Sarus (YC W22)

Sarus (YC W22)

Produits logiciels de sécurité des données

Privacy layer for Analytics & AI

À propos

At Sarus, we believe that the potential of AI can only be realized if it does not come at the cost of privacy. This is why we are developing a privacy layer to let Enterprises and Public organizations unleash the full potential of sensitive data, and do research, analytics and AI while keeping data safe. With Sarus, data scientists and analysts work on data without ever seeing it. Compliance is streamlined, data value unlocked from day one and security maximal, especially in the fields of healthcare, finance, and sustainable cities. Our solution implements the latest research in privacy-preserving technology, namely differential privacy, remote execution and synthetic data. Sarus was founded in 2019 by three seasoned entrepreneurs with strong engineering and scientific backgrounds. Since then, we have raised over €3M, delivered breakthrough science, hired an outstanding team, published innovative approaches to privacy-preserving AI, built a product and signed first clients. Interested in joining the adventure? Reach out to us! All our job offers are here:

Site web
Produits logiciels de sécurité des données
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
ai, privacy, data, compliance, data protection, machine learning, software, security et data governance


Employés chez Sarus (YC W22)


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    1 903  abonnés

    New week, new post on #privacy in #AI from Sarus (YC W22). Using a synthetic dataset of fake symptoms and corresponding diagnoses expressed in natural language, we explored whether #Mistral7B can produce accurate diagnoses just by fine-tuning it on text. - Good news: The model performs well as a doctor 👩⚕️. - Bad news: The model memorizes 🐘 a lot of irrelevant, yet private, information about individuals in the dataset. Next week's post will show how to overcome this limitation 👌. Mistral AI

    Fine-tuning Mistral 7B with QLoRA for new knowledge learning

    Fine-tuning Mistral 7B with QLoRA for new knowledge learning

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Sarus (YC W22), visuel

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    Can a pre-trained #LLM learn a new skill from a bunch of private documents? 🤔 How does #RAG perform on these tasks? What about #FineTuning? ❓ Testing and benchmarking with public datasets can be misleading since they might have been used to pre-train the base #LLM itself 🪞. To address this, Sarus (YC W22) generated a synthetic dataset of conversations between patients and doctors, specifically for testing and benchmarking private knowledge understanding. Explore the dataset on Hugging Face and see how it can enhance your LLM's capabilities: New releases will be published on a regular basis as this dataset may be used to train the next iteration of #gpt or Mistral AI ...

    An open-source dataset to test LLM private knowledge understanding

    An open-source dataset to test LLM private knowledge understanding

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Sarus (YC W22), visuel

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    Navigating Privacy in RAG-Based Architectures 🌐 Are you deploying Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems? Here’s what you need to know to safeguard #dataprivacy and #security: 1. Handle sensitive prompts: mask identifiers and ensure user data is protected. 2. Secure knowledge bases: implement access controls and filter sensitive information. 3. Protect training data: use #differentialprivacy to maintain compliance and security. 4. Ensure overall compliance: address data security at each stage with a zero-trust approach. 🔗 Dive deeper into these crucial strategies to mitigate risks and secure your RAG applications. (link in the comments) #Privacy #RAG #DataSecurity #AI #Compliance #GenAI #GenerativeAI

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    Generate Time-Series Synthetic Data with OpenAI's Fine-Tuning API ⏲ Unlock the potential of your time-series data by leveraging OpenAI's Fine-Tuning API. We've published an insightful guide to help you seamlessly generate synthetic data while ensuring privacy and efficiency. 💡 What you can expect to learn: 1. Enhance privacy and security with synthetic data. 2. Rapid generation using OpenAI's Fine-Tuning API. 3. Practical examples and code snippets included. 4. Applications across various industries. Discover how Sarus (YC W22) can elevate your data projects and help you: - Achieve privacy compliance. - Enhance data utility without compromising security. - Optimize AI integration with synthetic data. Full blog post in comments! #AI #SyntheticData #Privacy #OpenAI #DataSecurity #TechInnovation

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  • Sarus (YC W22) a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Wavestone, visuel

