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Apr 12, 2001

Apple will continue to source modem chips from Qualcomm for the 2023 iPhone 15 lineup, reports Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. Qualcomm said it is set to provide the "vast majority" of modem chips for Apple's devices, despite earlier expectations that it would provide just a fraction of modem chips.


Qualcomm in November 2021 said that it expected to supply 20 percent of Apple's modem chips in 2023, signaling a potential shift to Apple's own modem chips. Apple has been working to cut down on its reliance on Qualcomm by developing its own modem technology in-house, but it does not appear that Apple's chips will be ready for a 2023 launch.

Gurman's report echoes information that we previously heard from Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. Kuo said in June 2022 that Apple's work on a 5G modem chip "failed," and that Qualcomm would remain Apple's modem supplier for the 2023 iPhone lineup.

Kuo said that development on the chip stalled, but the work is ultimately continuing. Apple is expected to create its own modem chip, but it will take more time for work to be completed and satisfactory for use in iPhones and other devices.

Apple launched a legal battle against Qualcomm in 2017, accusing Qualcomm of unfairly collecting royalties for technologies it had nothing to do with. Apple wanted to transition away from Qualcomm with the shift to 5G to stop paying Qualcomm's fees and instead use Intel technology, but Intel was not able to manufacture 5G chips that met Apple's standards.

Apple was forced to settle its lawsuit with Qualcomm and has since used Qualcomm 5G modem chips for the iPhone and iPad lineups. Apple has been working on its own modem chip since then, and even purchased Intel's modem chip business to get a head start. Initial rumors pinpointed 2023 as the year Apple would be ready to transition, but it looks like it will take a bit longer for Apple to end its modem deals with Qualcomm.

Article Link: Apple to Continue Using Qualcomm Modem Chips for 2023 iPhone 15 Models
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Sep 25, 2018
I suspect that when I get a chance to read Qualcomms earnings announcement from today, I might find a hint in there??
Anyway, Apple will release their own modem in the Apple car that is going to be announced next year /s

Mr. Dee

macrumors 603
Dec 4, 2003
I don’t think this is a bad thing. I have an iPhone X which uses an Intel modem and I can’t say I have had any reason to complain. I admire Apple for taking the time to make sure this is right before they replace this final puzzle in the widget.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2016
For the near future, I think the Qualcomm chips will be superior to what Apple would produce, so I am glad they will be using them in 2023 when I plan to upgrade my phone. I am in area with spotty cell connection so the modem is a critical component to me and more important than some of the upgrades other people pay more attention to.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 27, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
We're at a minimum 3 to 5 years away from seeing Apple 5G modems. For now let's just hope Qualcomm modems get better with each iteration until Apple is ready to convert over.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 26, 2013
Have the rumors given any indication about the performance of this modem? Is it something users should want, or does it just save Apple money for an inferior product like when they tried to get out of paying Qualcomm by switching to Intel modems on some models?
If it is anything like the intel (and I would assume it is since the essentially bought all the intel engineers) it will be **** and nothing more than a cost-saving measure for apple. The intel modems were so bad they throttled the Qualcomm modems to keep them on par.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
Let’s just blame WFH for all our woes. It turns out building a performant modem is actually pretty difficult. Apple worked on the M1 architecture for a lot longer than they have been working on a modem.
But that architecture paid dividends right away. Steve knew what he was doing. Tim does not as evidenced by the fact that he’s spending 10x more than Steve but Apple’s not reaping even a 1/10 of the benefits.

And I think it’s fair to blame WFH considering it has hurt every company that adopted it… it’s not a coincidence that we witnessed the biggest productivity drop YoY since 1947.


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2022
From the article it seems like Qualcomm's Modem Chips are perfectly fine. It's just Apple trying to separate itself from them due to past legal issues. I can't complain about the download speeds with 5G on my iPhone, it's pretty quick. The coverage could be better but that's the Carrier's fault not Apple or Qualcomm's.
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macrumors regular
Nov 4, 2010
Yeah, the Ew taking away time from Apple from developing a good modem and instead work on developing USB C products..
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macrumors 68020
Jul 20, 2012

they work well. i'm not sure why i would want Apple's modem. some might be sold on it just because it's made by Apple and it might have a fancy name like their SoCs have (Mx, Axx Bionic, etc).

the only reason i can think of wanting this is if you want Apple to have more control and close down their products even more and of course make them more money. i get this is an apple forum but i'm not a shareholder. i'm a customer and this likely means i need to cough up more money since we all know Apple likes a good excuse to hike prices!

what's next? they going to start making cameras so they don't need to use Sony ones?
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