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macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
I'm an old timer - I started my console gaming with pong, way back in the day, when the Atari 2600 came out, I got one. I played on that thing for hours on end. As I was commuting to work this morning, I was thinking about my favorite game - Adventure, and how times have changed. I was playing Skyrim last night both games are similar in nature, i.e., dragons.

So much as changed


Jul 12, 2016
I think it’s amazing to see the evolution of consoles and how they have changed dramatically over the course of 20 years. When I grew up in our household, we also had an Atari and Now there are XBOX One X consoles that are vapor cooled, Which are usually found in server rooms or for high end graphic cards. Especially if you have a 4K/HDR TV, it’s fairly astonishing to see even the technological changes in graphics from all those years ago.


Feb 9, 2010
I'm an old timer - I started my console gaming with pong, way back in the day, when the Atari 2600 came out, I got one. I played on that thing for hours on end. As I was commuting to work this morning, I was thinking about my favorite game - Adventure, and how times have changed. I was playing Skyrim last night both games are similar in nature, i.e., dragons.

So much as changed
View attachment 751072 View attachment 751071
So how many times did you see READY PLAYER ONE? :)


macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2021
A small island near Europe
I also grew up in that magical era of the 80’s 90’s, old, fat and jaded now. But what a glorious time we had! I was lucky, my father was in a very good job, I was rather spoilt. Perhaps I didn’t appreciate it back then, but I look back with gratitude now. I started out with an Amstrad CPC, which I loved. But later lusted after the glorious Amiga 500, I was lucky enough to get one, one Christmas, I was so happy I shed tears. I had consoles, Mega Drive, SNES. I am so happy there is now such a good retro scene, people just like me, enjoying nostalgia.

I play these old games now, I do own the cartridges, discs, etc. Don’t want to be in shady legal territory.

At the moment, I think I have the most fondness for Bubble Bobble on the NES, and Rainbow Islands Extra on the Megadrive/Genesis. I play Rainbow Islands on normal mode, keep to the original. The games for the computer systems work but I can’t get my controller working properly, Open Emu is fine. I have ROM’s for the Spectrum (not popular I think in the states). And the Amiga. Owing to the controller difficulties, I only have a couple of ROM’s for the Amiga, Arkanoid, and Lemmings.

I have latterly come to appreciate the Atari ST, always there was competition between it and the Amiga, both very popular here in England. I love that the ST boots into it’s operating system, on the Amiga you needed a boot disc. And if you lost it, or it became corrupt, you had a gaming console. Not so great.

I can remember the hype when the Super Nintendo came out, the games looked amazing for the time. My favourite Mario has to be Super Mario World. Such fond memories of it.
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macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2019
Fox Lake, IL
I remember going from Super Nintendo to Playstation One and thinking how much more realistic everything looked.... imagine going from Super NES directly to PS5/XBoxSX.... LOL

That being said, my fondest memories of gaming are with NES/SNES, even with all the realistic games we have now.
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