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Editor emeritus
Original poster
Jul 10, 2003
Falls Church, VA
How many people are in the same position as me, and are going to the Apple Store online every hour or so and refreshing it to see if PowerMacs have been updated?

I've been waiting soo long for them to finally update these puppies decently (the last update doesn't count). I can't wait to see what this update brings (dual core, etc...), and since I'm ready to spend money this time around, I can't wait to get my hands on one!!!


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2005
checking apple, macrumors, thinksecret, macworld and many others every freaking hour for the PB!!!!


macrumors regular
Aug 28, 2005
Hong Kong
Let us pray together for the coming of the updated PM and PB.

I myself am longing for a dual dual 2.3ghz PM to upgrade my slow mac mini.

In prayer, Boris

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
Mr. Anderson said:
wait till tomorrow at 9 AM EST :D

For a few seconds, I thought 'How does he know? What sources does he have? What's going to happen?'

Then I realised what day it is today... ;)


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
I'm also really looking out for the Mac mini update also. There is a lot if updates that Apple has on their plate.


macrumors 68000
Sep 4, 2003
ibook30 said:
Any predictions or "dream" updates for the PB?
I'd like to see a cup holder added,,, like HP laptops have...

Nano sized click wheel built in below the power button, more USB ports, bigger hard drives and matte black instead of aluminum silver. Oh and anything above 2.0 GHz :rolleyes:

What!? You said dream!


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
cruxed said:
....................I myself am longing for a dual dual 2.3ghz PM to upgrade my slow mac mini...............

wow, that wouldn't be just an upgrade. thats like moving to a different universe :eek:

i'm hoping for a dual 2.3 update as well. either to a simple dual core 2.3 or a dual dual core 2.3.

either way, the old dual 2.3 should drop in price and i'll get one of those.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 4, 2005
Deepest Regions of Hell
EGT said:
Nano sized click wheel built in below the power button, more USB ports, bigger hard drives and matte black instead of aluminum silver. Oh and anything above 2.0 GHz :rolleyes:

What!? You said dream!
Damn you said it!! the black would be rad as would the biggger HD, but we will see the bigger HD's in the next year or dont worry


macrumors regular
Mar 25, 2005
Houston, TX
Mac mini update.

wdlove said:
I'm also really looking out for the Mac mini update also. There is a lot if updates that Apple has on their plate.

I will buy the updated Mac mini if it specs out as Think Secret says (1.5GHZ etc.). Then I will sell my 1.25GHZ mini w/512mb cheap to anyone in Houston, TX who is interested.


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2004
MacPassion said:
checking apple, macrumors, thinksecret, macworld and many others every freaking hour for the PB!!!!
yeah same. It's crazy. The powerbooks arent so powerfull for the money right now.


macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2005
Hagerstown, Md
MacPassion said:
checking apple, macrumors, thinksecret, macworld and many others every freaking hour for the PB!!!!

Not doing every hour, but an insane amount of time in the last 4 weeks checking for a PB update. APPLE NEEDS TO PULL THE TRIGGER ON THE POWERBOOK UPDATE!


macrumors regular
May 9, 2004
Toronto, CANADA
mddharma said:
Not doing every hour, but an insane amount of time in the last 4 weeks checking for a PB update. APPLE NEEDS TO PULL THE TRIGGER ON THE POWERBOOK UPDATE!

Might be beyond Apple's control.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2005
Moscow, ID (No Kremlin here!)
Fender said:
Might be beyond Apple's control.

Probably, but Apple's a good scapegoat.

Seriously though, I don't think Apple was exaggerating their frustrations with current processor suppliers. The G4 seems so terribly stalled with the bus speed remaining nearly laughably bad.

The G5 was very advanced when it came out, but it can now only hold its own among high-end processors for certain tasks. Not to mention the fact that IBM was never able to make it smaller, cooler and less power-hungry for use in portables.

I think (hope) Apple's product pipeline will move much faster once the era of Intel starts. I can imagine we'll also see MUCH more variety among the Macs, including actual choice of processor with built-to-order computers.


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2005
I am in the same boat as all of you...Since August...and especially since the week of the expo I have been refereshing every mac rumor site as well as the apple store every hour, if not more!!

I have given myself the deadline of tomorrow, otherwise I am going for it and buying it....I already have all of my accessories...everything u can think of! I am way too excited and pumped for it!

I will be dreaming tonight for something nice when I wake up Tuesday morning....PLEASEEEEEEEE


macrumors regular
May 9, 2004
Toronto, CANADA
Tera said:
I have given myself the deadline of tomorrow, otherwise I am going for it and buying it....I already have all of my accessories...everything u can think of! I am way too excited and pumped for it!

You're not one of my split personalities, are you?

I've got a Radtech slip-cover, Radtech screen protector, iKlear, AXIO hardshell backpack, the works!!!


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2005
Tera said:
I am in the same boat as all of you...Since August...and especially since the week of the expo I have been refereshing every mac rumor site as well as the apple store every hour, if not more!!

I have given myself the deadline of tomorrow, otherwise I am going for it and buying it....I already have all of my accessories...everything u can think of! I am way too excited and pumped for it!

I will be dreaming tonight for something nice when I wake up Tuesday morning....PLEASEEEEEEEE

What did you decide to get? If there is no update, I have no idea between the 12'' and the 15''...The 12'' is a bit too small/low resolution, but the 15'' is definitely overpriced for what it offers....


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2005
MacPassion said:
What did you decide to get? If there is no update, I have no idea between the 12'' and the 15''...The 12'' is a bit too small/low resolution, but the 15'' is definitely overpriced for what it offers....

I am getting the 12 inch because it is the best for the purse! haha (I just bought the new slim cargo from ...My university has wayyyyyy too many stairs just to get out of the parking lot and last year before I made the switch I had heavy Sony VIAO that I carried everywear and it killed my back. The 12 inch is so perfect. My bro has a 14"inch ibook and I brought it to school before and it is super nice but the desks keep getting smaller that I had to practically balance it myself. I am looking for something practical since I already have a great desktop...and if you have the apple display you can just plug in your 12 inch to with the cable so that you are using a cinema screen while working on your laptop. :)

I hope to see an update, but I will buy it either way tomorrow..I am sick of waiting and stalling my happiness! :)
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