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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The iPhone 15 series will continue to feature Qualcomm 5G modems, according to a report today by DigiTimes, as development at Apple on a custom-made chip continues.


Apple is currently developing an in-house 5G modem that aims to replace Qualcomm's Snapdragon 5G chips within the coming years. The report today says that TSMC will be the main supplier of the Qualcomm 5G chip for use in the iPhone 15 series, using the 5nm and 4nm process.

The iPhone 14 series includes the Snapdragon X65 modem, which helps improve 5G speeds and battery life. The iPhone 15 is rumored to include the more advanced X70 chip, which features artificial intelligence capabilities for faster average speeds, improved coverage, better signal quality, lower latency, and up to 60% improved power efficiency.

Reports initially suggested Apple would make its switch to in-house 5G modems as soon as 2023, but follow-up reports suggested Apple had "failed" on the chip's development and will continue to use Qualcomm modems for the foreseeable future.

Article Link: iPhone 15 Rumored to Still Feature Qualcomm 5G Modem as Apple Continues Work on Custom Chip


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2010
« Reports initially suggested Apple would make its switch to in-house 5G modems as soon as 2023, but follow-up reports suggested Apple had "failed" on the chip's development and will continue to use Qualcomm modems for the foreseeable future. »

Good. Qualcomm makes the best modems. We tried this intel modem thing before… I’m as Apple as they come, but that was a nightmare!


macrumors newbie
Dec 21, 2022

The iPhone 15 series will continue to feature Qualcomm 5G modems, according to a report today by DigiTimes, as development at Apple on a custom-made chip continues.


Apple is currently developing an in-house 5G modem that aims to replace Qualcomm's Snapdragon 5G chips within the coming years. The report today says that TSMC will be the main supplier of the Qualcomm 5G chip for use in the iPhone 15 series, using the 5nm and 4nm process.

The iPhone 14 series includes the Snapdragon X65 modem, which helps improve 5G speeds and battery life. The iPhone 15 is rumored to include the more advanced X70 chip, which features artificial intelligence capabilities for faster average speeds, improved coverage, better signal quality, lower latency, and up to 60% improved power efficiency.

Reports initially suggested Apple would make its switch to in-house 5G modems as soon as 2023, but follow-up reports suggested Apple had "failed" on the chip's development and will continue to use Qualcomm modems for the foreseeable future.

Article Link: iPhone 15 Rumored to Still Feature Qualcomm 5G Modem as Apple Continues Work on Custom Chip
Apple iPhone 15 is the upcoming mobile that is a great combination of functionality and style.


macrumors 68000
Jul 6, 2012
This sounds very good. Remembering how difficult it was for Intel to create a 4G modem that performed close to the iPhones prior modems (Qualcomm's 4G modem) before - the first generation or two of iPhones with Apple (formerly Intel) 5G modems probably won't perform as well and the longer that is put off the better.

Just to add, this isn't an Intel / Apple thing - the Pixel 6 had a Samsung 5G modem and had / has alot of issues with 5G performance...with the accepted way to fix it being to turn the 5G part of the modem off. So Qualcomm is not a great company, but they make the best modems.


macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2015
Reports initially suggested Apple would make its switch to in-house 5G modems as soon as 2023

I like how MacRumors like to spin history. You mean as soon as 2020, 2021, 2022, and now 2023?

>Apple could move mountains, they acquired Intel's Modem team, Apple has the best SoC team, they could make the best modem. etc etc

I mean none of these are deleted, both the headlines and comments are still on Macrumor's website.

cocky jeremy

macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
That's the difference between Apple and companies like Samsung. Apple says their current chips aren't good and continue work to make them better than Qualcomm while Samsung would try to make their money back from buying Intel and just launch as is. That's why you have exploding Samsung phones banned from flights. ;)

User 6502

macrumors 65816
Mar 6, 2014
That's the difference between Apple and companies like Samsung. Apple says their current chips aren't good and continue work to make them better than Qualcomm while Samsung would try to make their money back from buying Intel and just launch as is. That's why you have exploding Samsung phones banned from flights. ;)
Apple did just that too. They used bad chips from Intel when they weren’t good enough and it was an unmitigated disaster that people still remember after almost a decade.
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