    141 516  abonnés

    🌟 And the new Shake Up accelerated startups are... Since 2016, we've successfully accelerated around 50 startups including Yuka, Beekast, Whispli, and Tolv. Now, we're thrilled to announce our latest call for projects focused on Artificial Intelligence, led by our co-founders Eva Rosilio, Mathilde Peyret and the project team. After reviewing more than 45 applications in categories like trusted AI, ethical AI and social responsibility, disruptive AI Business Model, our expert jury selected 3 winners: 🏆 UncovAI, introduces an innovative platform for detecting Generative AI Content, offering a blend of efficiency and sustainability. 🏆 Naaia, first AIMS® on the market in Europe, it is the solution for governance and management of AI systems without ethical or compliance compromises. 🏆 Sarus (YC W22), the privacy layer that unleashes the full potential of sensitive data. Do research, analytics, or AI while keeping data safe. 👏 Congratulations to these groundbreaking startups for joining our accelerator and pushing the boundaries of AI! 🚀 And thanks again to the jury: Valentin BlanchotCaroline ChopinaudAdrian DanChadi HantoucheMatthias HoullierMaximilien Moulin, Charlie Perreau, Marianne Tordeux Bitker

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Sarus (YC W22), visuel

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    🚀 Enhancing Privacy with Easy PII Replacement for AI APIs 🚀 Integrating AI features from OpenAI, Mistral AI, or Anthropic into your applications can be challenging when managing Personally Identifiable Information (#PII). We published a step by step guide on how you can seamlessly handle PII replacement, ensuring privacy without compromising on the functionality. 🔑 Key Takeaways: - Understand the challenges of PII in AI applications and the necessity of efficient PII handling. - Learn how to implement PII replacement using various APIs, enhancing security while maintaining performance. - Get hands-on with detailed code snippets and practical examples to integrate these solutions into your projects effortlessly. - Explore the differences between OpenAI, Mistral, and Anthropic APIs, and discover best practices for each. Reach out to learn how Sarus (YC W22) Arena can help you: - Ensure compliance with data protection regulations. - Boost your application’s trustworthiness by safeguarding user data. - Gain insights into optimizing AI integration with robust privacy measures. Don't miss out on making your AI applications both powerful and privacy-compliant (full blogpost in the comments). #AI #Privacy #DataProtection #OpenAI #Mistral #Anthropic #TechInnovation #DataSecurity

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Sarus (YC W22), visuel

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    If you're considering integrating #GenAI into your organization, you've probably tested proprietary LLMs like OpenAI's #GPT4 or Anthropic's #Claude3. These models offer state-of-the-art results in few-shot learning tasks and are remarkably user-friendly. However, when moving to production, the challenges of #compliance and #privacy become paramount. Simply "throwing customer (or patient) data" to any #AI isn't feasible. Addressing #privacy concerns can be complex, but one effective approach is using smaller, fine-tuned models with privacy-preserving techniques like #DPSGD. Though it may seem less glamorous compared to GPT-4 or Claude-3, models such as #XLNet, #DistilBERT, and #T5 can, in fact, be: - More cost-effective - Faster in performance - Fully within your control - Potentially more accurate with the right training data And for tasks such as classification, small models clearly dominate: If you are looking for privacy-preserving solutions to your AI problems, please reach-out to us: Sarus (YC W22)

    David vs. Goliath in AI

    David vs. Goliath in AI

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    The European Data Protection Board's report on ChatGPT’s #privacy #compliance is out! Here are our main takeaways. ✅ Lawfulness of processing: “Web scraping” used by OpenAI to collect training data poses significant risks to fundamental rights, hence OpenAI must balance its legitimate interests with data subjects' rights and implement safeguards, such as data filtering and anonymization. Also, data subjects should be clearly informed that prompt data may be used for training. ⚖️ Fairness: The principle of fairness under GDPR requires that OpenAI, not users, bear the responsibility for ensuring compliance, instead of transferring the risk to data subjects through terms and conditions, in case for instance data subjects include some personal information in the prompt. 🎯 Data accuracy & hallucinations: Maintaining data accuracy is essential, particularly as AI models might produce outputs that users perceive as factual. Transparent communication about the probabilistic nature of AI outputs is necessary to avoid misinformation. 📢 Rights of the data subjects: Data subjects must be able to exercise their rights easily, including accessing, rectifying, or deleting their data. OpenAI is encouraged to continue improving the accessibility and effectiveness of these rights by implementing appropriate measures, to comply with GDPR. These insights are vital for understanding the intersection of #GenAI development and data protection, ensuring ethical and lawful practices in the tech industry. At Sarus (YC W22), we solve privacy for genAI applications, whether you use ChatGPT or do it in-house. Curious to know more? Reach out! #privacy #GDPR #OpenAI #compliance


