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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 9, 2017
Deep inside Europe :-)
Hello, I am new to home automation. I would like to ask for advice if there is a way to achieve my wish.

I would like to turn off all devices including wifi router at night but not sure I can do such automation when wifi be turned off and then I need all turn on morning. Ideal solution would be turning off when I fell asleep and on when I stop alarm clock or simply turn on phone. Or Siri command.

Only what I have at the moment is Apple TV 3

Is there way manage that? IS Apple TV needed? Will I get rid of wifi signal at night or compatible device/plug/strip will have own wifi?

I know there are plugs with timer but it is not solution as my schedule is different a week.

Thanks fop advice and sorry if I ask dumb questions :)


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
I don't usually respond to questions like this, (but) Why would you think it is a Good Idea™ to turn off your router at night?
Maybe you could consider leaving your router power on. Router off, you have no network at all, which would include your home devices that you want to control. The router, by itself, uses very little power -- and you have a good password, so your home WiFi network is protected, right?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 9, 2017
Deep inside Europe :-)
I don't usually respond to questions like this, (but) Why would you think it is a Good Idea™ to turn off your router at night?
Maybe you could consider leaving your router power on. Router off, you have no network at all, which would include your home devices that you want to control. The router, by itself, uses very little power -- and you have a good password, so your home WiFi network is protected, right?
Thanks for answer. I understand your question. I dost want any such signal radiating at my bedroom at night. At least at night when it is not needed. ANd I do not have any other smart devices, only dumb old ones :) they would all get turned off. With power strip I could make some more variants to be able power on and off devices that do not have remote.


Sep 20, 2013
Some Wi-Fi routers will allow you turn off/on the Wi-Fi radio. This essentially makes them wired routers when radio off. Some even allow you to schedule radio on/off. This sounds like a feature you should research.
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