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Glyphs are not being drawn [opengl + freetype]

I've followed this source from for text rendering. It seems fairly simple, and only required this much code: ...
Scollier's user avatar
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How can I render a font in C with OpenGL? [closed]

What I tried: I was testing some things in order to render text with stb_truetype.h and OpenGL in C. I took as a reference the example that appears here. Basically, this example, loads a .ttf file and ...
Álvaro Rodrigo's user avatar
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Freetype: create Signed Distance Field based font

I am trying to implement Font Rendering in my OpenGL C++ game. I read many articles on the subject and got to know different methods, but I am still learning. Valve has published a paper for Signed ...
linux_lover's user avatar
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Font loads with artifacts

I've recently come on to an error when loading fonts in my game, some letters show up perfect while others have artifacts around them. Here's an example of this: While some letters are perfectly ...
Liam Larsen's user avatar
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How can I use ImGui to render simple text instead of using stb_truetype directly?

Since ImGui builds on top of stb_truetype for its font rendering, I thought it could be nicer to use its already built font-processing capabilities (...
Jakub Arnold's user avatar
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OpenGL dynamic font glyph cache library

I have begun work on an OpenGL application (all on my own and with little knowledge) and started with FTGL, rendering true type fonts, which, with alot of text has a great impact on frames per second. ...
MrNoise's user avatar
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Drawing fonts with LWJGL3 with OpenGL

I'm very sorry if this question has already been answered, but since I've been struggling with this for many days I thought I'd give it a shot here. My goal is to somehow render some text on the ...
Allar Viinamäe's user avatar
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Text alignment in OpenGL with FreeType2

I'm trying to implement font rendering and have got into some trouble with glyph metrics. Here's the code where I get the metrics: ...
RenX's user avatar
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Is there a way to use other fonts, besides the default ones in OpenGLUT?

I'm using OpenGLUT functions like glutBitmapString to render sentences and words in a game. However, there is a limited set of fonts to use and I need some bigger size fonts. Is there a way to add new ...
Sasha Fonseca's user avatar
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Font outline in OpenGL, FTGL

I'm using FTGL library to render fonts in my game, but I have completely no idea how to create an outline around text. Achieving a shadow could be easy, because I can simply do it like this: (pseudo ...
Piotr Chojnacki's user avatar
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Rendering only a part of text FTGL, OpenGL

I'm using FTGL library to render text in my C++ project. I can easily render text by using: ...
Piotr Chojnacki's user avatar
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OpenGL's matrix stack vs Hand multiplying

Which is more efficient using OpenGL's transformation stack or applying the transformations by hand. I've often heard that you should minimize the number of state transitions in your graphics ...
deft_code's user avatar
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