

Commerce de gros de matériaux de construction

LYON Cedex 09, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 50 858 abonnés

we care | we act

À propos

Gerflor is a world global leader in the production and distribution of flooring, wallcovering and finishes. With 5.000 employees, 24 manufacturing plants, 5 R&D centres and 30 subsidiaries Gerflor provides its customers with design-driven, innovative and environmentally-friendly solutions in more than 120 countries. In 2023, Gerflor has achieved a turnover of 1,5 b€, with over 70% of sales in international markets. This performance is supported by a strong presence in multiple market applications : healthcare, housing, education, sport, transport, retail, industry, offices, public buildings and hospitality. And prestigious brands such as Taraflex®, Mipolam®, Taralay®, Gradus®, Romus®, SPM®, Connor Sports®, Sportcourt® and DLW®.

Site web
Commerce de gros de matériaux de construction
Taille de l’entreprise
1 001-5 000 employés
Siège social
LYON Cedex 09, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en


Employés chez Gerflor


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    50 858  abonnés

    Des sols sportifs réutilisables et plus éco-responsables ? C’est possible ! ♻️ À l’approche des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024, deux objectifs clés étaient au cœur de notre mission : offrir des sols sportifs plus respectueux de l’environnement et leur assurer une seconde vie après l'événement. Chez Gerflor, nous aimons relever des défis, surtout quand il s’agit d’éco-responsabilité. C'est ainsi que nous avons accepté ce challenge avec motivation ! Nous avons ainsi conçu des sols innovants, installés sans colle grâce à des bandes adhésives. Cette technique facilite non seulement leur réutilisation, mais aussi leur recyclage, contribuant à une approche plus durable et écologique. Nos sols, dont 75% sont fabriqués en France, contiennent en moyenne 40% de matériaux recyclés et sont 100% recyclables. Ils sont un bel exemple d'engagement en faveur de l'économie circulaire. Après les Jeux de Paris 2024, l’ensemble des sols utilisés seront réemployés dans des établissements sportifs ou scolaires, prolongeant ainsi leur vie utile et réduisant notre impact carbone. Qui sait ? Vous serez peut-être le prochain à fouler le sol des champions ! 🏃 We care/We act #Gerflor #WhereChampionsPlay #Paris2024 #Recyclage #Champions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reusable, eco-friendly sports floors? It's possible! ♻️ In the run-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, two key objectives were at the heart of our mission: to offer more environmentally-friendly sports floors and to ensure that they have a second life after the event. At Gerflor, we love a challenge, especially when it comes to eco-responsibility. That's why we accepted this challenge with motivation! We designed innovative floors, installed without glue thanks to adhesive strips. This technique not only facilitates their reuse, but also their recycling, contributing to a more sustainable and ecological approach. Our floors, 75% of which are manufactured in France, contain an average of 40% recycled materials and are 100% recyclable. They are a fine example of our commitment to the circular economy. After the Paris 2024 Games, all the floors we use will be reused in sports and educational facilities, prolonging their useful life and reducing our carbon footprint. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the next to walk on the floor of champions! 🏃 We care/We act #Gerflor #WhereChampionsPlay #Paris2024 #Recycling #Champions

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    50 858  abonnés

    🏐 Transformation d'un espace conventionnel en terrain de handball en un temps record ! 🕒   À l'approche des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, Gerflor démontre une fois de plus son expertise et sa capacité d'adaptation exceptionnelle.    En seulement trois jours, notre équipe technique a transformé un espace initialement dédié aux salons et conventions en un terrain de handball prêt pour la compétition olympique.   Cette prouesse technique souligne l'engagement de Gerflor à fournir des solutions de revêtements de sols sportifs de haute qualité, adaptées à tous les environnements et à toutes les échéances.    Notre équipe, forte de son expérience dans l'installation de sols pour de grands événements sportifs, a relevé le défi avec brio.   #Gerflor #Lesoldeschampions #Paris2024 #OlympicGames #Handball #Innovation #PortedeVersailles 🏐 Transforming a conventional space into a handball court in record time! 🕒   With the Paris 2024 Olympic Games just around the corner, Gerflor is once again demonstrating its expertise and exceptional ability to adapt.    In just three days, our technical team transformed a space initially dedicated to trade shows and conventions into a handball court ready for Olympic competition.   This technical achievement underlines Gerflor's commitment to providing high quality sports flooring solutions for all environments and all timescales.    Our team, with its experience of installing floors for major sporting events, rose to the challenge with flying colours.   #Gerflor #Wherechampionsplay #Paris2024 #OlympicGames #Handball #Innovation #PortedeVersailles

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    50 858  abonnés

    Another victory and an Olympic promise for the French Volleyball team! 🎉 26 days to go before the Games, the men's Volleyball team won the Nations League in Japan, adding another gold medal to their record. This last match before the Olympic Games was played on Gerflor floors, reinforcing our commitment to excellence. Seeing these champions play on our surfaces and achieve such a performance is a great source of inspiration. Within the Group, we strive to provide the best conditions for athletes to perform at their best. Congratulations to the whole team on this achievement and their determination throughout the tournament! See you in a month's time for who knows... an Olympic double! FFVolley - Fédération Française de Volley / French Volley Federation, Volleyball World

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    50 858  abonnés

    FFVolley - Fédération Française de Volley / French Volley Federation well done ! The gold on our Taraflex Sports floor ! Let’s go for the Olympic Games ! #Gerflor #Paris2024 #Taraflex

