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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Popular cryptocurrency platform Coinbase appears to be working to make its Visa Debit Card, Coinbase Card, compatible with Apple Pay for purchases in stores, in apps, and online.


MacRumors has discovered evidence of upcoming Apple Pay support for Coinbase Card in the Coinbase app code in the form of a recently added image asset called "CardGoogleApplePay."

The company's Coinbase Card for the EU and UK has supported Google Pay since March 2020, but Apple Pay remains unsupported and Coinbase Card for the United States is yet to support either digital payments platform.

Coinbase has been in the news recently thanks to its IPO on April 14 which valued the company at over $80 billion at launch. Interest in the IPO resulted in Coinbase iOS app downloads spiking to over 386,000 downloads on April 19, more than double the number of typical daily downloads.

Article Link: Apple Pay Support for Coinbase Card Appears to Be Getting Closer


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2017
I cashed out. Summer time is withdraw and spend $$ on holidays time. Each to their own.

Remember my dearest impressionable younger demographic visiting this forum, to never be swayed by anything you read here. It’s all subtle suggestion.


macrumors member
Nov 15, 2017
Another one? I have yet to meet anyone who can explain what this crypto money is. Who runs its, who creates this digital money? Is it as safe as that Turkish crypto currency that collapsed a few days ago. I get paid in numbers into my bank account been like that for 25 plus years. I pay my bills, credit cards etc the same way. Don't we have crypto currency already? I use my Apple Pay for 99% of all purchases now. Who are these people behind crypto money? They seem more shady than the NSA, FBI or getting a day pass to Area 51.


macrumors 65816
Jul 14, 2005
This would actually be a pretty big step forward for mainstream usability of crypto assets. The big currencies are still too volatile to be a dollar substitute, though. They are all still speculative vehicles, IMHO.

macrumors member
Oct 16, 2011
Mansfield, UK
Hacky, but this is kinda possible in the UK already.

It's a matter of adding the Coinbase card to a Curve account; and adding the Curve Card to Apple Pay.


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2017
Also BitPay has been a thing for a while now. (Shopping with BTC, acting as a ‘current account’ or ‘debit card’ for everyday things like groceries etc)

Is Coinbase shifting to a less of a Store of Value type of service and more of an everyday bank? Super commodified already, but interesting moves either way.

Or is it?


macrumors 68020
Mar 10, 2003
Another one? I have yet to meet anyone who can explain what this crypto money is. Who runs its, who creates this digital money? Is it as safe as that Turkish crypto currency that collapsed a few days ago. I get paid in numbers into my bank account been like that for 25 plus years. I pay my bills, credit cards etc the same way. Don't we have crypto currency already? I use my Apple Pay for 99% of all purchases now. Who are these people behind crypto money? They seem more shady than the NSA, FBI or getting a day pass to Area 51.
There is google you know ;) Most crypto projects can be seen as software projects. It usually isn't difficult to look up who runs particular ones. In fact if you can't find that out, maybe it's a good idea to avoid that one (as it would be for software).


macrumors newbie
Jun 20, 2016
Another one? I have yet to meet anyone who can explain what this crypto money is. Who runs its, who creates this digital money? Is it as safe as that Turkish crypto currency that collapsed a few days ago. I get paid in numbers into my bank account been like that for 25 plus years. I pay my bills, credit cards etc the same way. Don't we have crypto currency already? I use my Apple Pay for 99% of all purchases now. Who are these people behind crypto money? They seem more shady than the NSA, FBI or getting a day pass to Area 51.
Who says dollars cost what dollars cost, crypto is a new era, is not about digital dollar on your bank account is about a new entire system which is actually more "fair" for the bast mayority of users than it is FIAT money, but your questions are legit, I wouln't say is shady is only you haven't look for the info. You can ask those same questions for FIAT money. Curiosity is essential but you have to seek for answers
- Not a finantial adivice


