WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery: The Ultimate System To Get Shoppers Back To Your Store

Editorial Team
May 9, 2024
WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery: The Ultimate System To Get Shoppers Back To Your Store

Have you nailed your WooCommerce cart abandonment strategy yet? Are you sending out well-timed abandoned cart emails or SMSs to recover carts?

If not, then this WooCommerce cart abandonment guide is for you.

There is a misconception that cart abandonment is common in eCommerce and you can do nothing about it.

The abandoned cart rate has risen to an all-time high of 70.19%+ and is not coming down soon. [Source: Baymard]

Gone are those days when just having an email series was enough.

But today, you need a complete ‘Smart Revenue Recovery’ system - that speaks to your users with personalized scheduled emails and encourages them to complete their purchases.

In this post, we will look at the reasons people abandon their carts, components of the smart WooCommerce cart abandonment recovery system and how to set it up in your store.

Watch this quick video tutorial to set up this highly profitable abandoned cart recovery system:

WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery: The Ultimate System To Get Shoppers Back To Your Store

Let's start right away.

What is WooCommerce Cart Abandonment and Why Do Shoppers Abandon Their Carts?

WooCommerce cart abandonment refers to the situation when a shopper adds items to their carts but leaves the website without completing the purchase.

It’s a common challenge for online retailers that results in losing potential revenue and customers.

Baymard Institute recently did a survey on 2500+ people and found several reasons why people abandoned orders.

Here's a list of some of the most common reasons for WooCommerce cart abandonment:

Reasons of cart abandonments during the checkout process

The top three reasons are:

  • Unexpected additional costs such as shipping, handling fees and taxes
  • Checkout processes involving new account creation or logging in
  • A long or complex checkout process

This study does not even consider the reasons related to buyer psychology in an online store.

Reasons such as:

'I was just browsing' or 'my toddler wanted my attention' or 'I thought I'll come back to it when I have some time'.

Uncertainty. Procrastination. Distraction.
These are also big reasons that lead people to abandon the checkout process.

The cart abandonment rate jumps to nearly 75% around Black Friday when the traffic is high and the urge to compare shops is even higher.

That means you're going to lose potential customers around the holiday season.

But here's some good news: Some of those people might come back to buy if you send out a well-timed cart abandonment email sequence.

The Problem With Most Automated Cart Recovery Systems

Most WooCommerce cart abandonment plugins treat all users equally, whether they're guest users or not.

You can either offer a blanket discount to everyone or no one!

You can't incentivize them based on the item(s) they were trying to buy, their order total, have already used a coupon code, etc.

But if you always offer a discount every time a user abandons their orders, your system trains them to expect a discount code all the time.

Take a look at this comment that proves this point:

The Problem With Most Automated Cart Recovery Systems
The strategy of offering the same incentive to everyone, irrespective of their cart total, item(s) in the cart, etc., backfires because it reduces profitability.

Worst part? It trains users to expect discounts on abandoned orders!

But let's say their cart total is above a set threshold. Then, you may want to offer a handsome discount to convert them before your cut-off time.

The existing systems and free plugins aren't flexible and dynamic enough to consider any of this.

That right there is the problem!

Meet the Smart WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Revenue Recovery System

In this section, you'll get the answer to your 'how do you deal with cart abandonment?' query.

To solve this problem, we have created the Smart Revenue Recovery System.

This system allows you to create WooCommerce cart abandonment sequences by first understanding who's at the center of it with custom variables.

Meet the Smart WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Revenue Recovery System

Here are important components of the system that give you a mindblowing framework for your WordPress abandoned cart strategy:

  • Multi-channel sequence: This means not just sending abandoned cart emails but also using SMSs to recover your carts.
  • The timings: Timing your abandoned cart emails and SMSs for maximum impact so customers don't just unsubscribe.
  • Smart incentives: It means offering a personalized and time-bound incentive based on the rules you set to get some recovered carts.
  • Advanced conditions: Setting rule-based automations based on the user’s cart total, items in the cart, coupons used, and more.

Our users deploying this system with FunnelKit Automations are having great success with it. Take a look:

Review of Wardee Harmon satisfied with the WooCommerce cart abandonment strategy of FunnelKit Automations

Another user, Borja, reported a recovery rate of 20%; that's insane! That's just with WooCommerce cart abandonment cart emails and a series of SMSs:

Review of Borja Obeso satisfied with the WooCommerce cart abandonment strategy of FunnelKit Automations

Impressive? Isn't it?

