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Apr 12, 2001

In the last few years, Apple has spent billions of dollars attempting to develop its own modem chip to replace the Qualcomm modem chips that it uses in iPhones, but a new paywalled Wall Street Journal report suggests Apple's approach to the project has been dogged by unrealistic goals, a poor understanding of the challenges involved, and completely unusable prototypes.


Apple's plan to design its own in-house modem led to the hiring of thousands of engineers: Apple acquired the majority of Intel's smartphone modem business in 2019, and as it filled the project's ranks with Intel engineers and others hired from Qualcomm, company executives set a goal to have the modem chip ready for fall 2023.

The modem chip project was codenamed Sinope, after the nymph in Greek mythology who outsmarted Zeus.

However, "it soon became apparent to many of the wireless experts on the project that meeting the goal was impossible," according to the report.

The obstacles to finishing the chip were "largely of Apple's own making," according to former company engineers and executives familiar with the project who spoke to WSJ. Teams working on the project were "slowed by technical challenges, poor communication and managers split over the wisdom of trying to design the chips rather than buy them."

From the report:
Apple had planned to have its modem chip ready to use in the new iPhone models. But tests late last year found the chip was too slow and prone to overheating. Its circuit board was so big it would take up half an iPhone, making it unusable.

Teams were siloed in separate groups across the U.S. and abroad without a global leader. Some managers discouraged the airing of bad news about delays or setbacks from engineers, leading to unrealistic goals and blown deadlines.
Apple's ability to design its own microprocessors for iPhones and iPads reportedly caused the company to think it could build modem chips. However, such chips transmit and receive wireless data from various types of wireless networks, and must comply with strict connectivity standards to serve wireless carriers around the world, making them a significantly more challenging undertaking.
"Just because Apple builds the best silicon on the planet, it's ridiculous to think that they could also build a modem," said former Apple wireless director Jaydeep Ranade, who left the company in 2018, the year the project began.
Executives reportedly better understood the challenge after Apple tested its prototypes late last year. The results were so poor that the chips were "essentially three years behind Qualcomm's best modem chip," and using them threatened to make iPhone wireless speeds slower than its competitors, according to people familiar with the tests who spoke to WSJ.

Apple was forced to settle its lawsuit with Qualcomm and has since used Qualcomm 5G modem chips for its latest ‌iPhone‌ and iPad lineups. As it stands, 2025 may be the soonest that the technology is finally advanced enough for Apple to phase out Qualcomm, according to the report's sources.

"These delays indicate Apple didn't anticipate the complexity of the effort," said Serge Willenegger, a former longtime Qualcomm executive who spoke to WSJ. "Cellular is a monster." Underlining the significance of Apple's setback, the company last week extended its agreement to obtain modems from Qualcomm for three more years.

Article Link: WSJ: Apple's 5G Modem Prototypes 'Three Years Behind Qualcomm's Best Chip'
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macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Too bad it didn’t work out.

The problem is we all expected Qualcomm would be like Intel and Apple would be like Apple and make an M2 equivalent for 5G modems.

Turns out Qualcomm already makes the M2 of 5G modems and Apple is the Intel of 5G modems, quite literally buying Intel’s failing business. Not sure how they expected that one to work out?


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
Unless Apple licenses Qualcomm patents so they use the technology in their own modem chips Apple will never have a modem chip that will come close to Qualcomm's modems. Apple has bitten off more than it can chew and their stubbornness to build their own modem chip rather than just pay to use Qualcomm's is costing Apple billions.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
Unless Apple licenses Qualcomm patents so they use the technology in their own modem chips Apple will never have a modem chip that will come close to Qualcomm's modems. Apple has bitten off more than it can chew and their stubbornness to build their own modem chip rather than just pay to use Qualcomm's is costing Apple billions.

It is literally the other way around, Qualcomm goes out of business if Apple stops using their chip! Never say never!


macrumors member
Jun 26, 2020
On the flip side Qualcomm were probably worried seeing how good apple silicon was so doubled down and made their modems even better and harder for Apple to surpass which is a win for the consumer never great when a monopoly isn’t threaten they rest on their laurels


