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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 22, 2023
Hi fellow Apple users and network knowledgeable friends!!

Could you help me understand these things...please.

-Mysterious DNS/Domain. Has anyone ever seen ""? Specifically the fe2 part... weird, huh?

-Mysterious Ethernet. En5. Not set up by me, knowingly at least. In terminal, nettop, clearly shows a heap of traffic routing through en5. The existence of en5 does not show up with every search command, however. See images - En5 seems to be a hidden network. I can't see it in Wireshark either. I have en1,en2,en3,en4 showing as thunderbolt bridge ports (inactive, however. As well as bridge0). But en0 showing active wifi, and en5 showing a connection to an unknown MAC address. en5: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500

ether ac:de:48:00:11:22

inet6 fe80::aede:48ff:fe00:1122%en5 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4

nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>

media: autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)

status: active

My brain is melting. Anybody??

-Network connection order was remotely adjusted? See image. The Preferred Order to a particular former “known network” in my system, was removed on a date I was out of state (and so were all of my devices). How could this, or why would this possibly show an adjustment on my system? Is that weird?

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!! Big big big time!! Thank you.


  • BackDoorMingler- Preferred Order Timestamp- 952023-V1.png
    BackDoorMingler- Preferred Order Timestamp- 952023-V1.png
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macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
What DNS setting are you using? Have you tried others?

Are you using an ethernet adapter? Have you (or others) used other adapters or docks? Is there any known remote management or support tools on this Mac? Is it yours, or does it belong to an organization?

Are you seeing any problems, or just curious?


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
-Mysterious DNS/Domain. Has anyone ever seen ""? Specifically the fe2 part... weird, huh?
Looks legit to me. Translates into a 17/8 IP address, which is Apple's IP range. At a guess fe2 = front end #2. Network infrastructure DNS names do not need to be memorable, so are often related to physical (or logical) devices so that network administrators can recognise them.
-Mysterious Ethernet. En5.
From your 2nd screenshot this has to do with the T2 chip which runs the iBridge OS.

Explore, but don't worry.
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