Top 3 WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Plugins

Let’s look into the three best WooCommerce plugins designed to help reduce cart abandonment and recover lost sales.

After thorough research, our experts have created a comparative review of these cart abandonment plugins.

Go through the unique features and functionalities each plugin offers.

1. FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit Automations is the most powerful marketing automation and broadcast CRM for WordPress and WooCommerce.

FunnelKit Automations - woocommerce cart abandonment plugin

It’s the best WooCommerce cart abandonment plugin that lets you set up abandoned cart automations. These automations help you send emails, incentivize purchases with dynamic coupons, add multiple reminders, etc., on auto-pilot.

Features of FunnelKit Automations:

  • Pre-built cart abandonment recipes - Get access to different pre-built automation recipes with set delays and conditions that you can import with a single click. Feel free to customize them based on your needs.
  • Smart automations - Set up automated workflows for cart abandonment automations, follow-ups, customer winback, order confirmation, shipment tracking, etc. You can add delays, set up rule-based conditions, assign goals to your automations, etc.
  • Multi-channel communication - FunnelKit Automations allows you to run triggered and broadcast emails/SMS campaigns from your dashboard. If you want to send WhatsApp messages, you can integrate it with UnCanny Automator.
  • Enhanced visual email builder - Design beautiful emails using drag-and-drop content blocks such as images, buttons, text, etc. You also get WooCommerce blocks such as cart items, products, order summary, cart links, coupons, and more. In addition, you can customize pre-designed email templates and send attractive emails to abandoned users.
  • Split path testing - A/B test multiple paths in automations to optimize your cart abandonment workflows and improve cart recovery. You can split-test different email subject lines, discount coupons, email designs, etc., to analyze which path generates maximum conversion in your business.

Plus, you can even track your abandoned cart recovery performance using the built-in analytics.

Pricing plan:

FunnelKit Automations has a free version available in the WordPress repository. To unlock extensive functionalities, the premium version costs $99.50 a year.


WordPress.org: 5 out of 5 stars with 194 reviews (20,000+ active installations)

Expert recommendation:

It’s an all-in-one CRM plugin that is the best in the category. Here, you can easily track recoverable, recovered, and lost carts and set up various automations for your WooCommerce business.

It completely justifies its price tag for the features it offers. Our experts recommend this plugin to automate your business processes, manage your contacts, send email or SMS broadcasts, and integrate with other applications to unlock effective features.

2. Abandoned Cart Recovery

This WooCommerce plugin helps you recover abandoned carts and pending orders to boost your business revenue.

Abandoned Cart Recovery plugin by WooCommerce

With this extension plugin, create follow-up emails and schedule them to be sent at specific intervals. You can also include discount coupons to improve conversions in your online store.

Features of Abandoned Cart Recovery:

  • Abandonment and recovery dashboard - This WooCommerce cart abandonment extension has an intuitive dashboard. It shows abandoned carts, pending orders, and recovery details for the last 30 days.
  • Multiple recovery email templates - Create multiple email templates and either send or schedule them to send automatically after a certain amount of time.
  • Coupon codes and other incentives - Create coupon codes with fixed or percentage discounts, set coupon expiry, and more. You can then send this coupon in multiple abandoned cart recovery emails.

Pricing plan:

The premium plan of the Abandoned Cart Recovery plugin costs $79 annually for its extensive features.


WooCommerce: 4.8 out of 5 stars with 17 reviews (1,000+ active installations)

Expert recommendation:

This plugin does not justify its price for the features. You can neither design emails nor have pre-designed email templates. It just offers abandoned cart automations—you can not set up other automated campaigns. You can not send SMS, and it does not integrate with other CRMs or third-party applications.

It’s not the right choice if you’re looking for an all-in-one cart abandonment recovery and CRM solution.

3. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

This abandoned cart plugin helps you recover abandoned carts in your WooCommerce store.

