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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2014
MacBook Pro 16 m1 16gb user here.
I was living past year with a system monitor opened all the time (I just like to know)
And must say that Sequoia seems much better ram optimized. I've installed 90% of my apps from Sonoma and while using my Mac at same intensity first of all, it is really hard to turn memory monitor to orange (numbers looks similar but it somehow has much less impact on the graph and the machine) and it was pretty easy on Sonoma and overall the whole system is much more fluid. On Sonoma I knew that I got into orange bc the system was just a small notch less fluid while switching tabs or windows. Not happening on Sequoia at least for now.
So overall I would strongly suggest trying it if you use 16Gb MacBook and most of the apps work without any issues (except changed place of network extensions)


macrumors regular
Sep 28, 2017
Performance / system resource utilization is an enormous issue for some of us. Thank you for paying attention to this in your tests. Apple's focus on the mobile space has had extremely deleterious effects on the desktop space. This has been felt very poignantly since Steve became ill and then passed. Apple has gone from being a "good" option to being a lesser evil at this point, and that is a painful thing for me to say having such a strong investment in Apple technology and software.

I have to explain this to clients constantly when they ask about their options and it pains me to have to go into detail about Apple so frequently vs giving them a carte blanche - which they have not now earned and so I have to qualify things and tell people it is indeed a lesser of evils when it comes to various options.

Then we have some level of insanity happening with DHH recommending Linux solely now since it is still fragmentation hell with no UX that can yet compare to Apple's options - not to mention software options being abysmal and WINE being still lackluster in providing a cohesive integration into the fragmented UX hell.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2020
Espoo, Finland
My impression so far is that Sequoia uses less swap for me than typically on Sonoma, although I keep open all the time exactly the same apps.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2017
Cheney, WA, USA
I'm hoping that Sequoia will run fine on my M1 MBP 8/256, which is always in the green memory pressure with no swap used in Sonoma during normal use. Used 16 GB M1's are coming down in price, but don't want to upgrade unnecessarily.
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