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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 30, 2012
Hi i have this setup:

**Model**: MacBook Air M2,
**macOS**: latest
Dockstation: Dell D6000 (USB-C)
**DisplayLink**: latest

Only 2 out of 3 monitors are working.
**Monitor** 1: Dell U27D - Works (DP to DP)
**Monitor 2**: Dell 24 (HD) - Works (DP to DP)
**Monitor 3**: another brand 27 (hd) - Not working (HDMI to HDMI)

I can swap the cable beetween monitors and nothing changes. There 1 display that is off all the the time.

The only way i have to make t triple monitor setup is connect one monitor directly to the macbook hdmi port.

Any Advice?

Funny thing: if I try with a Dell 3100 docking (2hdmi and 1dp they all works fine).
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