Abandoned Cart Recovery for WooCommerce plugin

Features of Abandoned Cart Recovery plugin for WooCommerce:

  • Capture WooCommerce abandoned carts - Capture the cart information, including add-to-cart date, customer email address, cart items, IP address, etc. Use this information to contact shoppers, offer discounts, or request them to complete their purchases.
  • Send recovery emails and SMS - Send recovery emails and SMS to the shopper’s email address and phone, respectively. You can create different email templates, send coupons along with recovery emails, connect with email marketing platforms like ActiveCampaign, Brevo (Sendinblue), and more.
  • Detailed reporting - This plugin offers various reports, including the list of abandoned users, recovered carts, number of recovery emails, product and coupon reports, cart logs, etc.

Pricing plan:

The free version of the WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery plugin is available in the WordPress repository. Upgrade to the premium version at $40 annually.


WordPress.org: 4.6 out of 5 stars with 27 reviews (6,000+ active installations)

Expert recommendation:

The price justifies the features this plugin offers. However, our experts recommend not installing multiple plugins for different tasks. Adding multiple plugins will put a massive load on your entire WooCommerce website.

It’s best to choose an all-in-one CRM like FunnelKit Automations that handles cart abandonment, contact management and segmentation, email/SMS broadcasts, and so much more.

How to Set Up a Smart WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Revenue Recovery System to Cut Down Abandoned Carts?

Let’s learn how to build a WooCommerce cart recovery system with FunnelKit Automations.

It's the best abandoned cart plugin for WooCommerce. It lets you set up a timed sequence of automated emails to recover abandoned WooCommerce carts and offer discounts through personalized coupon codes.

Furthermore, FunnelKit Automations provides pre-built automated recipes that can be imported and used as is with little customization.

We have various recipes for achieving different use cases, such as post-purchase workflows, cart abandonment automations, welcome sequences, and more.

Pre-built automated recipes in FunnelKit Automations

Please note that FunnelKit Automations has both the Lite (free) and the Pro (premium) versions. Here, we’ll use the Pro version for additional features such as creating coupons, adding conditions, setting up SMS, and more.

You can follow our documentation on installing FunnelKit Automations on your WordPress website.

Follow the step-by-step process mentioned below to set up the WooCommerce cart abandonment workflow:

Step 1: Enable cart tracking

FunnelKit Automations live captures the email addresses of prospects as soon as they fill them out on the checkout page.

This is similar to other WooCommerce abandoned cart plugins, but it also captures what the customer was trying to buy and the total amount in their cart.

Go to the ‘Settings’ section in FunnelKit Automations to enable it.

Under Carts, check the box next to ‘Enable Cart Tracking’.

Enable cart tracking in FunnelKit Automations

This works out of the box to help you capture the buyer’s email and cart details as soon as they start filling them out on the checkout page.

Step 2: Create a new automation

Go to the 'Automations' section in FunnelKit Automations and hit the 'Create Automation' button.

Go to Automations section and click on the create automation button

Here you’ll see various pre-built recipes available for the Lite (free) version as well as the Pro (premium) version.

Click on ‘Start from scratch’.

Here we will be creating the WooCommerce cart abandonment workflow from scratch

Name your automated campaign - ‘WooCommerce cart abandonment recovery’.

Name your automation - WooCommerce cart abandonment recovery

Clicking on ‘Create’ will set up a new automation campaign and you’ll get redirected to the workflow window.

Step 3: Select the ‘WooCommerce Cart Abandonment’ event trigger

Events are the triggers based on which your automation runs.

On the workflow screen, click on 'Select an Event'.

Select an event to select woocommerce cart abandonment trigger

Now, select the ‘Cart Abandoned’ trigger from the WooCommerce tab and click on ‘Done’.

Select the Cart abandonment event under WooCommerce

Configure this event by clicking on it and selecting ‘Multiple Times’ under the number of runs.

Configure the woocommerce cart abandonment event trigger

Click on ‘Save’ when done.

Well done! You have successfully set up the event trigger of your abandoned cart automation.

Step 4: Add a delay to your workflow

Here, we will create a simple automation that will send 1 email after 30 minutes of delay.

To do so, click on the (+) icon and hit ‘Delay’.

Add delay to your abandoned cart sequence

Here, we will add a 30-minute delay to our workflow.

Add the delay of 30 minutes

Click on the ‘Save’ button once done.

Step 5: Specify the 'Send Email' action

Actions are a series of steps that contacts must take when they enter your automation based on the event trigger you specified.

FunnelKit Automations provides a variety of actions, such as creating contacts, adding a tag, sending emails and SMS, and many more.

