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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 4, 2005

is the new still leaking data through keychain access as all older versions of macOS does?

When opening macOS you can see under local objects > passwords > web-formular-passwords 'ALL' websites, usernames, reg.-dates of data you have within your Apple-Passwords!

Everything directly accessible, unlocked and open for everyone (except the passwords itself).

Can someone check, if this is still the case within the new app?!

Mike Boreham

macrumors 68040
Aug 10, 2006
Keychain Access in Sonoma only shows password after user password is entered. It is not enough to already be logged in, it required specifically to reveal password.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 4, 2005
Keychain Access in Sonoma only shows password after user password is entered.
Yes - indeed. But without login you can see every entry, every saved website within Apple Passwords and every username.

With all other password-managers they're protected!


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
Can you try opening local keychain on the mac (does open without any credentials) and there you can find what I mean.
It opens like you said. Why do you have a problem with the current set up? You said it can be opened without credentials but, that isn't true. The reason you noted what can be done is because credentials were already used to log into the Mac. If I want to see the password for an entry, I have to enter another credential. If you are trying to suggest a lack of security, I don't agree.

It is up to you to secure your Mac when walking away and that can be done with a tap of a key.

You can't compare this Mac process to a stand alone app because they aren't the same.
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Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
This is great news, as with Sonoma this is not protected!
Hmm. I'm on 14.5 and I can open Keychain Access without a password, but can't see any website passwords in there: for those I need to open "Passwords" via System Settings and log in.


macrumors regular
Dec 9, 2022
Select 'local items' on the left pane > select 'passwords' on the right side and under 'kind' look for web form passwords.
Apple needs to lock that up. Have you filed a Feedback request listing it as a security concern?


macrumors regular
Dec 9, 2022
Apple doesn't care! Just look here:

I will not waste my time with this.
I've gotten through to them, they do listen, but they get a sh*t ton of reports on the daily. And I'm betting many of those reports are useless whiny hot garbage. Is what it is though, I've filed a report. Took less than 2 minutes. FB14068308.

On the bright side, Sequoia locks up keychain access and passwords completely so some common sense prevailed lol


macrumors 6502a
Dec 11, 2023
Apple doesn't care! Just look here:

I will not waste my time with this.
And how exactly do you know Apple doesn’t care? Because there hasn’t been a fix released yet? Do you know how difficult it is to patch a bug, especially one that involves a high level of security? You can’t just write code, throw it in and call of a day. You have to make sure the new code doesn’t negatively impact the millions of other lines of code in the system. This takes a lot of time and a lot of testing.. otherwise the new code for the bug you’re trying to patch could cause several new bugs.

Until Apple specifically tells you “we don’t care”, then you don’t have enough information to make that claim.

Edit: And, yes, I have been writing code for many years.
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