Fabrication pour l’aérospatiale et la défense

Excellence at your side.

À propos

Première entreprise européenne de défense totalement intégrée, MBDA est un des leaders mondiaux des missiles et systèmes de missiles. Seul Groupe capable de répondre à toute la gamme des besoins opérationnels présents et futurs des trois armées (terre, marine et air), MBDA propose une gamme de 45 programmes de systèmes de missiles et de contre-mesures en service opérationnel et plus de 15 autres en développement. MBDA maîtrise tous les aspects des systèmes de missiles : guidage, pilotage, propulsion, commandement et contrôle, intégration aux plateformes, simulations et essais. Filiale commune de Airbus Group (37,5 %), BAE Systems (37,5 %), et Leonardo (25 %), la société regroupe plus de 11 000 collaborateurs (principalement en Europe) et réalise un chiffre d’affaires annuel de 3 milliards d'euros. La défense est un secteur hautement stratégique qui exige plus que de la performance technologique. Compréhension du besoin de nos clients, formulation d’une offre commerciale, études amont, conception, essais en vol, production, intégration, support client : toutes ces expertises sont indispensables pour délivrer à nos clients des solutions innovantes. MBDA en France ce sont 5 000 collaborateurs, plus de 100 métiers et un groupe unique. Si vous aussi vous souhaitez rejoindre MBDA en France et faire partie intégrante de la communauté de défense, alors consultez nos offres d'emploi sur : https://www.mbda-systems.com/jobs/

Site web
Fabrication pour l’aérospatiale et la défense
Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Systems Design, Mechanical, Electrical, Programmes, Project Management, RF / Microwave, Finance, Simulation, Human Factors, Algorithms, Trials, Test, Modelling, Aerodynamics, FPGA, EMC, Environmental et Software


Employés chez MBDA


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    212 458  abonnés

    The testing phase is a pivotal moment in the life of a missile. Our objective: to replicate a flight-like environment as closely as possible. #HWIL, short for ‘Hardware In the Loop’, plays a crucial role in #aerospace #engineering by integrating missile onboard equipment into a #simulation loop for comprehensive testing and validation. ✅ At MBDA, these simulations are vital for: • Testing and validating core functions such as Navigation, Control, and Guidance. • Evaluating safety features, control commands, and flight phase management logic. • Securing development firing trials. • Significantly contributing to the validation and qualification of the entire missile system. This is why HWIL is an essential component of #aerospace technology advancement: ensuring the safety and reliability of our #missilesystems before actual deployment.

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    212 458  abonnés

    At the NATO Summit held in Washington D.C., France, Germany, Italy and Poland stated their will for a sovereign precision deep strike capability, co-signing a "European Long Range Strike Approach" letter of intent. ✍️ European #defence needs strong #cooperation to develop new capabilities for its armed forces. This letter of intent marks a new step for #European industry, and a milestone in the acquisition of reliable and efficient deep strike solutions responding to the evolution of threats on the battlefield. MBDA has demonstrated unrivalled ability to leverage European expertise in developing such capabilities. The "European Long Range Strike Approach" letter of intent is a major opportunity to advance strategic European cooperation and foster innovation in defence, now and in the future. Only MBDA has the technologies, expertise and cross-border partnership to deliver European-designed deep strike systems enabling our armed forces to defend our values and freedoms.

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    212 458  abonnés

    🌐 MBDA attended the "Defence Industry Forum" held for the very first time during a NATO summit in Washington D.C., reaffirming our position as one of the world leaders in the #defence industry.     Thomas Gottschild, Executive Group Director Strategy, led the conversation about today’s challenging geostrategic context, and the role MBDA plays in supporting the armed forces around the world:    ▪️Ground-based air defence capabilities are pivotal to meet the evolution of the battlefield. MBDA systems such as Brimstone, SAMP/T, MISTRAL, Storm Shadow and Scalp-EG have proven their high military value in combat. ▪️While addressing the needs of a high-intensity conflict, we have been confronted to the high consumption of ammunition. This raises a new challenge for us: scaling and speeding up our production to meet the rising demand. MBDA takes its responsibilities: we are investing 2.4 billion euros from 2023 to 2028 to support our production rates, develop new equipment and strengthen our most valuable asset: people. This event highlights the increasing importance of the industrial dimension of defence for NATO and the allies, and the need to foster transatlantic #cooperation. It's part of MBDA's DNA to work hand-in-hand with international organisations and governments from our home nations and partners, to leverage our long-lasting expertise and ultimately, strengthen the global defence ecosystem. #NATOPA 

