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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 16, 2007
Central FL Area
I have an M2 Pro Mini that's been working fine since day one. However, my aux output headphone jack stops working after I wake my Mini up from sleep mode. I have to restart the machine every time and its really getting old. I'm running Sonoma 14.5 - Can someone give me any ideas on how to fix this?

*edit* I wanted to add the sound problem is only for system sounds like when I delete something or move folders. Actual audio sounds from like YouTube videos and such work fine. Only system sounds don't work after I wake my Mini from sleep mode.
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Mac Animal

macrumors newbie
Nov 23, 2013
I'm having a similar problem. I have some Bose speakers connected to the headphone jack and just recently it started playing all sounds (music, beeps, etc.) through the tiny little computer speaker rather than the Bose speakers. In my case I can unplug the speakers and plug them back in but sometimes I have to try that two or three times before it "fixes" it, but even then after it goes to sleep again it's likely to happen again. Like you said, it's getting old. FWIW I'm still running Sonoma 14.4.1.

*Update* I just discovered that there's an easier fix (in my case) which is to go to System Preferences > Sound and change the Output from Mac mini Speakers to External Headphones. That doesn't explain why it's changing back to the Mac mini speakers after going to sleep, but it beats unplugging and re-plugging the cable several times a day.
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