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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 29, 2024
Hello, I am the happy owner of a Macbook PRO 13 mid 2012.
I removed the dvd drive, and the empty space from it I would like to use to connect an additional cooling system.
I would like to connect to the SATA port just one fan to blow out or to blow in (also I do not know yet how better), for example, this series of super thin - Sunon Mighty Mini Fans - slim 3mm, or arrange on this area of a full cooling system, ie, take another copper tube from the processor ....

At this stage I think that the fastest realisable option is to install just a fan.... but I don't know how to connect it correctly to the SATA port, I'm looking at adapters, I don't understand these amps, volts (I'm very far away from electronics), and I wouldn't want to destroy the motherboard, so I'm asking for help from respected forum members.

How to connect an additional fan in Macbook pro Mid2012 instead of DVD drive?



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 29, 2024
Is the MacBook running very hot?
On the lap is impossible ... hot .
Thermoplast changed, Busi turbo disabled, Fan control is standing .
Only lack of technical knowledge and fear of burning the board stops me from attaching an additional fan ...;)

Alpha Centauri

macrumors 65816
Oct 13, 2020
Have you replaced the cpu thermal paste?
Was going to be my first suggestion but I think that's what he meant by "thermoplast changed" (#3) ? Did wonders on my 2009 "15 dropping 10-15 C across the board. Having said that, the lower enclosure now runs hotter also as the heat is redirected from the CPU.

Alpha Centauri

macrumors 65816
Oct 13, 2020
So then have the additional fan blowing out (in would just collect dust) through the thin dvd slit? How would you control fan speed so it wouldn't sound like a jet engine and consume the battery?

I ran my 2009er with a HDD/SSD tray for a little while with a SATA HDD as a second drive but got annoyed at the constant mounting and associated noise (after running SSD's for ever). Then when I bought a SSD as a secondary, there were issues with the firmware as the MBP was just to old.

Fast forward and I bought a M2 whose fans I haven't heard once in the 14 months of ownership. The 2009 has the Superdrive back in and after thermal paste replacement runs the occasional light duties but is mainly a backup machine.
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