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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005
Ok, here's the deal. I'm a 23-year-old who is about to graduate with a degree in journalism.

I've always wanted to start some sort of video game related journalism site....not just another fanboy type site like all the ones out there, but a legitimate news source...I've even looked at places for office space out in California...(just so you know I'm really freaking serious about this)

But here's my problem. I'm good at journalism. I suck at Web Design. And it's basically the same for the other two guys that are considering starting up this new site with me.

Where can a start-up company like ourselves go to get someone to design a site for us? Keeping in mind of course, that we are all in our early 20s and don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spend.

Would anyone here be interested in taking on a side project? I can promise you will be seriously underpaid for your work. :) But we'll give you full credit for the design and then after we get big and buyout IGN and Gamespot we'll give you a piece of the loot. :)

But seriously, where can I go to get a decent, professional looking news site designed? (that won't break the bank?)

And all joking aside, if anyone here thinks they could do it themselves...let us know. We're broke, but...I'm sure we could work something out. (monthly payments, whatever)




May 26, 2004
Randy's House
I'm kind of in the same boat. I do photography and write freelance for quite a few publications. I'd love to build my sites up, but I suck at design and I don't have time to code.

Wish I had an easy answer for you. At least you've gotten to the "I'm good at this, but I suck at that" part. That's step one.

Do you have any friends or family members that would be willing to be partners in an LLC-type deal if they paid for your site?

Also, keep in mind that bloggers are a dime a dozen - you'll need something good to get any attention, which leads to the advertising dollars you'll need.

Good luck, I like your spirit! :D


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
You'll definitely need to hire some programmers for the back-end database and they don't come cheap, especially since they aren't hungry as web designers fresh out of school and willing to work for pennies. Web programmers are very much in demand.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005

thanks for the advice.

As far as getting someone in my family to help fund it..I don't know if that would work because the only people that I think would be willing to give me that kind of money would be my parents...

And...they're not exactly thrilled that they already spent thousands of dollars on my journalism degree and now I'm considering moving to CA to cover "those stupid games" instead of getting a "real job", meaning with a daily newspaper.

as far as managing the back end and the database...I'm thinking I could teach myself one of those open source Content Systems like PHP-Nuke or whatnot...anyone have any suggestions? I'm not very good at coding, so I'll need something that "just works" (like Apple! haha.)

Template Monster looks does that tuning site....hmmm....I suppose I could buy a cheap template from them and then just change the colors or rearrange it slightly so it looks original...

Well, I went from no ideas to way too many ideas in about 15 minutes. Thanks guys!

And if you have any more ideas, feel free to toss them at me.


macrumors 68000
Jun 13, 2004
Template Monster offers some good looking design templates but I think the price for a unique design cost quite a lot. I would second that if you don't mind having duplicates on the net. I think there's quite a number of good designers here, takes a while for them to show up.

Actually, I would really like to help fellow macrumors members but my hands are tied with a few projects. If you don't mind waiting half a year :D for it and my design style.


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2004
Calgary, AB
yeah I'd agree with template monster for getting something half decent looking for cheap. However it might not hurt to check out a local school that offers web design and find some hungry kid with free time on their hands.


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2003
Long Beach, California
He, I'm no hungry kid and I'm not a pro at web design or anything like that (my current website really reflects that, although I'm going to have something better out this summer). However, I'm currently looking into a solution that matches what you're looking for (yes, this summer...). I don't know if I'd be of much help, but I'd be glad to help with what I can so that some of your costs will be lighter. PM me if you want to talk.


macrumors newbie
Jul 24, 2004
either go with a CMS like Mambo or PHPNuke, or go to and let some guy in india do all the programming. Just be sure to be specific with what you want. It may run, at most, $200.

I had a sweet catalog system built for me for only $50. Although I had to do a lot of work to it to get it to look nice since I got just the backend made.

good luck!


macrumors 68000
Mar 4, 2004
State College, PA
trojan18 said:
Ok, here's the deal. I'm a 23-year-old who is about to graduate with a degree in journalism.

I've always wanted to start some sort of video game related journalism site....not just another fanboy type site like all the ones out there, but a legitimate news source...I've even looked at places for office space out in California...(just so you know I'm really freaking serious about this)

But here's my problem. I'm good at journalism. I suck at Web Design. And it's basically the same for the other two guys that are considering starting up this new site with me.

Where can a start-up company like ourselves go to get someone to design a site for us? Keeping in mind of course, that we are all in our early 20s and don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spend.

Would anyone here be interested in taking on a side project? I can promise you will be seriously underpaid for your work. :) But we'll give you full credit for the design and then after we get big and buyout IGN and Gamespot we'll give you a piece of the loot. :)

But seriously, where can I go to get a decent, professional looking news site designed? (that won't break the bank?)

And all joking aside, if anyone here thinks they could do it themselves...let us know. We're broke, but...I'm sure we could work something out. (monthly payments, whatever)



I'm looking to do some web design and take on some clients for little to no cost to build up a new portfolio.

Seems like a perfect oppertunity for both of us.

You can see my site in my sig. Feel free to email me:


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005

I'm bumping this up because I still need help.

Josh, the poster above this, actually did help me and built a kick ass design too. But the problem is that I could never fully understand Drupal, the CMS we used, so I ended up just taking the whole damn site offline.

So I'm still looking for someone to help me. I archived Josh's sweet design, and I'd be willing to use that again if needed....I just need someone to find me a damn CMS that I can understand.

Sooo depressed...I really thought Josh built a good site....but I just couldn't understand the programming that made it work.

Any ideas?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 22, 2004
Have a look at Rapidweaver.
Simple to use, with some customisation (no programming required).
Very flexible if you want someone to get into the coding.


macrumors 68000
Mar 4, 2004
State College, PA
Hi Jason,

I've wondered why your site was offline - I used to check it pretty frequently lol

What was it about Drupal that you did not like? Was it the front page stuff?

If that was the problem, that can be fixed very quickly - I recently helped one client do exactly what you were tying to do, and things posted in certain categories would go on certain places on the front page.

Wish you and your site the best of luck - and if whichever CMS you decide with in the end, if you ever need any design work, you know where to look :D


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005
Check your e-mail

Josh, check your e-mail, the gmail account.... I have a proposition for you.


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
I'd be willing to help for mere pennies (or less). I don't know flash or ASP at all, but everything else is game. I've done 3 pro sites, and am looking to build my portfolio.

P.M. me if you're interested.
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