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    We are thrilled to be featured in Wavestone's 2024 map of cyber startups! 🎉 At Sarus (YC W22), our mission is to unlock the full potential of AI while prioritizing security, responsibility, and ethics. We ensure that private information remains protected at all times. It's never too late to implement the highest standards of data protection for AI and analytics. Take the first step towards secure and responsible AI by booking a demo today! #AI #DataProtection #CyberSecurity #Startup

    Voir le profil de Gerome Billois, visuel
    Gerome Billois Gerome Billois est un Influencer

    Partner - Cybersecurity and Digital Trust - Wavestone

    💥#MustRead Radar des startups cyber 2024 : où en est l’innovation de France ? 🇫🇷👇 📊 La voilà en exclusivité pour #Vivatech, la nouvelle édition du radar des startups et scale-up cyber en France ! Un travail de plusieurs mois pour identifier, consolider et interviewer les structures innovantes de notre pays. Mais alors que retenir cette année ? 🚀 Une forte croissance du nombre de structures en France, avec plus de 50 nouvelles #startups et 11 #scaleups, ce qui nous amène à 265 structures d'innovation #cyber en France. 📉 En revanche, les levées de fonds décroissent : sur la période 2023/2024, nous sommes à 229 millions levés contre 341 sur la période précédente. Le nombre de levées est identique, mais leur montant moyen est en réduction et il y a moins de levée importante. Mouvement de fond ou difficulté temporaire ? Difficile à dire aujourd’hui, mais il faudra suivre de près. 💡 Le degré d'innovation des startups augmente, avec 53 % de nouvelles structures proposant des solutions disruptives (par rapport à une moyenne habituelle du marché de 40 %). 🤖 L'intelligence artificielle fait son entrée en force : nous passons de 3 startups impliquées sur la sécurisation de l'IA à 11 cette année. À noter que 17 % des startups cyber utilisent l'IA pour améliorer leur produit avec de nouvelles fonctions. Le tournant est bien amorcé dans notre écosystème ! 🔐 Les autres sujets d’actualité se focalisent sur la sécurité des PME/PMI, en particulier face à l'arrivée de la directive #NIS2, mais aussi sur la sécurité des données avec les enjeux à venir sur le quantique en particulier et les nouvelles solutions de chiffrement. Nous regrettons toujours le faible nombre de structures sur le sujet de la sécurité dans les produits, malgré le potentiel du marché dû aux exigences réglementaires en forte croissance. 👥 Presque 6000 emplois directs ! L’Île-de-France et la Bretagne restent en tête, mais la région de Lille les talonne. 📅 Le support sera en ligne mercredi à 10h30, vous y retrouverez encore plus de détails et d’analyse (vente à l’international, écosystème d’accompagnement…), lien à venir en commentaire ! 📌 À noter, la période analysée va de juin 2023 à mai 2024 et les critères pour définir les catégories sont explicités dans le support détaillé. Si vous connaissez des structures qui manquent, dites-le-nous en commentaire ou en message direct, nous les ajouterons si elle respectent les critères ! 🙏 Un grand merci à tous les contributeurs en particulier Samuel MANGIN, Jules HADDAD, Sébastien Montusclat, l’équipe Bpifrance / Wavestone mais aussi toutes les entreprises, incubateurs et programmes d’accélération qui nous ont répondus ! 👏 Et un énorme bravo à notre écosystème d’#innovation cyber !

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