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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 5, 2021
Hi all, I need help with my 2017 A1708 MacBook Pro. It's stuck on the Apple logo without a progress bar. The laptop booted to the desktop when I tested it after a DIY battery replacement. But somewhere between that and screwing back the backplate things seem to have gone wrong. And it won't go past the Apple logo. I've tried safe mode, recovery options, diagnostics, and resets like SMAC/NVRAM, but nothing has worked - the same Apple logo shows up every time.

I reopened the backplate to check inside for any loose connections or broken pins. I also reinserted the small data cable above the battery/trackpad and ensured it was properly secured and taped back. I hear the fans running but there's no chime and no progress bar on the screen.

Any suggestions on what else I can try to fix it myself?

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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Have you tried booting to an external USB installer? (Or any external seive that has a bootable system installed, maybe a backup for your MBPro?)

Is this the same MBPro that you had boot issues 3 years ago?

I suspect it's related to same issue, likely the storage. Logic board is the fix, as the drive is soldered...
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 5, 2021
No I haven’t tried it since I don’t have any external backups. Everything is already backed up to the cloud so I am not worried about reinstalling the OS completely. Yes it's the same issue but I got a complete OS reinstall and the issue didn't resurface until this battery replacement was done today.

Have you tried booting to an external USB installer? (Or any external seive that has a bootable system installed, maybe a backup for your MBPro?)

Is this the same MBPro that you had boot issues 3 years ago?

I suspect it's related to same issue, likely the storage. Logic board is the fix, as the drive is soldered...
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