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2005
I have the Uphold card (ref link) on Apple Pay right now. The trouble with these payment methods is there is a spread on each transaction, so your buying power is decreased.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2001
Lund, Sweden
The worth of any currency is backed by the company that issues it. In the case of USD, it's the US government. When it comes to crypto currency, well, who knows?
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macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2008
Crypto is treated as stocks by the IRS. This makes it impractical to be used as currency. You won’t be able to buy crypto, hold it for a while and then pay for goods or services in crypto. You will have to first sell it and convert it to USD and only then pay with the converted dollars. Once you sell crypto, you will be incurring a capital gain tax. So, you will be taxed to spend crypto and you will be taxed again to buy something (sales tax). It makes it a really bad idea to use crypto as money. Every time you pay for anything with crypto, you will have to make sure you have enough money to pay capital gains tax to Uncle Sam.
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Mar 31, 2021
Another one? I have yet to meet anyone who can explain what this crypto money is. Who runs its, who creates this digital money? Is it as safe as that Turkish crypto currency that collapsed a few days ago. I get paid in numbers into my bank account been like that for 25 plus years. I pay my bills, credit cards etc the same way. Don't we have crypto currency already? I use my Apple Pay for 99% of all purchases now. Who are these people behind crypto money? They seem more shady than the NSA, FBI or getting a day pass to Area 51.
Why don’t you research it using the litany of articles and videos available on the subject?


macrumors 68000
Apr 8, 2010
There is google you know ;) Most crypto projects can be seen as software projects. It usually isn't difficult to look up who runs particular ones. In fact if you can't find that out, maybe it's a good idea to avoid that one (as it would be for software).
Sounds like a video game to me. Someone creates a puzzle that if you can solve it you earn Bitcoin. I’m not sure I understand 100% either but this action of solving puzzles is mining? For some reason one Bitcoin is worth $50000? Sounds like money making out of thin air.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2008
Sounds like a video game to me. Someone creates a puzzle that if you can solve it you earn Bitcoin. I’m not sure I understand 100% either but this action of solving puzzles is mining? For some reason one Bitcoin is worth $50000? Sounds like money making out of thin air.
Do you understand how money works? Why do you accept paper for your work?


macrumors member
Nov 15, 2017
Why don’t you research it using the litany of articles and videos available on the subject?
Because the internet has thousands of web sites that give out fake advice, incorrect explanations on health matters, conflicting info etc. A lot of it, is as a reliable as a TripAdvisor review. How come legit sites such as Government Treasury sites don't? I think crypto just a fad, fools gold, a Ponzi scheme. What little I know or can figure out, anyone can set up a crypto coin or crypto software. So we can have thousands of these, why do we need more than one? Never going to have a global currency despite the benefits, so not sure if crypto will ever be the norm.
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
Another one? I have yet to meet anyone who can explain what this crypto money is. Who runs its, who creates this digital money? Is it as safe as that Turkish crypto currency that collapsed a few days ago. I get paid in numbers into my bank account been like that for 25 plus years. I pay my bills, credit cards etc the same way. Don't we have crypto currency already? I use my Apple Pay for 99% of all purchases now. Who are these people behind crypto money? They seem more shady than the NSA, FBI or getting a day pass to Area 51.
People are right, crypto is a scam, well…98% of it is. Bitcoin is the only real legitimate cryptocurrency. And it’s all automated. Nobody owns it!


Sep 25, 2018
Cryptocurrency is extremely environmentally unfriendly. It serves no purpose other than for the ones who have money to make (more) money. And as oppose to say gold, you have nothing in your hands other than some digital crap, unlike eg US$ which is government backed as almost all currencies


macrumors 68000
Apr 8, 2010
Do you understand how money works? Why do you accept paper for your work?
Because that’s how it’s been for centuries if you don’t count barter. Why should we trust digital currency especially coming from someone who created doesn’t even have a name? If you don’t want to use paper money then burn it. LMAO
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macrumors member
Nov 15, 2017
Because the internet has thousands of web sites that give out fake advice, incorrect explanations on health matters, conflicting info etc. A lot of it, is as a reliable as a TripAdvisor review. How come legit sites such as Government Treasury sites don't? I think crypto just a fad, fools gold, a Ponzi scheme. What little I know or can figure out, anyone can set up a crypto coin or crypto software. So we can have thousands of these, why do we need more than one? Never going to have a global currency despite the benefits, so not sure if crypto will ever be the norm.
Forgot to add, whenever I ask someone to explain it to me, they say don't you know, look it up, go on Google. I hate it when people pretend to know a subject, but when asked to explain it they can't. 100% of the world understands the currency of their own country, and how to get foreign money. But crypto money, very few people understand it or can explain it. Until Governments around the world make the effort to explain it or develop their own version, or even companies like Apple, Microshaft, or Googly develop their own, crypto will be a word, that is not understood by 99.9% of the population. Even Banks or Bank staff can't explain it. So why haven't they developed one?
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