To specify the send email action, click on the (+) icon and hit ‘Action’.

To send an cart abandonment email, click on Action.

Select the ‘Send email’ action under Messaging and click on ‘Done’.

This will be the email your users will receive when the WooCommerce cart abandonment event triggers.

Choose the 'Send email' action under Messaging

The email creation window will appear on your screen.

Shopper’s email address

We’ll use the same email address as the one entered by the user on the checkout page here.

To do that, go to 'Merge Tags'.

Go to Merge Tags

Copy the 'Cart Billing Email' merge tag.

Copy the 'Cart Billing Email' merge tag

Paste it into the email address field.

Paste the 'Cart Billing Email' merge tag into the email field

Subject line and preview text

Enter an attractive subject line and preview text for your WooCommerce cart abandonment emails.

Refer to our post on abandoned cart subject lines and email preview text to get noticed quickly.

Enter the subject line and preview text

Email body content

Select the template type for simple text-based emails, HTML, or the Enhanced Visual Builder to design beautiful emails.

Let’s select the ‘Visual Builder (New)’ and edit our email.

Select the email template type: Rich text, Raw HTML and Visual Builder

Import a pre-designed WooCommerce cart abandonment email template.

Let’s import the ‘Abandoned Cart 1’ template here.

Import a pre-designed email template

You’ll see content blocks, including general and WooCommerce, on the left. And the workspace on the right.

Begin by uploading your business logo.

Upload your business logo in woocommerce cart abandonment email

We’ll use the shopper’s first name merge tag here.

Here, we have used multiple merge tags to show dynamic values in our email, such as the user’s first name, abandoned date, and more.

We've also changed the background color here.

Use shopper's first name and WooCommerce cart abandonment date in your email

This template already has cart items that list all the products in the shopper’s cart. 

In addition, it has the cart link inside your WooCommerce cart abandonment email, which contains a recovery link merge tag hyperlink.

Cart items and cart recovery link included in this cart abandoned email template

Next, preview your beautiful cart abandonment email with FunnelKit Automations’ visual email builder.

You can even send a test email from here to see how it looks on your email.

Preview and test send your email

Make sure to activate your automation by turning the toggle to ‘Active’.

Enable your woocommerce cart abandonment automation to active

Now that you know how to create automation in FunnelKit Automations, let’s talk about setting up different smart revenue recovery system components.

Adding the Smart Revenue Recovery System Components to Your WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Workflow

Let’s add each of the components of our Smart Revenue Recovery System to our workflow in FunnelKit Automations:

1. Creating a Multi-Channel Sequence (Email + SMS)

According to SaleCycle, text messages are opened on average within 90 seconds, compared to 90 minutes for email. 

Also, SMS has an open rate of 98%+ with 90% of messages opened within three minutes.

Therefore, adding SMS to the mix can increase the effectiveness of your campaign, especially when paired with great email templates for your WooCommerce cart abandonment recovery emails.

SMSs have a way higher click-through rate of 36%, as compared to 3.2% of emails:

SMSs have a way higher click-through rate of 36%, as compared to 3.2% of emails

Send the SMS within 2-4 hours of sending your first email for the best results.

To make your WooCommerce cart abandonment SMS stand out in their cluttered inboxes, use emojis.

FunnelKit Automations connects with Twilio and Bulkgate, popular tools that provide services such as voice calling, messaging, and SMS.

Must Refer:

All you need to do is select the ‘Send SMS’ action from the workflow.

Select the ‘Send SMS’ action from the workflow

Now, create your SMS content to be sent to your users.

Send abandoned cart SMS

Well done! Here, we have created our automation that sends an SMS 4 hours after your cart recovery email.

Here we have created our automation that sends an SMS 4 hours after your cart recovery email

Quick Note: You need to have Twilio credits and the premium version of FunnelKit Automations to access the Twilio connector.

Plus, you can send images by SMS if you reside in the US and Canada.

2. Timing your campaigns for maximum impact

Timing your recovery emails is the key to getting lost sales back.

It’s crucial to send your first email within an hour for optimal conversions.

As per the statistics from SaleCycle, a cart recovery campaign saw an uplift of 19% in conversions when it sent the first email just after 30 minutes of cart abandonment.

Furthermore, the best practice is to send a total of three abandoned cart recovery emails with set delays.

