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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2019
Maryville, IL
I have a Satechi adapter I used for HDMI to my Sony 4k OLED tv from my MBP until the HDMI port died. I had 2 genuine Apple lightning to HDMI adapters I used to connect an iPad to the same tv, but they have both died. Does anyone know why HDMI adapters are so unreliable? I have tried making connections before turning on equipment but it doesn’t help. Until I find a solution I will switch to the cheapest adapters I can find.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2019
Maryville, IL
Same tv and same cord. The cord stays connected to the tv and I keep a cover on the exposed end when not in use.
in the past I have also lost HDMI ports on the receiver connected to a different tv that were only changed when an outlet port died. I get the feeling that HDMI suffers from some general quality issues.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2019
Maryville, IL
I would say you’re lucky. For me it seems it is the output port. I lost all the output ports on a Denon receiver and on an Marantz receiver in addition to the accessories in the original post. On the other hand my daughter lost the input ports on her Panasonic plasma tv.


macrumors 65816
Oct 11, 2007
Don’t know where you are from, but is the power in your area stable? Or is anything else then mains used? Something like generators, power packs, solar cells etc?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2019
Maryville, IL
We have reasonably steady power living outside of St. Louis, but when I bought the Marantz receiver I bought a fancy APC power conditioner to regulate power and protect from surge. Lost the HDMI output ports one at a time anyway. So far my current (cheaper) receiver is hanging in there.
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Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I had so much trouble getting the HDMI Apple camera adapter to work, than work over long haul I finally gave up on it. I found that almost everything I wanted to do I could do with an Apple TV.
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