What we're building

Projects & Experiments

We're building products that focus on creating a more personal, private and open-source internet.
Our goal is to enable developers, innovators, and builders to shape the open-source and emerging technology ecosystem.


AI Guide

Learn about pathways to working on AI projects that center open source repositories and permissively licensed models with the Mozilla AI Guide.

View the AI Guide



Solo helps entrepreneurs expand their web presence with a suite of AI-backed tools for building websites, optimizing for SEO, and showcasing your best work.

Visit soloist.ai

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Llamafile is an open source project that lets you distribute and run LLMs with a single file that is capable of running on six operating systems

Llamafile on GitHub


Didthis is an app for hobbyists to record and share their journeys through their passion projects.

Elevate your hobbies with Didthis



Quickly create and test your prompts against the most popular foundation and open source language models.

Level up your prompt engineering skills

Developer Ecosystem

Developer Ecosystem projects are supported by Mozilla and developed outside of the company. These projects showcase open source innovation at a foundational level, and support the future of an open web that centers people above profit.

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Datasette is a tool for exploring and publishing data. It helps people take data of any shape, analyze and explore it, and publish it as an interactive website.

Get started with Datasette

Simon Willison

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Cosmopolitan Libc makes C a build-once run-anywhere language without an interpreter or VM. It outputs a polyglot format that runs natively on 7 operating systems.

Learn more about Cosmopolitan

Justine Tunney

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ORCA is a ready-to-use agreement for businesses to share revenue with the open source contributors who make that revenue possible.

Visit orcaready.org

Adam Bouhenguel & Nadieh Bremer

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Croquet removes the complexity of traditional client/server systems and eliminates netcode, enabling synchronized simulations and gameplay at scale.

Learn more about Croquet

Yoshiki Ohshima

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Noosphere is a decentralized infrastructure and protocol built on IPFS to facilitate the development of building shared tools for thought.

Visit the Subconscious Network

Gordon Brander


Experiments are project explorations by members of the Mozilla Innovation team. These are early stage areas of investigation and prototyping that touch on a range of topics related to open source, AI, and the web.

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Generative AI Music

A video series and accompanying code samples exploring Facebook's open source Audiocraft library

Explore Audiocraft

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Audio chatGPT

This tutorial series will help you create your own audio chatGPT using node.js and Google Cloud Speech

Watch on YouTube

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Building an Audio AI Chatbot

Bootstrapping an OpenAI audio chatbot with React, node.js, and langchain

Get started

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RAG Fusion with OpenAI

This video explores how RAG Fusion can result in better outcomes from LLM applications.

Try it yourself

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An experimental development project to turn a local desktop environment into an on-device AI agent for files and browsing history

MemoryCache on GitHub