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    212 458  abonnés

    Artificial Intelligence & Data are key components of our activities and feed our #innovation strategy. It is crucial to foster the debate in order to stay ahead in #defence. 🎙️ This series about Open Innovation gives a voice to our experts to discuss #AI and #Data: today we are getting into details regarding the role of Data and AI in operational activities at MBDA. Through innovation and new technologies, we can build a stronger future for defence.

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    212 458  abonnés

    🤝 MBDA has received a contract from Germany to manufacture and supply #Brimstone 3 precision strike #missiles for the Bundeswehr’s #Eurofighter combat aircraft. A final assembly line and service centre will be set up at MBDA’s Schrobenhausen site. Eric Beranger, CEO of MBDA, highlighted that Germany's procurement of Brimstone 3 is a “decisive contribution to the harmonisation of armaments in Europe and the Bundeswehr's ammunition stockpile.” Brimstone 3 offers unmatched accuracy, effectiveness, and reliability, integrated onto various platforms including the Eurofighter, Eurodrone, MQ-9B, land vehicles, and helicopters. 🗞️ Learn more in the Press Release: https://fcld.ly/i9hz4w8

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    Discover REPPLIX, winner of our SMART VISIONS campaign, and their solution for industrial robots. SMART VISIONS is a programme started by MBDA to boost our new business activities, even outside the defence industry, giving a platform of #innovation for our collaborators to develop their #entrepreneurship projects. REPPLIX develops a #software solution for industrial #robots, based on reproduction of the human operator movements, in order to efficiently reduce the time spent on specific tasks, and robotise some meticulous actions. With the help of Smart Visions, REPPLIX has signed a contract with Atol CD to industrialise, sell, and support their solution.

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    212 458  abonnés

    Eurosatory was a success on many levels, and marked a milestone for #innovation and #cooperation within the #defence industry. For MBDA, it was an opportunity to showcase our latest technological breakthroughs such as #GroundWarden, reveal exciting new projects and partnerships and meet passionate people, whether on our booth or in the show’s #recruitment areas. (Re)discover the highlights of the show in our throwback video 🎬

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    Today is #InternationalWomenInEngineeringDay 👷♀️👩💻 Women have always contributed to the #defence industry, and crucial #innovation breakthroughs have been led by women engineers, who were pioneers of their domain and marked the history of defence. We are proud of every female collaborator in MBDA, and we encourage every aspiring young woman to join us and contribute, alongside other great pioneers, to the future of defence. #INWED2024

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    212 458  abonnés

    Meet the winner of our SMART VISIONS campaign, RIDLE: a resilient image codec. In the context of our new #entrepreneurship strategy, we launched the SMART VISIONS programme, giving MBDA the tools to develop new businesses, applied to the #defence industry and beyond. It gives our collaborators room for their innovative ideas and for their leadership to bloom. RIDLE is a bespoke #image codec, its mission is to incorporate the highest levels of resilience to encode and decode images and videos, ensuring data safety even when the bitstream suffers corruption during transmission. Thanks to SMART VISIONS, RIDLE has already filed 8 patents and keeps developing toward new #business opportunities for MBDA.

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    212 458  abonnés

    En cette dernière journée de salon à Eurosatory nous avons laissé les commandes à Louise et Camille, deux ingénieures de MBDA 🚀 Elles ont pu parcourir le salon à la (re)découverte de nos solutions, et surtout échanger avec différents interlocuteurs autour des enjeux de MBDA en matière de #recrutement, des engagements du groupe en matière de #diversité et #inclusion et du challenge que représente la #féminisation des métiers dans le secteur de la #défense. 🎙️ Merci à Benjamin et Federica, ainsi qu'à Laurence de l'association Elles bougent ! Retour sur cette journée riche au coeur du salon 🎬

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