Create Urgency & Increase Repeat Sale With WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons [Guide 2024]

Editorial Team
June 13, 2024
Create Urgency & Increase Repeat Sale With WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons [Guide 2024]

Do you want to create unique, personalized WooCommerce dynamic coupons that drive sales?

As a WooCommerce store owner, you constantly seek ways to increase sales. At the same time, your customers are consistently looking to save money on their purchases.

That's why offering discount coupons is a win-win situation for you and your customers.

In this post, we'll look at what WooCommerce dynamic coupons are, their benefits, and how to set them up in your store.

What are WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons?

WooCommerce dynamic coupons are special, unique discount coupon codes that can be personalized and set as time-bound.

About 93% of shoppers use coupons when shopping online. The discounted price gives them an extra push to complete the purchase.

WooCommerce dynamic coupon image representation

Deadline-bound smart coupons are great motivators when making last-minute purchases.

Why? Because we always do stuff at the last minute.

Think about paying bills right before the due date, doing important shopping, or submitting work assignments right until the last minute.

You wouldn’t even do many things if there wasn’t any urgency attached to them.

Similarly, your customers will delay buying that course or the lampshade for as long as possible.

As a store owner, offering a good discount and attaching an urgency to it - will do wonders for you!

That’s why having time-bound, personalized WooCommerce dynamic coupons is your safest and probably the best bet.

How Dynamic Coupons Can Accelerate Your Business Growth?

Offering WooCommerce dynamic coupons is a core part of promotion and sales strategy.

Here are a few reasons how your WooCommerce store benefits from offering dynamic coupon codes to your customers:

  • Creates urgency and boosts sales - Offering time-limited coupons encourages users to make quick purchases. It creates an environment of urgency. Further, helping shoppers prioritize your business over your competitors.
  • Attracts new buyers and helps introduce new products - WooCommerce dynamic coupons allow new visitors to explore your products and purchase new products at a discounted price.
  • Drive more sales from existing customers - Reward loyal customers with exclusive discounts to let them shop more. It helps improve customer relationships and builds on maximum retention.

Now that you know about the benefits of using WooCommerce dynamic coupons. Let’s look at different use cases of when to use such discount coupons.

Different Use Cases For When to Use WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons

In this section, we will discuss some campaigns in which we can implement WooCommerce unique coupon codes as part of our online sales strategy.

1. Cart abandonment sequences

According to the Baymard Institute, 7 out of 10 online shoppers abandon their cart.

Think of the potential revenue you’re losing with 7 buyers leaving your store without completing the purchase.

That’s why smart business owners rely on setting up abandoned cart sequences. It helps them rescue their lost sales.

But as most marketers say, Setting up abandoned cart sequences isn’t hard, but getting people to take action on your email is.

And that’s where the work of WooCommerce dynamic coupons comes in.

You can create personalized, limited-time coupons to lure your users in.

If they like what you’re offering, they might stick around and further go ahead to complete the purchase.

2. Customer winback campaigns

It costs up to 5x more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing customer.

Thus, businesses focus more on bringing old customers back to their websites.

For that, customer winback campaigns are used. 

The main goals of winback campaigns are:

  • Increase customer retention
  • Reduce customer churn rate
  • Increase the lifetime value of customers

Thus, you must attract customers with a lucrative deal with winback campaigns.

Use WooCommerce dynamic coupons to make lapsed customers come back and buy products from your store.

The discounted prices will give them an extra push to interact with your store to buy an item.

3. Post-purchase follow-up sequences

Most businesses don’t engage with their customers after they complete the checkout.

Before purchasing, you bombard your prospects with promotional emails/SMS, retargeted ads, etc.

But after they place an order, you abruptly cut the relationship cord.

Not many people will tell you this. But an automated follow-up sequence is one of the most powerful tools ever.

Offering lucrative discounts on their purchase anniversaries or their next purchase will surely help draw your customers’ attention.

This, in turn, helps develop great customer relationships.

4. Email sequences to convert leads into buyers

Generating a consistent stream of qualified leads is an easy and the most effective way to drive sales.

But do you know that 80% of new leads never convert into paying customers?