Here’s an example with the stats:

Timings of your woocommerce cart abandonment emails

Follow this simple strategy:

  • Send your first WooCommerce cart abandonment email within 30 minutes because the purchase is still fresh in their minds, and store owners can help remind them. Use the first email to ask them if they need any help.
  • Send the second email within the next 24 hours. Use this email to offer a discount with a single-click button or simply nudge.
  • The final email can go out within 72 hours, reminding them that their coupon's validity is set to expire in a few hours.

FunnelKit Automations lets you set up well-timed emails by adding delays to your workflows.

Here's how you can set up the delay in your WooCommerce cart abandonment sequence:

Configure delays in FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit Automations lets you set delays in the contact’s time zone to serve users in multiple locations.

Brilliant, isn’t it?

3. Luring in customers with attractive incentives

Everybody loves discounts!

Therefore, offering limited-time discounts is a brilliant strategy to create a sense of urgency and boost conversions.

You can easily do that in FunnelKit Automations and even further!

FunnelKit Automations lets you create time-bound, personalized coupon codes to encourage them to come back and complete the purchase.

You don't have to go to WooCommerce to set your coupons - FunnelKit Automations takes care of that too!

Click on the (+) icon and hit action.

Add ‘Create Coupon’ action to your workflow.

Add the action to create coupon

Take a look at the coupon creation window in FunnelKit Automations:

Take a look at the coupon creation window in FunnelKit Automations
  • Discount Type: Enter the type of discount you want to offer, such as percentage discount, fixed cart discount, signup fee discount, recurring product discount, etc.
  • Coupon Code Prefix: Add a personalized prefix to the discount code
  • Coupon Expiry: Set the coupon expiry as after specific days, on a specific date, or never expire.
  • Free Shipping: Allow free shipping with this coupon code
  • Spending Limit: Define the spend limits with this coupon code
  • Limitations for Product/Categories: Limit this code to some specific products or categories
  • Coupon Restrictions: Restrict this code to any specific email addresses, and many more options.

It’s a complete package!

4. Setting up smart rule-based conditions

FunnelKit Automations lets you set up advanced conditions to serve the right audience.

What if you want to send discounted coupon codes to shop abandoners with high-value carts or who are just new users in your ecommerce store?

This is what rule-based offers are - Offering discount coupons whenever users meet a certain condition.

It’s a brilliant strategy of not training your users to become price sensitive or unwilling to buy any item without a discount.

You can do this with FunnelKit Automations’ smart rule engine.

Let’s say we want to offer a 10% discount only to shoppers with a cart total of $50 at the time of abandonment.

All you have to do is click on the (+) icon and select ‘Condition’.

Add condition

Click on the 'Cart Total' rule under Carts.

Select the cart total condition in FunnelKit Automations

Now, select the drop-down to ‘is greater than’ and enter the value of ‘50’.

Now, select the drop-down to ‘is greater than’ and enter the value of ‘50’.

Next under ‘Yes’, add the ‘Create Coupon’ action and create a coupon value of 10%, as we discussed in Pt. 3 (above).

Next under ‘Yes’, add the ‘Create Coupon’ action and create a coupon value of 10%, as we discussed in Pt. 3 (above)

Once done, add the ‘Send Email’ action next to the coupon node.

Then, include that coupon code in your email.

Paste the coupon into your woocommerce cart abandonment email

That’s it! This is what your WooCommerce cart abandonment workflow will look like:

This is what your WooCommerce cart abandonment workflow will look

Now a dynamic coupon will be sent to the users who have abandoned their cart with a total value of more than $50.

Tracking and Measuring WooCommerce Abandoned Carts

Track stats so that you know how many carts getting abandoned and how many of those are being recovered.

Knowing your numbers will help you tweak your strategy.

Maybe you find out that offering a higher percentage discount will be a better strategy for you- then be it, do that.

Maybe it pays off to write product-aware abandonment emails.

Here's where you can see the analytics for cart abandonment:

Analytics in FunnelKit Automations to track your abandoned carts

These stats will help you take your cart abandonment strategy to the next level.

No room is left for any confusion.

Crazy-Good WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Email Examples to Get Inspired

We studied several cart abandonment emails that you can refer to.

And we've created a mini-library of some well-written emails that deserve a mention.

1. The reminder email (checking in)

The first WooCommerce cart abandonment email example is from the popular store, Top Shop, who sends this email to customers abandoning their carts.

