How would I convert this point to WKID 4326?. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, Esri provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

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matt wilkie
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Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply@mkennedy's reply to a similara similar question. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, ESRI provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply to a similar question. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, ESRI provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

Not a tool (I don't know of one in existence that would let you do that), but check out @mkennedy's reply to a similar question. She explains how she arrived at the correct spatial reference. and patience will be your friends.

Additionally, ESRI provides a guide on how to guess a coordinate system (though I prefer mkennedy's method if you know a bit more about the data).

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