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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 4, 2012
I'm going to learn how raytracing is implemented in Metal, but one of the first things that I wanted to check is if the M3 requires different or special programming techniques for getting the best performance in hardware raytracing. I didn't find anything M3-specific in the Apple Developer site, with the closest hit being this: and it just recommending to use the intersection API instead of the intersection query API.

Have you seen any document/talk/site focusing on optimizing hardware raytracing on the M3, or the usual message is to just do it like before, but taking care of using the intersection API?



macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
If you use the acceleration structures that e been in metal for several y years it’ll automatically use the ray tracing hardware if available. A friend of mine wrote ray tracing metal code when M1 was all there was and without any changes his code saw huge performance boosts when he got an m3 max earlier this year
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