Hence, you must implement a well-timed, incentivized follow-up lead sequence. It'll help them attract their attention and build a good relationship.

Offering WooCommerce dynamic coupons to your new leads will encourage them to explore your website and help them convert into customers.

How to Create WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons?

To set up WooCommerce dynamic coupons, we will use the most powerful WordPress CRM tool - FunnelKit Automations.

FunnelKit Automations is the most powerful marketing automation and broadcast engine for WordPress.

You can set up high-converting automated sequences and turn your business into a profit-generating machine.

FunnelKit Automations makes it possible to create and deliver personalized coupons to the right user at the right time.

Further, FunnelKit Automations offers ready-to-use automated recipes that can be imported with a single click. You can easily customize these recipes to create automations that match your business requirements.

In this section, we will take you through the step-by-step process of generating WooCommerce dynamic coupons. Plus, how you can send them to your customers via email.

Step 1: Install and activate FunnelKit Automations

Get a copy of FunnelKit Automations.

Please note that FunnelKit Automations also has a free (Lite) version, but we will use the Pro version for advanced premium features.

Learn to install and activate FunnelKit Automations on your WordPress website.

Step 2: Add a new automation

Go to the Automations section and click on the ‘Create Automation’ button.

Go to Automations and click ‘Create Automation’

Create your automation either using the pre-built recipes or starting from scratch.

Select ‘Start from Scratch’ and name your automation.

Select ‘Start from Scratch’ and name your automation

Your automation will be created, and you’ll be directed to the workflow screen.

Step 3: Select the ‘Order Created’ event

Click on ‘Select an Event’ and choose the ‘WooCommerce - Order Created’ event.

Click on ‘Select an Event’ and choose the ‘Order Created’ event - WooCommerce dynamic coupons

Now, configure your event trigger.

Here, we have set the automation to run multiple times for the processing order status.

Configure your event trigger by selecting the order statuses and automation runs

Once done, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step 4: Add a 2-hour delay

We will add a delay here.

Click on the (+) icon and choose ‘Delay’.

Add a delay to your workflow

You can add a delay in minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months.

Furthermore, FunnelKit Automations provides various options. You can delay until a specific date and time, until a custom field date, or with events variable.

Here, we’ll specify the 2-hour delay.

Specify the 2-hours delay

Hit ‘Save’ when done.

Step 5: Create the WooCommerce discount coupon

Now, choose ‘Action’ and specify ‘Create Coupon’ under WooCommerce.

Create WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons action

Set the coupon details here.

  • Coupon Title - The title of your discount coupon.
  • Discount Type - The type of discount you want to offer. It includes percentage discounts, fixed cart discounts, signup fee discounts, recurring discounts, etc.
  • Amount - Amount you want to provide the discount.
  • Coupon Code Prefix - Add a prefix to the discount. FunnelKit Automations will generate a random coupon number post that prefix.
  • Coupon Expiry - Specify the coupon expiry you want. It could be after specific days, on a specific date, or never expire.
  • Allow Free Shipping - Enable this option to provide free shipping with this coupon.

Copy the WooCommerce dynamic coupon from here.

Enter the details of WooCommerce dynamic coupons you want to create

Under the ‘Restrictions’ tab, you can restrict this coupon to:

  • Define spend limits
  • Limit it to particular products or categories
  • Specify it for individual use only
  • Exclude the coupon from items on sale
  • Restrict it to any customer email
Set the restrictions of your WooCommerce dynamic coupons

Under the ‘Limits’ tab, you can specify the usage limit of your WooCommerce dynamic coupon.

Specify the usage limit per discount coupon and user.

Specify the usage limits of your WooCommerce dynamic coupon

Click on the ‘Save’ button when you’re done.

That's it! Your dynamic and personalized coupon is ready in WooCommerce.

How to Send WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons to Your Prospects? (Method 1: Using Built-in Email Function)

Let's look at the step-by-step process of how you can send dynamic WooCommerce coupons to your prospects using the built-in email function.

Step 1: Add the send email action to your workflow

Choose ‘Send Email’ as the action.

Choose ‘Send Email’ as the action

Hit 'Done'.

Step 2: Add the WooCommerce coupon merge tag to your email

Enter the subject line and preview text in your email.

