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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 14, 2006
San Fran
I am trying to find a keyboard case that has a touchpad. I have tried the Logitech Combo/Foilo series and I have gone through three of them (two had the smart connector sensor fail and the third had a touchpad fail after less than two weeks). I tried a Brydge device but that lasted less than a year after getting part of the plastic chipped. I do try to take care of my technology but I feel like the only other option I have for a keyboard case with a touchpad is the Magic Keyboard and I don't want to shell out $300 unless there are no other options. I have seen a couple of random options on Amazon but I wanted to ask and see if anyone had any other suggestions.


macrumors 68020
Apr 3, 2012
I am afraid, the only option is Magic Keyboard. Mine has been 3 years and still like new. It’s expensive but I found it’s worth for the quality, thoughtful design and comfort.
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