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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 22, 2023
I have a 2011 MacBook Pro that I use without a battery. Every time I turn the macbook on, I have to use this kext ( to improve the velocity of my CPU. Is there a way to load this kext in a permanent way so I don't have to load it every time I turn the macbook on ?


macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2021
First, does the bd prochot/turboboost disable persist after sleep? I've found it gets reset so you need to have a kext that is either an iokit driver or listens to sleep state transition so you can re-apply.

Second, only iokit kexts can get loaded automatically (by placing them in /System/Library/Extensions or /Library/Extensions). It's probably not too hard to convert your existing kext to be an iokit based one, just need IOResources. Other option is to have a launchagent or something that loads your kext at startup. @Wowfunhappy did this for his chrome thing, he can probably explain what the plist and permission structure should be.
Huh. This might open up some possibilities for the MacBook Pro/Air/bland models which auto-downclock to 1GHz without a working battery. I’ll have to give it a test at some point, though most of the MBPs I have lying around without working batteries are pre-Sandy Bridge models which don’t rely on Turbo Boost and which probably will not recognize this kext as anything it can use.


macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2021
turbo boost is different from bd_prochot throttle. Probably need to modify kext if only need the latter disabled.


macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2021
Necroing this old post since I tried to do something while i dug my 2010mbp out of storage. In additional to the throttling fans were also going full-blare.

I tried NoBatteryNoProblem but I couldn't really tell if it worked or not, it had no effect on fans. I was using 10.8, but in newer OS you might need to additionally remove IOPlatformKext and/or write some other MSR values

(note please don't blindly copy instructions there, MSR 0x199 might not exist for your model computer).

Anyone know if there's a way to get the fans to shut up? I actually suspect not, because I saw that fans were going full throttle even during sleep and even from the initial boot before OS loaded; so I suspect it's something at the SMC layer which is causing fans to go full throttle when battery sensor is absent. One thing I did not try was forcing fan to a specific RPM using the SMC key (note this is _not_ setting the min RPM, this is forcing the RPM directly via the same mechanism used for e.g. AHT). You'd probably need to have some other daemon to match that against CPU temperature though.
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