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Eric Best

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 30, 2011
Tamworth, NSW, Australia
I have a microphone designed to securely attach to an iPhone through the Lightning port. I wish to use it on my USB-C iPad. It needs to be solid (rather than corded) so that the microphone does not dangle. It needs to be able to transfer audio on the go (not just power - all the solid adaptors I can find so far are only for power). I notice that Apple have an adapter with the functionality but, unfortunately, it uses a cord. Does anyone here know of the existence of such a beast and can point me to where I might find one? Thanks!


macrumors 65816
Aug 31, 2010
So something like this? NOT tested personally.

edit: Oof, $9.79 Shipping to Australia. But I did not find an alternative on
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