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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I have the discontinued iPhone 12 mini and this will be a huge upgrade for me. Lately, it has been getting so warm, I get a warning that I have to take it inside to cool off. Has the ability to stay reasonably cool improved. The fact it overheats a lot is the main reason other than the discontinuation of the mini series is the reason I am upgrading in September.

Though, if anyone has any suggestion for what I can use to keep my new iPhone cooler, I'd appreciate it. (Yes, I keep it in the shade when I am outside. (Or in my pocket.))

Thank you.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I have the (discontinued?) iPhone 11 Pro Max and won't be upgrading until the iPhone 17 series. The kicker? The iPhone I upgrade to at that time will be the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Perhaps you should have your 12 Mini checked out by Apple? I live in Phoenix and my 11PM has seen three summers so far where the days are all around 110º F. Never had an issue.

Back when my 6s Plus was my primary it endured 45 minute car drives in 110º heat in a car with no functioning AC and windows that could not be rolled down. I still have that phone.

Of course, where you live may be humid so that might be the difference.

Oh, and I also just use my phones as phones. No substitute computer/media device/game console/etc type thing, so that might also be the difference.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I have special family circumstances that I don't want to add to the stress of one family member in particular. I'm just going to keep monitoring it when I go outside. Find the best shaded spot. It could possibly be because I happened to be charging it outside, too, but the phone was protected by a huge plant so the sun wasn't near it.

I think my iPhone outages my 6s and the heat getting to it was the biggest problem. Yeah, it recalibrated a lot. (I think that is what it's called. When you let your iPhone battery drain so much it shuts down.) Though, I think that had something to do with a version of the iOS. So far with the current version, it hasn't happened.

I actually had the mini because I though my hands couldn't hold a large iPhone, but when I get my mom's iPhone for her when she's doing something else, I have no problem holding it.

I'm looking forward to this.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
This is why it’s getting too hot while using it.
I thought so, I put in the best shaded area when needed. I used to have a portable iPhone charger, if I decide to get one with my new iPhone, it’s going to do the same thing. (Heat up?)

I’m forced to stay in a cool area when it’s really hot. (Anti-seizure meds aren’t fun. Sadly, I’ve picked up a good habit, walking in my area, but when the heat index raises, I can’t go. No one should, obviously.


macrumors 68000
Sep 28, 2015
Chicago, IL
I thought so, I put in the best shaded area when needed. I used to have a portable iPhone charger, if I decide to get one with my new iPhone, it’s going to do the same thing. (Heat up?)

I’m forced to stay in a cool area when it’s really hot. (Anti-seizure meds aren’t fun. Sadly, I’ve picked up a good habit, walking in my area, but when the heat index raises, I can’t go. No one should, obviously.
For reference it was 90 degrees outside the other day and just simply using my 15 PM outside while sitting in a chair was enough to impact it. It wasn’t sitting on a hot surface, wasn’t charging, but simply using it I began to see the screen dim on its own. Within 5 minutes it’d dimmed so much to combat the heat that I could no longer read the screen so I took it inside. Frustrating honestly. They put these screens on that are capable of getting brighter and brighter but it’s not a great feature if the phone itself throttles because it cannot handle external temps.
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macrumors 6502
May 4, 2019
The biggest thing that heats mind up is having the brightness high. When you’re outside you can’t always help it but when I’m inside I always keep it under half.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
The biggest thing that heats mind up is having the brightness high. When you’re outside you can’t always help it but when I’m inside I always keep it under half.
Thank you, I'll have to remember that.
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