Thomas Spitz

Paris, Île-de-France, France Coordonnées
3 k abonnés + de 500 relations

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Expérience et formation

  • Albert School

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Licences et certifications


  • Master Thesis: How could Blockchain change our organisations, our money and our economy ?

  • Master Thesis: From media planning to audience planning. How would Real Time Bidding affect Ad Targeting ?

  • Google Online Marketing Challenge


    My group and I took part to the International Google Onlie Marketing Challenge 2016.

    The challenge requires to find a company and drive a SEA campagne for her on Google Adwords with a budget of 250€.
    We prospected and decide to work with Lulu Yasmine, an Indonesian Fashion Brand.

    The chosen strategy was to drive targeted trafic on the web site.
    In 3 weeks we realized:
    308 clics, 20013 impressions, 0.81€ CPC and 1.53% of CTR.
    Thanks to those performances we've been…

    My group and I took part to the International Google Onlie Marketing Challenge 2016.

    The challenge requires to find a company and drive a SEA campagne for her on Google Adwords with a budget of 250€.
    We prospected and decide to work with Lulu Yasmine, an Indonesian Fashion Brand.

    The chosen strategy was to drive targeted trafic on the web site.
    In 3 weeks we realized:
    308 clics, 20013 impressions, 0.81€ CPC and 1.53% of CTR.
    Thanks to those performances we've been ranked in "strong" category (3d of 9 totals categories).

    Other creators
    See project

Prix et distinctions

  • Winner of the Blockchain Hackathon by Groupe Casino – 2018 Edition


    Ecole 42 – Project then incubated at Station F

    Innovative start-up creation competition about Blockchain that lasted 48h. Two topics proposed: Supply Chain & Customer Loyalty.

    Prizewinner selected by a jury composed of Groupe Casino’s top management (COO, Head of Innovation Department, Head of Marketing…) and Blockchain Partners, among around 100 participants working on 20 different projects.

    Link of a making-off by one of the teams:

  • Winner Hackathon Réseau-GES 2016

    Réseau GES

    My groupe, and I took part and win the GES Hakathon 2016.

    This challenge regrouped 120 students of the school network - management & web development specialists.

    The aim of this Hackathon was to present a proof of concept of a mobile application for Sports.
    My team and I, had 4 days to work on:
    - develop the App (Android language)
    - Competitive Intelligence
    - Design and all the characteristics
    - Business model & business plan
    - Communication Plan (Social Media…

    My groupe, and I took part and win the GES Hakathon 2016.

    This challenge regrouped 120 students of the school network - management & web development specialists.

    The aim of this Hackathon was to present a proof of concept of a mobile application for Sports.
    My team and I, had 4 days to work on:
    - develop the App (Android language)
    - Competitive Intelligence
    - Design and all the characteristics
    - Business model & business plan
    - Communication Plan (Social Media, Crowd-funding, Viral Video)
    - develop a showcase site web
    - Install analytic tracking (Google analytic)
    - Imagine a marketplace


  • French

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • English

    Capacité professionnelle complète

  • Indonésien


  • German


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