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2016
Unless Apple licenses Qualcomm patents so they use the technology in their own modem chips Apple will never have a modem chip that will come close to Qualcomm's modems. Apple has bitten off more than it can chew and their stubbornness to build their own modem chip rather than just pay to use Qualcomm's is costing Apple billions.
Paying Qualcomm costs much more, plus by designing their own they can later improve on things and add future connectivity.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2016
Extremely embarrassing for Apple, but after all innovation is scarse these days at the company so it’s nothing to be surprised about.
Engineering work on silicon is not easy! I don't think it is embarrassing, if they have a prototype that is only three years behind the best. But, I expect them to work on improving the prototypes and we will see what we get in three years.
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macrumors regular
May 25, 2023
What’s embarrassing about it?
Company has hiccups on totally unannounced internal project.
…Like every other company in the world.
Well, Apple (1) claimed they would make their own modems, (2) bought Intel modem division, (3) sued Qualcomm for good measure, (4) miserably failed for reasons shown in the post, (5) retracted/settled their lawsuit so that (6) they could buy again from Qualcomm in the coming years. Mildly embarrassing imho.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
Intel and Qualcomm have been going head to head in the modem market for years and years. Intel have their patents, Qualcomm have theirs and in the end, those that wanted superior modem connectivity for their devices went to Qualcomm. Intel made good modems but not as good as Qualcomm and that still stands today. Obviously Apple has been looking at going it's own way for a number of years. They finally did it when they made their own CPU's and now they are trying to do it with modems. Intel knew a hell lot more about modem technology than Apple ever did and ever will do and still Intel could not get close to the quality of Qualcomm chips so what does Apple think it was going to be to do that Intel couldn't when Apple bought Intel's modem business. Apple could provide nothing to the table, they had not experience in modem technology and had no experts in it. They are still using modem experts from Intel, experts who failed to beat/compete with Qualcomm. They have got some ex Qualcomm employees and still they cannot come close to matching Qualcomm's chips. Why? because in my opinion it all comes down to the basic's of modem design and Qualcomm hold the patents that make for a very good basic modem.

Apple can spend billions and billion and billions. It wont make a blind bit of difference because to make their modems better they need to use basic modem design technology from patents that Qualcomm hold. Hence why Apple is trying to get two specific patents ruled invalid in the courts.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2014
It's a bit of a shame Apple wasn't able to execute successfully on this project - I think an in-house modem might have encouraged Apple to use it in more products and potentially cut prices on cellular products.

Or maybe I'm being naive and they would have simply enjoyed the extra margin from moving things in-house...


Sep 3, 2023
Extremely embarrassing for Apple, but after all innovation is scarse these days at the company so it’s nothing to be surprised about.
They had to work with Intel tech.

Apple Inc acquired P.A. Semi for $278 million in April 2008. The 1st iPhone chip from this purchase was launched more than 2 years later.

Apple making their own 5G/6G modems means cost savings and the ability to deploy cellular modems cheaply beyond iPhone, iPad, Watch, etc.


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
Intel and Qualcomm have been going head to head in the modem market for years and years. Intel have their patents, Qualcomm have theirs and in the end, those that wanted superior modem connectivity for their devices went to Qualcomm. Intel made good modems but not as good as Qualcomm and that still stands today. Obviously Apple has been looking at going it's own way for a number of years. They finally did it when they made their own CPU's and now they are trying to do it with modems. Intel knew a hell lot more about modem technology than Apple ever did and ever will do and still Intel could not get close to the quality of Qualcomm chips so what does Apple think it was going to be to do that Intel couldn't when Apple bought Intel's modem business. Apple could provide nothing to the table, they had not experience in modem technology and had no experts in it. They are still using modem experts from Intel, experts who failed to beat/compete with Qualcomm. They have got some ex Qualcomm employees and still they cannot come close to matching Qualcomm's chips. Why? because in my opinion it all comes down to the basic's of modem design and Qualcomm hold the patents that make for a very good basic modem.

Apple can spend billions and billion and billions. It wont make a blind bit of difference because to make their modems better they need to use basic modem design technology from patents that Qualcomm hold. Hence why Apple is trying to get two specific patents ruled invalid in the courts.

Let’s not pretend Intel had a good modem product or patents. Intel only began making modems because Apple convinced Intel’s CEO they needed to dual-source modems. Despite heavy marketing, Intel was never able to sell a single modem to anybody else except Apple.

The 5G patents are dominated by Huawei, Qualcomm, and Samsung.


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
It's a bit of a shame Apple wasn't able to execute successfully on this project - I think an in-house modem might have encouraged Apple to use it in more products and potentially cut prices on cellular products.

Or maybe I'm being naive and they would have simply enjoyed the extra margin from moving things in-house...

Some people naively believed Apple Silicon would bring down Mac prices. When Apple completes their 5G modem project, it’ll just add to their margins.
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