The good thing about this email is that it looks nice and simple.

The email serves as an instant reminder to users that their cart is saved and they are so close to getting their favorite item.

Cart abandonment example from Top Shop

They've included the phone number too, so if someone wants to get in touch, they have the option!

The ‘Continue Shopping’ button takes people straight back to their cart.

2. Product-aware abandonment email

Here's an example of a well-written product-aware recovery email from Beardbrand:

WooCommerce Cart abandonment example - product aware email from Beardbrand

The major plus point of this email is the P.S. section that gives a stamp of approval to the product they intend to buy.

Being able to send product-aware emails is an important use case that you can achieve through FunnelKit Automations.

Personalization will increase your recovery rates against your WooCommerce abandoned carts.

3. Incentive email for abandoned users

Another brilliant WooCommerce cart abandonment email example from Morphe.

They're offering an incentive in the form of a 20% discount:

WooCommerce cart abandonment example from Morphe

It's a pretty decent attempt at converting visitors. But you must note that their system will send this discount email to just about everyone - whether their cart total is $50 or $20.

You can change that in FunnelKit Automations.

4. Cart abandonment email offering free shipping

What a brilliantly well-written email from Rudy’s!

This email is offering free shipping as an incentive for customers to complete their purchase:

WooCommerce Cart abandonment email example - offering free shipping

It uses the catchy heading - ‘Don’t put this off like a software update’.

Secondly, the email is short, crisp and to the point; there are no unnecessary images or HTML content.

Finally, the free shipping coupon that is about to expire - conveys a built-in urgency.

Overall quite an action-producing email, and we’re sure it converts high too!

5. Checkout page-aware abandonment email

We’re incredibly impressed by this email from Billy Gene. It's very contextual and serves as a powerful reminder.

This email literally came within the first hour of abandoning the cart:

WooCommerce Cart abandonment email example - Checkout page-aware abandonment email

Do you know what works in favor of this email?

The user is instantly able to connect the dots and know what they need to do next.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery and Emails

Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions about cart abandonment recovery in WooCommerce:

1. What is cart abandonment recovery for WooCommerce?

Cart abandonment recovery for WooCommerce is a strategy to recover lost sales when shoppers abandon their carts and leave without completing the purchase.

2. Does WooCommerce have abandoned cart?

Yes, WooCommerce has abandoned carts. But, you have to install an extension plugin for $59 that lets you send cart abandonment emails only.

However, FunnelKit is an all-in-one CRM that lets not only lets you set up the smart abandoned cart recovery system. But also, you can automate your entire WooCommerce store, send email/SMS broadcasts, and more.

3. How do I find abandoned carts in WooCommerce?

WooCommerce alone doesn’t have the feature to provide details about abandoned carts without an additional extension.

However, you can see these details in FunnelKit Automations. Go to the ‘Carts’ section in FunnelKit Automations - Under the ‘Recoverable’ carts - you'll see this:

This is the section where you can see all the data about your recoverable, already recovered and lost carts, along with details such as contact name, email ID, date the user abandoned the cart, items in the cart, cart total, status, and more.

This is how you can check your WooCommerce abandoned carts in FunnelKit Automations.

4. How do I send abandoned cart emails in WooCommerce?

You can send abandoned cart emails in WooCommerce with FunnelKit Automations. It lets you track abandoned carts, set up abandoned cart automated sequences with timed delays, coupons, actions, conditions, goals, and more.

Ready to Create Your WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Strategy?

Cart abandonment is a serious issue for everyone —some business owners acknowledge it, while others ignore it.

In this post, we helped you acknowledge it and understand the concrete steps to combat it. 

While various plugins offer cart recovery solutions, they aren’t as flexible as FunnelKit Automations.

FunnelKit Automations is the best automation builder plugin in the market, and it keeps WooCommerce as the priority.

You can set up all kinds of automated workflows, such as cart abandonment, post-purchase follow-ups, welcome sequences, shipping-related automations, and more.

With pre-built automation recipes, discount coupon creation, advanced rule-based workflows, and many more features, FunnelKit Automations is the best WooCommerce cart abandonment plugin that you can wish for.  

Here's to recovering abandoned carts and dollars with your WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery strategy!

Put a smart cart abandonment email sequence into play, today >>

Author: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.