

Services et conseil en informatique

Paris, Paris - Issy-les-Moulineaux 444 672 abonnés

Discover your full potential with Sogeti. #BecomeYourBest

À propos

Sogeti est l’un des leaders des services de technologie et d’ingénierie. Sogeti propose des solutions permettant d’accélérer la transformation digitale et offre des expertises pointues dans les domaines du Cloud, de la Cybersécurité, du Digital Manufacturing, de l’Assurance Qualité et du Testing, et des nouvelles technologies. Sogeti allie agilité et rapidité de mise œuvre, et s’appuie sur des partenariats technologiques forts, des méthodologies innovantes, et son modèle global de prestations de services Rightshore®. Présente dans 15 pays avec plus de 100 implantations en Europe, aux Etats-Unis et en Inde, la société réunit plus de 25 000 collaborateurs. Sogeti est une filiale à 100% de Cap Gemini S.A., coté à la Bourse de Paris. Plus d’informations sur Rightshore® est une marque du groupe Capgemini.

Site web
Services et conseil en informatique
Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Paris, Paris - Issy-les-Moulineaux
Société cotée en bourse
Fondée en
Application Services, Testing, Business Intelligence, Design and Engineering, Web Content Management, Security, Mobile, Cloud, Digital Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Cognitive QA, IoT, Cybersecurity, Analytics, Business Assurance, Automation et Generative AI


Employés chez Sogeti


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    444 672  abonnés

    🕰️Time. It’s our most precious asset, and it’s what Generative AI promises to give us back. How do you get the most of emerging Gen AI technologies, while maintaining quality across your organization? Leverage the Gen AI Amplifier Software & Quality Engineering – an accelerator that combines decades of Sogeti’s quality engineering expertise with a Gen AI tool stack of course! 🚀 What will the Gen AI Amplifier do for your organization? 💡 • Optimize end-to-end quality engineering for your software creation and modernization journey. • Accelerate processes and enhance development and testing capabilities. • Integrate multiple LLMs within a secure architecture framework and Gen AI guardrails. Ready to get started? #QualityReimagined #GenAIAmplifier #GenAI #QualityEngineering #ElevateYourPossible

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    444 672  abonnés

    🚀 Elevating business assurance to new heights! Did you know that 56% of organizations align their strategic goals, products, and value streams? Transform your testing function for optimal business outcomes. 🌐 Enhance assurance with value stream mapping, aligning processes with customer objectives. Improve performance by embracing change and fostering continuous improvement. 🔗 Ready to drive success? Explore the report here – #WQR #WorldQualityReport #QualityEngineering

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    📔 New report alert!   How can organizations realize the full potential of #GenAI for software engineering?   🔍 Read Capgemini Research Institute's latest report "Turbocharging software with Gen AI". Gather insights from over 1000 software professionals in large, global organizations and explore the major criteria you need to consider when implementing Gen AI in software engineering.   Download now 👉   #GenerativeAI #SoftwareEngineering #GenAIAmplifier #QualityReimagined

    Turbocharging software with Gen AI

    Turbocharging software with Gen AI

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Sogeti, visuel

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    🚀 Are test design techniques useless in SAP testing? Think again! SAP testing isn't just about running tests; it's about strategic testing. Key users bring invaluable business insights, while techniques like Equivalence Partitioning and Path Testing provide structure. This combination ensures thorough coverage and minimizes risks. Ready to level up your SAP testing? Learn more with our blog today! 👇 #SAPBusinessAssurance #SAP #QualityAssurance #BusinessTransformation

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    🚀 Revolutionize your testing with Gen AI Amplifier! The Gen AI Amplifier is here to revolutionize your software testing landscape. By automating processes and integrating multiple LLMs within a secure framework, we enhance your development and testing capabilities like never before. Ready to take your quality engineering to the next level? Join us in exploring how the Gen AI Amplifier can transform your organization’s software journey. #QualityReimagined #GenAIAmplifier #GenAI #QualityEngineering #ElevateYourPossible 

