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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
got a new basic MacBook Pro m3 18gb/512gb and was running the preinstalled macOS well and settled on 300gb free from the 494.4gb as registered after days of leaving it to settle any iCloud downloads etc.

Upon installing sequoia last week, my free space is down to 24gb. Mac hasn't been used for the better part but noticed the system data part in the storage settings page is not 339.43gb.

Any idea before I format the thing and try again? Many thanks


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
ever since posting 4 hours ago, free space is down to 14gb and system data ballooned up to 349.42gb.

I can't understand this


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Another "Fishrrman stupid question":

Have you tried a full shutdown, and then a reboot?


macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2024
got a new basic MacBook Pro m3 18gb/512gb and was running the preinstalled macOS well and settled on 300gb free from the 494.4gb as registered after days of leaving it to settle any iCloud downloads etc.

Upon installing sequoia last week, my free space is down to 24gb. Mac hasn't been used for the better part but noticed the system data part in the storage settings page is not 339.43gb.

Any idea before I format the thing and try again? Many thanks
Going through the same crap, incredibly frustrating. I literally can't do anymore dev in Xcode and my progress has come to a screeching halt. I have an external 2TB hard drive, can I run time machine on that, wipe my hard drive, download macOS 14.5 Sonoma and re-store from Time Machine? Xcode 16 beta sucks too btw, don't download it.


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
I have an external 2TB hard drive, can I run time machine on that, wipe my hard drive, download macOS 14.5 Sonoma and re-store from Time Machine?
Yes, but: If you backup with macOS 15 TM, I expect you will be able to open the backup in macOS 14.5 and to copy files/folder from it - hopefully macOS 15 hasn't made changes to APFS which prevent that (there is no guaranteed backward compatibility). I would not expect you to able to use Migration Assistant or to safely recovery data to ~/Library - because at least some of the layout and content will be incompatible.

It would be better to recover from a TM backup made with macOS 14.5, with which you can use Migration Assistant.

I literally can't do anymore dev in Xcode and my progress has come to a screeching halt
Hopefully you are realising that betas should only be installed on a secondary Mac on which you are prepared to lose everything.


macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2024
Yes, but: If you backup with macOS 15 TM, I expect you will be able to open the backup in macOS 14.5 and to copy files/folder from it - hopefully macOS 15 hasn't made changes to APFS which prevent that (there is no guaranteed backward compatibility). I would not expect you to able to use Migration Assistant or to safely recovery data to ~/Library - because at least some of the layout and content will be incompatible.

It would be better to recover from a TM backup made with macOS 14.5, with which you can use Migration Assistant.

Hopefully you are realising that betas should only be installed on a secondary Mac on which you are prepared to lose everything.
Should I wait until Apple drops a macOS 15 beta update to fix the issue? Literally trying to upload my visionOS app to App Store Connect via Xcode but Xcode is so bogged down it doesn't do anything.


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
Should I wait until Apple drops a macOS 15 beta update to fix the issue
This Mac is important to you as a work machine (developing for visionOS), so go back to macOS 14.x and don't consider macOS 15 until September (or later). The exception would be if your development requires integration with macOS 15 - in that case use a different Mac for that purpose.

Reach out to other visionOS developers to see what they are doing.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2024
This Mac is important to you as a work machine (developing for visionOS), so go back to macOS 14.x and don't consider macOS 15 until September (or later). The exception would be if your development requires integration with macOS 15 - in that case use a different Mac for that purpose.

Reach out to other visionOS developers to see what they are doing.
Thanks! Nope, development does not require integration with macOS 15. Next question is, how do I clean/erase/wipe out my hard drive. MacBook Pro 16" M3


macrumors regular
Nov 16, 2018
There is a bug in Sequoia's Spotlight process that can create huge index files at


Is this the issue?
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macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2024
Give everyone a little update on my end.......I ran a Time Machine backup on an external 2TB hard drive, erased everything on the hard drive and then used migration assistant to restore everything from Time Machine. Currently looking at my storage and everything looks normal....FOR NOW. System data is at 43GB.

OH....forgot to mention, you cannot downgrade to macOS Sonoma 14.5, system will not let you.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
OP wrote of his problem in reply 12 above:
"that's it, found massive 324gb file there TMP"

A suggestion (one I've made numerous times):

TURN OFF Spotlight.
TURN IT OFF -- forever.

In terminal:
sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

And then...
Use SOMETHING ELSE with which to do searches when you need them.

I'd suggest TWO great, small, and FREE utilities:

Find Any File:


macrumors 68040
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
Ran into this is well. Pickup my Macbook Air base and noticed it was extremely hot when it was supposed to be sleeping for the past few hours. Thanks for the tip on spotlight!


macrumors member
Jun 23, 2020
OP wrote of his problem in reply 12 above:
"that's it, found massive 324gb file there TMP"

A suggestion (one I've made numerous times):

TURN OFF Spotlight.
TURN IT OFF -- forever.

