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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
Athens, Greece
Hi there!

I was wondering if there is a way to enable HiDPI on Sonoma via the Terminal, avoiding the use of third-party apps. Is the following command still effective on Sonoma? I am using a Mac mini (M2).

$sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/
DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true

Thank you in advance!


Staff member
Aug 9, 2009
A sea of green
You mention in another post that you use BetterDisplay.

Here's what I'd do to find out if the command works on Sonoma.
1. Disable HiDPI using BetterDisplay.
2. Quit the app.
3. Run the command in a Terminal window.
4. Observe whether or not the display changes.
5. Run BetterDisplay.
6. Check whether it sees HiDPI as enabled or disabled.

In short, if you can enable it with the command, and the app sees the change as enabling HiDPI, then it's pretty likely that the command works.

Conversely, if the command has no visible effect on the display, and BetterDisplay doesn't see HiDPI as enabled, then it's likely the command doesn't work as given.
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