Wampserver Free Download 3.2.0

October 18, 2019 - Romain Bourdon (Free)
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WampServer Filehippo is an application that comes in handy to help programmers in handling the design of various web applications with Apache. It comes with an interface that is simply intuitive for all users that local server that runs as a client platform. WAMP Stands for “Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.” It is a variation of LAMP for Windows systems and is often installed as a software bundle (Apache, MySQL, and PHP). It is often used for web development and internal testing, but may also be used to serve live websites.

The most important part of the WAMP package is Apache (or “Apache HTTP Server”) which is used to run the webserver within Windows. By running a local Apache web server on a Windows machine, a web developer can test webpages in a web browser without publishing them live on the Internet.

How do web servers work?

Web server software is accessed through the domain names of websites and ensures the delivery of the site’s content to the requesting user. The software side is also comprised of several components, with at least an HTTP server. The HTTP server is able to understand HTTP and URLs. As hardware, a web server is a computer that stores web server software and other files related to a website, such as HTML documents, images, and JavaScript files.

WampServer Filehippo Features

  • Pre-configured WAMP-System with Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Mercury/32 Mail-Server, and SQLite
  • Equally useful for developers as for productive usage thanks to switchable settings between security- and developer-functionality
  • Centralized GUI for all important features of the above applications
  • Assistant to operate the applications as a restricted user
  • Add-on system for reloading and integration of other applications (such as Tomcat, Python, SVN, etc.) from the network
  • 1-Click Installer for popular web applications such as phpBB, WordPress u.v.a.
  • Assistant for performance tuning with automatic Evaluation of the System configuration (number of CPUs, RAM, etc.)
  • Editor for the Windows HOSTS file to create “virtual domains”
  • Dynamic and automatic updates of individual components (Apache, MySQL, etc.) directly from the software
  • Focus on a lightweight and fast system – the complete setup consists of only a 33MB file

wamp server contains

Technologies Version
 Wampserver 3.1.7 64 bit x64
 Apache 2.4.37
PHP 5.6.40, 7.0.33, 7.1.26, 72.14, 7.3.1
MySQL 5.7.24
MariaDB 10.3.12
PhpMyAdmin 4.8.4
Admin 4.7.0
PhpSysInfo 3.2.10

Installing WampServer Installing WampServer

Download Wampserver

1. Downloading WampServer 1. Downloading WampServer

Download the installer file for the latest version of WampServer, and save the file to your computer.


Make sure you select the correct installer file for your version of Windows. If you don’t know if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit, right-click on My Computer, and then click Properties.


  • For Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8, look for System Type.
  • For Windows XP, look for x64 in the System description.

WampServer Filehippo Installation

2. Installing WampServer 2. Installing WampServer

To start the installation process, you need to open the folder where you saved the file, and double-click the installer file. A security warning window will open, asking if you are sure you want to run this file. Click Run to start the installation process.

Next, you will see the Welcome To The WampServer Setup Wizard screen. Click Next to continue the installation.


The next screen you are presented with is the License Agreement. Read the agreement, check the radio button next to I accept the agreement, then click Next to continue the installation.


Then, you will see the Select Destination Location screen. Unless you would like to install WampServer on another drive, you should not need to change anything. Click Next to continue.


The next screen you are presented with is the Select Additional Tasks screen. You will be able to select whether you would like a Quick Launch icon added to the taskbar or a Desktop icon created once the installation is complete. Make your selections, then click Next to continue.


Now, you will see the Ready To Install screen. You can review your setup choices, and change any of them by clicking Back to the appropriate screen if you choose to. Once you have reviewed your choices, click Install to continue.


WampServer Filehippo will begin extracting files to the location you selected.


Once the files are extracted, you will be asked to select your default browser. WampServer defaults to Internet Explorer upon opening the local file browser window. If your default browser isn’t IE, then look in the following locations for the corresponding .exe file:

  • Opera: C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe
  • Firefox: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozille Firefox\firefox.exe
  • Safari: C:\Program Files (x86)\Safari\safari.exe
  • Chrome: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

Select your default browser’s .exe file, then click Open to continue.


A default Windows Security Alert window will open, saying that Windows Firewall has blocked some features of the program. Check whether you want to allow Apache HTTP Server to communicate on a private or public network, then click Allow Access.

The Setup screen will appear next, showing you the status of the installation process.


Once the progress bar is completely green, the PHP Mail Parameters screen will appear. Leave the SMTP server as localhost, and change the email address to one of your choosing. Click Next to continue.


The Installation Complete screen will now appear. Check the Launch WampServer Now box, then click Finish to complete the installation.


You should see the WampServer icon appear in the systray on the right side of your taskbar.  You will see the green color icon and now you are all set ready to use Wampserver Filehippo on your Windows System.