In terminal:
sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

And then...
Use SOMETHING ELSE with which to do searches when you need them.

I'd suggest TWO great, small, and FREE utilities:

Find Any File:
What's your issue against Spotlight?

I won't be abandoning it, personally; however I am ditching Dropbox for a NAS, and have been concerned about losing DB's great search functionality which has been amazing for my needs (searching for text inside files, mainly). Spotlight seems to handle most of that fine, but I've been looking for additional utilities to fill any holes. I had already come across EasyFind, but Find Any File is a nice addition.

There's also ProFind, though I haven't tested it extensively.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"What's your issue against Spotlight?"

I don't want stuff that runs in the background against my wishes, and creates ever-growing data files, again, against my wishes. And I didn't want all my stuff "indexed".

Some years ago, I was recording music using an iMac with a platter-based internal drive. When one is recording audio (video is even more critical), it requires pretty much "contiguous space" on the drive. ANYTHING going on in the background had the potential to disrupt the process. Such as spotlight.

So... spotlight was something I "disabled by default" on my Macs.
And has remained so, ever since. Even though the days of the HDD are pretty much gone now.


macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2018
The Spotlight trick did not work for me. Before the upgrade, I had 700GB free, after the update only 60GB are left. The space is not used on my drive, there are also no snapshots. Don't know that is going on.

Edit: A reboot fixed it
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Ben J.

macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2019
Some years ago, I was recording music using an iMac with a platter-based internal drive. When one is recording audio (video is even more critical), it requires pretty much "contiguous space" on the drive. ANYTHING going on in the background had the potential to disrupt the process. Such as spotlight.
I remember that. Like 15 yrs ago, with old spinners with a typical read/write speed of 70MB/s. Avid Pro Tools, my main DAW for 25 yrs even advised disabling Spotlight, sleep and other stuff to let Protools run better.

We now have SSDs with r/w speeds of 1-2-3GB of data per second, and lightning fast busses and memory, and I've had no problem with the DAW performance on my macs for many years. Even with Spotlight on.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2013
Cleveland, OH
Hoping B2 fixes this issue with spotlight!
Not fixed in beta 2, I didn't have this issue in Beta 1 but I do in beta 2. But it's possible this is NOT a bug and has to do with AI readiness. I'm reading in other places that this may be Apple collecting the data for the AI launch because it needs lots of data. Right now my system data is at 225GB. I restarted and it went down to 145Gb but then slowly went back up to 225GB used. It doesn't seem to go above that and hasn't moved since. I'm gonna watch it and see if it goes back to normal in a few days, it may just be part of the re-indexing that spotlight does after an update and then will clear that cache back to the unused storage. Not really sure. But in activity monitor I don't see loads of data be written, but there is a lot being read by corespotlightd and according to DaisyDisk all the system data is located in hidden spotlight folders.


macrumors 68040
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
Not fixed in beta 2, I didn't have this issue in Beta 1 but I do in beta 2. But it's possible this is NOT a bug and has to do with AI readiness. I'm reading in other places that this may be Apple collecting the data for the AI launch because it needs lots of data. Right now my system data is at 225GB. I restarted and it went down to 145Gb but then slowly went back up to 225GB used. It doesn't seem to go above that and hasn't moved since. I'm gonna watch it and see if it goes back to normal in a few days, it may just be part of the re-indexing that spotlight does after an update and then will clear that cache back to the unused storage. Not really sure. But in activity monitor I don't see loads of data be written, but there is a lot being read by corespotlightd and according to DaisyDisk all the system data is located in hidden spotlight folders.

It definitely took a toll on my base M2 with only 256GB of SSD. I remember at least 2 occasions when I picked it up from when it was supposedly sleeping (lid closed) and it was burning hot at the bottom and the battery was down to 5%. I didn't realize it was an indexing issue until I noticed nearly all my HD space was gone. This is a terrible way to grab data especially when it is unplugged and in sleep - can't be safe for the battery either.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 9, 2009
Same here, after beta 2 went downhill, my base macbook air is pretty much unusable took up the entire drive and it just locks up after a few min.


macrumors newbie
Jun 26, 2024
One tip for anyone desperate, just open a terminal and run while true; do killall -KILL corespotlightd; sleep 1; done. It'll keep running indefinitely to make sure Spotlight keeps closed (basically it closes anything named corespotlightd every 1 second).

I'll try disabling Spotlight entirely with sudo mdutil -a -i off now as suggested above.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 26, 2024
Update: I have NOT disabled Spotlight and the problem seems gone. System data is starting to lower (currently @ 215GB from >300).

My theory is that spotlight is trying to index a bunch of new stuff (likely related to the Semantic Index announced with Apple Intelligence), and it's causing storage to overload and crash.
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