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Nils's user avatar
Nils's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

Uplay Games not Launching

4 votes

Is there something you can do with broken weapons?

3 votes

Playing games on older consoles with newer TVs with S-Video or better quality?

3 votes

How distance influences connection into a server (BF4 PS3)

3 votes

How to use items?

3 votes

What does the "nearby" trait do in the manager job conditions?

2 votes

What's the most efficient conversion of Components to Credits?

2 votes

How can I tell if I have military grade ammo loaded?

2 votes

I think I am stuck, is there a way to trigger a mission?

2 votes

Why is it that Owain and Lucina can't get married?

2 votes

How do I subdue someone?

2 votes

Why random encounters are harder when playing Baldur's Gate Tutu?

2 votes

Does Evolve use horizontal or vertical FOV?

2 votes

what is the impact of faction support and character level on game?

1 vote

Parrying with the Monastery Scimitar

1 vote

Is it faster to jump around?

1 vote

How to apply a useful uniform to my human mercenaries?

0 votes

What do all the values mean in the 'server details' in battlelog?

0 votes

What is the actual drop rate for crates?

0 votes

Can you spot an enemy jet from 3rd person view while on a jet?