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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 28, 2008
I hope this doesn't come off too harsh. I am actually genuinely puzzled.

I read a lot of scientific pdfs for my job and a rely heavily on the annotation functions. One of the great things about switching to Mac (back in the Leopard days) was that Preview came built in and once SL happened this app was really great for annotations. Way better than dealing with slow clunky Adobe Reader.

So I never thought I would say this but with Mountain Lion I'm thinking of switching back to Adobe...

I've attached two pics to illustrate why.

"yellow" highlighting in ML vs the normal actually yellow highlighting in Adobe Reader:

First: Are Apple designers color blind? Why do I want that muddy mustard yellow as my default highlight color? And then of course in ML you can't change to anything better. And then the added texture like you are using a real highlighter that is running out of ink...that is the experience I was hoping for when annotating pdfs.

Again I hope I'm not coming off too whiny. I'm actually more just shocked that Adobe came up with a user experience that I prefer to Apple's preview. I really like most of the rest of ML so this is a minor detail but I was just wondering if I was the only one bothered by this...:eek:


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macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
First: Are Apple designers color blind? Why do I want that muddy mustard yellow as my default highlight color? And then of course in ML you can't change to anything better.
I haven't tried it on ML, but you're saying you can't click this to pick a color that's more to your liking?
ScreenCap 2012-11-19 at Mon, Nov 19,4.35.11 PM .PNG


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 28, 2008
I haven't tried it on ML, but you're saying you can't click this to pick a color that's more to your liking?

Yes. In ML these are the only options they give you. And all of them are very dull colors IMHO

And yes I used to choose custom colors all the time in SL and Lion. In ML it is impossible as far as I know (although you can select custom colors for underlining etc.)


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macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2008
New York
Looks like they chose to go with more ugly skeumorphic design. I've used brands of highlighters that had the same ugly coloring.


macrumors newbie
Dec 1, 2012
Less worried about highlighting...what's up with weird icons?

I don't mind the highlighting as much as the weird alien icons that seem to appear spontaneously between my highlighted words (see attachment). Any idea what is causing this? Have you had the same problem?



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h4lp m3

macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2011
New Orleans
It's even worse now!

Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 8.05.25 PM.png

No matter what color you select in the System Preferences, it will darken in Preview.
Ever since Bertrand Serlet and Scott Forestall left Apple, little quirks like these have become the norm... Oh and MacKeeper...
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