Next, paste the WooCommerce smart coupon into your email body.

Paste the WooCommerce dynamic coupon into your email body content

Click on ‘Save & Close’ when done.

Once a user purchases something from your store, they’ll get this email after two hours with a dynamic coupon code:

Email preview with WooCommerce dynamic coupons

You can go one step further and use FunnelKit Automations’ visual email builder. It'll help you create beautiful emails for your customers.

You get access to 20+ pre-designed templates you can import with a single click.

Pre-designed email templates - woocommerce dynamic coupons

Once imported, you can customize this email template using the drag-and-drop content blocks.

The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, just like a page builder.

Design beautiful emails with the visual builder inside FunnelKit Automations

Once done, you can send this custom email to your prospects.

WooCommerce dynamic coupon email preview

That’s it! This is how you can create and send WooCommerce dynamic coupons through emails in FunnelKit Automations.

We hope you have got answers to your 'how do I create a unique coupon in WooCommerce?' query.

How to Send WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons? (Method 2: Using Built-in Connectors to Your CRMs)

While FunnelKit Automations can totally replace your CRMs, its beauty lies in using its automations and sending data to your CRMs like ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and more.

FunnelKit Automations provides powerful connections to other CRMs.

Let's look at how you can send WooCommerce personalized dynamic coupons using built-in connectors.

Step 1: Add the update custom field action to your workflow

Go to CRM and select the ‘Update Custom Fields’ action.

Update custom fields in Convertkit

Click on 'Done'.

Step 2: Add the WooCommerce coupon code merge tag to the custom field

Select the custom field name and enter the dynamic coupon merge tag.

Add the woocommerce coupon merge tag to the custom field in ConvertKit

Now you have updated the custom field in your ConvertKit account, you can send the email with this coupon to your WooCommerce customers.

This applies to all the processes, irrespective of the CRM you use.

This is how you can send dynamic coupons to your CRM using FunnelKit Automations' built-in connectors section.

You can follow our Facebook group and YouTube channel for more such tips and strategies to boost your business.

Best Practices for Using WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons

You should consider a few things when you integrate coupon codes into your WooCommerce store.

The points below will help you increase sales and minimize customer issues when using WooCommerce dynamic coupon codes.

1. Target usage

You should target your sales and promo codes to users in your automated campaigns who meet certain criteria.

For example, reward shoppers who purchase from your store for the first time.

This could be done when you: 

  • Allow limited usage of one coupon per use
  • Allow the WooCommerce coupon to be used only by the same email address

Enabling coupon access for a particular user will restrict its usage. This way, no one can misuse your coupons.

2. Time limiting

Using time-limiting options is the best thing you can do while creating your WooCommerce dynamic coupons.

It helps users create a sense of urgency and encourages them to go for the purchase.

FunnelKit Automations gives you the ability to set the time delay for creating your discount coupons and promo codes.

Creating a coupon valid for 48 hours can drive users out of their seats to go full ballistic into your online store.

3. Personalization

Using the personalization technique when generating coupon codes works wonders for your business.

Applying the principle of personalization in your discount coupons makes people feel special.

FunnelKit Automations lets you personalize your WooCommerce dynamic coupons. You can add your user’s first name, email, country, contact ID, custom field, current date, and more using merge tags.

Personalized codes with a person’s first name will likely draw much more attention than plain, standard coupon codes.

4. Streamline the checkout flow to avoid distractions

You can use sales funnels to create streamlined checkout paths.

You can direct users to a landing or checkout page with sales funnels. Here, they can use the personalized WooCommerce dynamic coupons and get products at discounted prices.

For that, FunnelKit's Funnel Builder is the best plugin you can opt for.

This plugin lets you design beautiful, high-converting opt-ins, checkouts, order bumps, one-click upsells, etc.

This was all about the best practices of using WooCommerce dynamic coupons in your store.

Bonus: Advanced WooCommerce Coupon Plugin that Extends Coupon Functionality to the Next Level

WooCommerce coupon functionality is quite extensive. However, it lacks features such as creating BOGO offers, shipping deals, loyalty points, etc.

