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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
Is anybody else having audio issues on beta 2?
M1 Utra Mac Studio with Mac Studio Monitor:
  • Safari youTube and ApppleTV videos have lips out of sync.
  • Notification sounds often start with a warble/flutter.
  • Music play has flutter glitches.
This is new and was not in beta 1. I filed feedback


macrumors member
Jul 25, 2014
there are several bugs now with 14.6 b2. multi ch audio the rear channels aren't working , other related problems with with multi ch sound. ya apple fouled it up


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
Is anybody else having audio issues on beta 2?
M1 Utra Mac Studio with Mac Studio Monitor:
  • Safari youTube and ApppleTV videos have lips out of sync.
  • Notification sounds often start with a warble/flutter.
  • Music play has flutter glitches.
This is new and was not in beta 1. I filed feedback
not experiencing any of those things (in safari, logic pro, etc)...
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