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    In this #TechieTales, we explore how technology seamlessly integrates into our lives, blending comfort with innovation at home. 📲 Today's living rooms have voice-controlled AI assistants, automated lighting, and an HVAC control system that harmoniously coexist with classic furniture and decor. Smart technology has revolutionized how we utilize our living space, marrying modern convenience with timeless coziness. 🏡 #TechTuesday #TechLife #SmartHomeHarmony

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    🚀 In partnership with Sogeti, Neste has successfully migrated its SAP platform to the cloud. Neste aims to improve cyber security and scalability and align the systems with the company's sustainability goals. The collaboration between Neste and Sogeti in migrating SAP platforms from on-premises data centers to the public cloud has proven successful. 🤝Sogeti, together with other partners, formed a collaborative team that combined technical and industry-specific expertise with extensive experience in major digital transformation projects. Operating in a complex and integrated environment, transition dependencies on other projects were effectively managed with a pragmatic approach. Marko Mäki-Ullakko, Head of ERP Transformation, Neste, states: "Playing an important role in the SAP to Azure migration, Sogeti ensured that business-critical environments were migrated to the cloud with high quality and risk minimization by conducting thorough testing." 🌍Learn more about our successful collaboration: #SogetiClientSpotlight #CloudMigration #ITTransformation #Sustainability #ERP #Azure #SAPBusinessAssurance #Testing

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    Is your organization keeping pace with the evolving tech landscape? Is your application modernization strategy ready for the future? 🚀 Partnering with Microsoft, Sogeti builds scalable solutions that modernize your cloud application environment, making your app operations secure, your processes cost-effective, and your customer experience better.📱   To learn more about how we empower organizations through each stage of their #AppModernization 👉 #GenAI #innovation #SogetiModernApp #Cloud

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    🔍 SAP Game Changer: The Test Strategy! Don’t let your SAP project falter—a killer test strategy is your secret weapon. It spots risks early, ensures compliance, and sharpens system quality.  👋 Say goodbye to last-minute glitches and hello to smooth go-lives. Save big by avoiding rework and align all stakeholders with crystal-clear expectations.  Want to know how? Check out our latest blog - #SAP #Testing #QualityAssurance

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    444 672  abonnés

    Martijn Cremer is CX&D Lead Software Architect bij Sogeti.💻 Hij weet alles over Platform engineering & Developer Experience. Hieronder vertelt hij wat dit is en wat je er mee kan!⬇️ Met de opkomst van DevOps en zelfstandige teams wordt de behoefte aan T-shaped professionals steeds duidelijker. Platform engineering speelt hierop in door niet elk team zelf verantwoordelijk te maken voor snelle en efficiënte softwareontwikkeling, maar door een of een klein aantal teams te benoemen als centers of excellence. Deze teams helpen ontwikkelaars efficiënter te worden door een robuust fundament van tools en processen te bouwen, waardoor ontwikkelaars zich kunnen concentreren op innovatie terwijl automatisering de levering versnelt. Bij Sogeti leggen we vooral de nadruk op het helpen standaardiseren van ontwerpen en werkprocessen, en op het bespreken van hoe release- en softwarekwaliteitsvalidatie op zo veel mogelijk geautomatiseerde wijze kunnen worden uitgevoerd. Is Platform engineering meer dan techniek?🤔 Platform engineering omvat meer dan alleen techniek. Het brengt ook een verandering in de bedrijfscultuur met zich mee, waarbij de nadruk komt te liggen op samenwerking, innovatie en voortdurende verbetering. Deze cultuur stimuleert teams om over afdelingsgrenzen heen te werken, nieuwe technologieën te verkennen en processen voortdurend te herzien om ze te optimaliseren. Het bevordert een omgeving waarin fouten worden gezien als leermomenten en waar individuen en teams verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor hun bijdragen. Transparantie, open communicatie en een klantgerichte aanpak zijn essentieel in zo'n cultuur. Een dergelijke cultuur legt de basis voor het succes van platform engineering, leidt tot efficiëntere softwarelevering en verhoogt de tevredenheid van zowel medewerkers als klanten. Wil je mee weten over Java development bij sogeti?↪️ Bekijk dan deze pagina: #java #development #Sogeti #platformengineering


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