Kicklox - Plateforme de matching entre talents tech & porteurs de projets

Consultant Coach Agile Freelance H/F



MVP Coaching


Défense & Sécurité

Description De L'offre

Our group is constantly seeking for operational excellence within its teams. Ambitious objectives in terms of

agility, software security and cyber defence have been set for 2024.

In the context of a new project with Indonesian teams, the aim is to coach 10 Indonesian on software disciplines

to work as an agile squad.

Starting on February 1st, 2024, until the end of the year 2024, the coaching will include different skillsets which should be mastered to develop Minimum Viable Products with a strong digital culture.

We are looking for a support for coaching activities.

Missions à réaliser

The Indonesian team will be in France during the following time

Periods Of 2024

February 2024: gap analysis of a squad of 10 Indonesian people in France. The goal of this gap analysis is to

assess the maturity of a squad for developing a Minimum Viable Product in an agile way.

  • Prior alignment with our discipline referent on the action plans.
  • Identify current level of the squad (individually and collectively) through questionnaires & exercises, and deduce maturity scale for team.
  • Define kata / exercises to assess level of the squad.
  • Define a coaching plan for all topics to be addressed based on the gap (software craftmanship, agile, UX/UI, ...). The plan should be defined during the gap analysis and performed after
  • Fix SMART objectives to assess maturity & skill improvement trends.
  • This period will be referred as [GAP] in this document.

April, May, June 2024: Product maturity and solution assessment with the squad in France. The ramp-up of the

squad in developing a digital product with agility will be key there.

  • Animate or support the various workshops associated with software craftsmanship:
  • DevOps mindset, iterative and incremental development relying on tests, feedback, and refactoring,
  • Define and conduct katas with the software development team to improve software development principles, practices & mindsets,
  • Support on modern clean architecture
  • Guide and provide "on the job" support / coaching on how to develop software with agility, from a user story estimated “READY” to tested “DONE”.
  • Animate or support the various workshops associated with user centric approaches for software solutions:
  • User experience design process, approach and methodologies (UX interviews, UX testing, ...),
  • Conduct UX activities and help the designer and the MVP team integrate a user centered approach, to define and design a solution that brings value to users in an MVP context,
  • Guide and provide "on the job" support / coaching on design methods applied in an MVP context, from early UX research performed (before starting development) to ideation and research performed (usability testing) at the end of development and design methods applied.
  • Follow team during and between the workshops to support team’s ability to acquire concepts and operate

key activities.

  • This period will be referred as [FRAMING] in this document.

September, October, November 2024: Scoping and first development cycle of the MVP for the squad in France.

  • Help the team identifying the digital product scope to be developed,
  • Help the team identifying adequate technical solution,
  • Coach the team members according to software craftsmanship practices and user centric methods from the actual perspective of their digital product development and from the coaching plan defined in February.
  • This period will be referred as [MVP] in this document.

When Indonesian people will not be in France, activities will focus on:

  • Preparing the next coaching period materials,
  • Participate to discipline training activities to align with latest practices and contribute to improving discipline best practices,
  • This period will be referred as [MATERIAL] in this document.

The coaching activities used to evaluate individual and collective levels must combine theoretical courses & practical

exercises (e.g. kata/dojo) to learn by practicing concepts. Trainings for the coaching will be defined together with the

Head of Learning Path and Project Manager.

Concepts to be evaluated shall be related at least with one of the following pillars:

  • Defining a product (e.g. pillars of a digital product, design thinking, framing, MVP),
  • Do the right Thing (e.g. lean & product ownership, UX),
  • Do the Thing right (e.g. software craftmanship)
  • Working as a squad with agility (e.g. digital culture, agile methods & visual management).

Livrables attendus

[GAP] Profile characterization: check individual competency for each person (technical & Continuous cultural fit).

[GAP] Skill Gap Assessment: perform an initial collective competency check of the hired squad to make sure that all hired individuals can make a functioning squad and identify potential gaps.

[GAP] Identifying how to fill these gaps, building a coaching plan for the year so that the first

development achieves realistic goals.

[GAP] Kick-off the team building of the squad.

[GAP][FRAMING][MVP] Certificates after training completion

[GAP] Initiate ramp-up on discipline skills according to gap analysis improvement plan for

agile team – phase1

[GAP] Conduct an iteration of technological and product exploration, where the squad applies learnt concepts

[FRAMING] Software craftsmanship coaching Expert

[FRAMING] User centric methods coaching

[FRAMING] Pursue ramp-up on disciplines skills maturity for agile team – phase 2

[MVP] Animate workshops related to product scoping applying best practices and coach team around workshops

[MVP] Provide technical and methodological guidance during MVP first cycle of development

[MVP] Pursue ramp-up on disciplines skills maturity for agile team – phase 3.

NX Skills

  • Knowledge about Minimum Viable Product Expert development,
  • Expertise in coaching members of agile teams (software craftsmanship, agility,
  • UX/UI)
  • Pedagogic skills,
  • Autonomous to coach a team and to react to squad’s level,
  • Cope with cultural differences and adapt to change,
  • Right adaptation of communication style,
  • English language is mandatory,
  • Knowledge on South Pacific Asian or Indonesian culture is a plus.


  • Date de démarrage : dès que possible
  • Date de fin : 20-12-2024
  • Candidats recherchés : 1
  • Expérience : 4+ ans
  • Type de contrat : Freelance / Indépendant, Temps complet
  • Rémunération : 310 € - 1000 € par jour selon expérience
  • Mode de facturation : Assistance technique
  • Localisation : Paris, France
  • Pas de frais à engager par le freelance

Les offres proposées sur Kicklox comprennent généralement des caractéristiques et avantages classiques :

  • Journée de travail de 8h du lundi au vendredi (en particulier pour les CDI)
  • Primes et gratifications trimestrielles et/ou mensuelles
  • Tickets restaurant
  • Mutuelle d’entreprise

Le profil recherché

Compétences requises

Coach, agile, Cultural Adaptation

Description Du Profil

  • Expertise in coaching members of agile teams (software craftsmanship, agility, UX/UI)
  • Pedagogic skills,
  • Autonomous to coach a team and to react to squad’s level,
  • Cope with cultural differences and adapt to change,
  • Right adaptation of communication style,
  • English language is mandatory,
  • Knowledge on South Pacific Asian or
  • Indonesian culture is a plus.


Français, Anglais


Coach Agile

À propos de l'entreprise

Les secteurs d'activité

Aéronautique, Spatial, Défense & Sécurité, Services & Systèmes d'Informations

Taille de l'entreprise

> 2000 salariés
  • Niveau hiérarchique

    Premier emploi
  • Type d’emploi

  • Fonction

    Management de projet et Responsable produit
  • Secteurs

    Fabrication pour l’aérospatiale et la défense

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