Luckily, Advanced Coupons is one such WooCommerce coupon plugin. It has advanced capabilities to get more customers.

It allows you to:

  • Create BOGO deals - Set up ‘buy one get one’ deals with a single or group of products/categories.
  • Add products - Offer coupons that automatically add a specific product to the cart. Plus, you can include auto-applied discount codes.
  • Add loyalty program - Reward your customers with loyalty purchase points. They will be able to redeem these points anytime.
  • Set up cart conditions - Create coupons if a product meets the cart criteria. This includes products in the cart, the last ordered products, the cart total, etc.
  • Offer gift cards - Set up gift card products for your customers. This will help them buy store credit and gift it to their friends and family.
  • Create shipping discounts - Create better shipping deals than simply offering free shipping with this plugin and much more.

The Advanced Coupon has a generous free version with an option to upgrade to the Pro version.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons

Here, we have answered some commonly asked questions on how to create a dynamic coupon in WooCommerce:

1. How do I create a custom, dynamic coupon in WooCommerce?

You can create a custom, dynamic coupon in WooCommerce using FunnelKit Automations.

All you have to do is add the 'Create Coupon' action. Then, specify the details of your coupon and personalize it with merge tags.

2. How do I make multiple coupons in WooCommerce?

You can make multiple coupons in WooCommerce from your WordPress dashboard.

Go to Marketing ⇨ Coupons to start creating multiple coupons. If you want to create multiple dynamic and personal coupons, you can use FunnelKit Automations.

3. How do I create condition-based coupon codes for order total?

You can create condition-based coupon codes for order total in FunnelKit Automations.

Specify the order total condition and add the coupon creation action under the Yes statement. This way, if that condition is fulfilled, the sequence will create a new coupon automatically.

4. What is the difference between static and dynamic discount coupons?

Static coupons have a pre-determined discount code, such as “SAVE10”, that doesn’t change according to a specific user. These coupons are typically created for a wide audience without any customization. Some of their use cases include static discounts for seasonal sales, general promotions, and clearance events.

Dynamic coupons generate unique codes for each user, allowing for personalized discounts and targeted marketing strategies. These coupons are usually created for personalized marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, retargeting campaigns, abandoned cart recovery, and more.

👉 Learn everything about WooCommerce discounts here.

5. How do I use WooCommerce smart coupons?

The WooCommerce smart coupons plugin is another alternative discount plugin you can use to offer lucrative deals to your users. However, it’s quite expensive compared to the functionality that FunnelKit Automations offer.

6. Can you schedule a coupon in WooCommerce?

No, the default coupon feature in WooCommerce does not allow you to schedule a coupon. You can use FunnelKit Automations or Advanced Coupons to schedule your discount coupons in WooCommerce.

7. How do I create bulk Coupons in WooCommerce?

You can generate bulk coupons in WooCommerce and send unique codes to different customers using FunnelKit Automations.

Just add an automation and create a personalized coupon action. Every customer or prospect entering this automation will receive a distinct, personalized WooCommerce dynamic coupon. 

That’s where FunnelKit Automations is helpful in automatically creating bulk coupons in WooCommerce.

8. How do I add an automatic discount in WooCommerce?

You can add automatic discounts through the shopping journey in your WooCommerce store. For example, you can auto-apply the coupon codes on the checkout page, apply discounts for checkout add-ons such as order bumps and one-click upsells, etc.

You can do this FunnelKit Funnel Builder plugin.

In addition, you can add discount coupons to your emails using FunnelKit Automations (which we discussed in this post).

Are You Ready to Make More Sales With WooCommerce Dynamic Coupons?

Coupons are an excellent way to boost your traffic and conversions. They are deeply infused into human psychology such that everyone gets influenced by them.

As a WooCommerce store owner, you can’t afford to miss the wonderful opportunity these coupons provide.

Try incorporating WooCommerce dynamic coupons into your automated campaigns for massive profits.

And to do that, you just need one plugin - FunnelKit Automations.

FunnelKit Automations is the most powerful marketing automation and broadcast engine. Use it to conquer your automated campaigns and generate lucrative coupons for your customers.

It is a must-have tool for growing your online business.

So what are you waiting for?

Author: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.