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super chimp

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 21, 2008
Both phones get a fairly heft hardware update especially the Ultra. Here’s a review of the Ultra.

Video review:



macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2020
United States
Anyone have any experience with the Razr lineup? I’ve seen all the stories about various revisions of the Galaxy Flip having the screens go bad around the bend point, but I haven’t really seen many reports of the same on the Razrs, especially the newer ones.

I’m thinking about snagging an Android phone of some form as it’s been a few years that I’ve been iPhone exclusive (after many more years of being Android exclusive lol), and the Razr is piquing my interest.
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super chimp

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 21, 2008
Anyone have any experience with the Razr lineup? I’ve seen all the stories about various revisions of the Galaxy Flip having the screens go bad around the bend point, but I haven’t really seen many reports of the same on the Razrs, especially the newer ones.

I’m thinking about snagging an Android phone of some form as it’s been a few years that I’ve been iPhone exclusive (after many more years of being Android exclusive lol), and the Razr is piquing my interest.

Short video talking about Moto’s dire update policy like the fact that last year’s RAZR is still on Android 13.



macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2020
United States
Yeah, Moto doesn’t have the strongest update track record, which is a bit sad as their software is generally quite well thought out and designed.

As time has gone on, one could argue that having the latest version of Android isn’t a major issue with how a lot of Android’s underlying features and frameworks getting updates independently of the OS version via Google Play, but it’s still certainly disappointing nonetheless.
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