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Mass Effecf Andromeda Taming a Desert Do all the remnant vault Icons look the same?

DoIn Mass Effect: Andromeda, do all the remnant vault Icons look the same? How do I know if I’m looking at a vault Icon and not just a remnant point icon on the map. Thats? That's my issue right now.

I cleared some points of interest that had the remnant symbol, but I’m not sure if they are vaults or not, or just remansntremnant sites causebecause they turned blue after killing the enemies and looting the chest?.

Mass Effecf Andromeda Taming a Desert vault Icons?

Do all the remnant vault Icons look the same? How do I know if I’m looking at a vault Icon and not just a remnant point icon on the map. Thats my issue right now I cleared some points of interest that had the remnant symbol but I’m not sure if they are vaults or not or just remansnt sites cause they turned blue after killing the enemies and looting the chest?

Do all the remnant vault Icons look the same?

In Mass Effect: Andromeda, do all the remnant vault Icons look the same? How do I know if I’m looking at a vault Icon and not just a remnant point icon on the map? That's my issue right now.

I cleared some points of interest that had the remnant symbol, but I’m not sure if they are vaults or not, or just remnant sites because they turned blue after killing the enemies and looting the chest.

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Mass Effecf Andromeda Taming a Desert vault Icons?

Do all the remnant vault Icons look the same? How do I know if I’m looking at a vault Icon and not just a remnant point icon on the map. Thats my issue right now I cleared some points of interest that had the remnant symbol but I’m not sure if they are vaults or not or just remansnt sites cause they turned blue after killing the enemies and looting the chest?