    🥇 𝐕𝐍𝐋 : 𝐋𝐀 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑 ! 👀 L’équipe de France a remporté dimanche à Lodz la Volleyball Nations League pour la quatrième fois (après 2015 et 2017, quand elle s’appelait Ligue Mondiale, et 2022), victorieuse du Japon en quatre sets (25-23, 18-25, 25-23, 25-23). Une énorme performance qui la lance idéalement vers les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. 🗞️👉

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    50 858  abonnés

    Gerflor Supporteur Officiel des Jeux Paralympiques de Paris 2024 🤝 Du 28 août au 8 septembre, Paris vibrera au rythme des Jeux Paralympiques célébrant l'excellence sportive et l'engagement envers l'inclusion. Pour cet événement, Gerflor joue un rôle clé en équipant divers sites de compétition avec ses revêtements de sols performants pour le plus grand confort des athlètes ! Plusieurs disciplines sportives comme le volleyball assis, le boccia, le goalball, le rugby fauteuil ou encore le para badminton pourront profiter des sols confortables et ergonomiques Gerflor mis en place à cette occasion. Gerflor contribue à mettre en lumière les minorités invisibles et s’engage à soutenir tous les athlètes paralympiques. Gerflor, Where Champions Play #WhereChampionsPlay #Paris2024 #JeuxParalympiques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerflor Official Supporter of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games 🤝 From August 28 to September 8, Paris will vibrate to the rhythm of the Paralympic Games celebrating sporting excellence and commitment to inclusion. For this event, Gerflor is playing a key role by equipping various competition venues with its high-performance floor coverings for the athletes' utmost comfort! Several sporting disciplines such as seated volleyball, boccia, goalball, armchair rugby and para badminton will benefit from the comfortable and ergonomic Gerflor flooring installed for the occasion. Gerflor helps put the spotlight on invisible minorities and is committed to supporting all Paralympic athletes. Gerflor, Where Champions Play #WhereChampionsPlay #Paris2024 #ParalympicGames

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    50 858  abonnés

    Setting course for sustainable solar energy! ☀️ At Gerflor, we are taking a significant step towards decarbonizing our energy. Several production sites around the world, including facilities in France, Germany, China and Belgium, are now equipped with photovoltaic panels. This initiative marks an important step in our energy transition. By 2023, a total of 68,500 m² of solar panels have been installed across the globe. And this is just the beginning! Our objectives for 2025: ➡️ 50% decarbonized energy in our energy mix ➡️ 10% of our electricity from photovoltaic panels in France In 2024 and 2025, we'll be building on this momentum with new photovoltaic facilities planned in France (Saint Paul and Dinac). Stay connected! We care, we act #EnergyTransition #Gerflor #Decarbonization

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    50 858  abonnés

    Gerflor is back on Facebook!  🎉 Want even more news about the Group? Our Facebook page is back! What's on this page? ➡️ A digest of news; ➡️ inspiration for your projects; ➡️ events not to be missed; ➡️ sports highlights, especially as official supporters of Paris 2024; ➡️ product presentations; ➡️ eco-friendly initiatives and much more! On your likes, join us now 👉 #Gerflor #WhereChampionsPlay #ComeBack #News

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    50 858  abonnés

    Well done to Pauline Chalenconçon for carrying the torch! We are proud to have employees who represent our values for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. #Wherechampionsplay #Wecarrytheflame #Paris2024

    Hier, le Relais de la Flamme a traversé la Drôme et ses panoramas époustouflant avant de s’achever en beauté à Valence !🔥 Anne-Sophie Pic cheffe la plus étoilée au monde a terminé son relais en embrasant le chaudron dans sa ville natale !✨ Pour suivre le relais rendez-vous sur : Paris 2024 / Germain Hazard, Cédric Bufkens, Johan Sonnet / SIPA PRESS

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    50 858  abonnés

    ♻️ Who says you can't have a second chance? At Gerflor, recycling has been for decades a top priority. Since 1960 we have been recycling our production waste within our factories. Since 2011, through our Second Life program, we have been collecting installation offcuts and end-of-life flooring at customers and recycling these materials, ensuring a closed-loop process. For efficient recycling we have created a joint venture with PAPREC GROUP, recycling experts, and created a dedicated recycling center for resilient flooring. The aim? 👉Recover your waste 👉Contribute to the circular economy In 2023, we have recycled 50,000 tons and are proud to be recycling leader in France for vinyl flooring. We care we act. #SecondLife #Gerflor #Recycling #FloorToFloor

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    50 858  abonnés

    From sport to art ... it's just a step! 🎾🎨 More tennis news : have you heard of Urban tennis? This free practice, accessible to all, aims to democratize tennis by making it available everywhere. With a 6x12-meter court, rackets and a foam ball, this discipline combines the urban spirit with the pleasure of the game. In fact, the sport Urban Tennis is even supported by the Fédération Française de Tennis. Since 2022, urban tennis has been supported by the Fédération Française de Tennis. To coincide with France's major tennis tournament, urban tennis courts came to life in Paris and were made available to the public. Made with our PowerGame Plus tiles, these courts were transformed into works of art by 3 French artists: Caroline Dervaux, Sébastien Preschoux and Arnaud Liard. The result? The courts boast colorful, dynamic designs and a stimulating playing experience. Our PowerGame Plus tiles offer a modular solution, made in France, available in 10 colors, that combines technical performance and aesthetics. Resistant to the most extreme weather conditions, they offer optimum comfort and reinforced protection, making renovation or creation of play areas quick and easy! 🚀 In blending sport with art, Gerflor proves that innovation knows no bounds. #Gerflor #Wherechampionsplay #Urbantennis

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