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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple is not among the founding members of a new "metaverse" standards body that includes Meta, Microsoft, Sony, Epic Games, Nvidia, Adobe, and others (via Reuters).


Announced in a press release, "the Metaverse Standards Forum brings together companies and standards organizations to foster alignment on requirements and priorities for metaverse interoperability standards, and accelerate their development and deployment through pragmatic, action-based projects." The organization seeks to enable communication between a wide range of organizations and companies to give the metaverse "real-world interoperability" and help different visions of the metaverse work with each other.

Over 35 founding members include 0xSenses, Academy Software Foundation, Adobe, Alibaba, Autodesk, Avataar,, CalConnect, Cesium, Daly Realism, Disguise, the Enosema Foundation, Epic Games, the Express Language Foundation, Huawei, IKEA, John Peddie Research, Khronos, Lamina1, Maxon, Meta, Microsoft, NVIDIA, OpenAR Cloud, the Open Geospatial Consortium, Otoy, Perey Research and Consulting, Qualcomm Technologies, Ribose, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Spatial Web Foundation, Unity, VerseMaker, Wayfair, the Web3D Consortium, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and the XR Association.

Apple is noticeably missing from the list of members, despite its heavy investment and ongoing work on multiple devices in the augmented-reality and virtual-reality space. Apple has been heavily involved in creating standards in the past, such as HTML5 for the web. It created Thunderbolt with Intel and the "USDZ" file format for three-dimensional content with Pixar and Adobe. Most recently, Apple touted its involvement in developing Matter at WWDC 2022, a new open standard for smart home accessories.

Gaming companies Roblox and Niantic, and crypto-based metaverse platforms like The Sandbox and Decentraland, are also absent from the Metaverse Standards Forum. The forum is open to any organization at no cost, so Apple and others could join in the future.

Article Link: Apple Not Among Founding Metaverse Standards Forum Members
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macrumors 6502
May 9, 2022
weird. they could just make an apple store that people could pay money in online lol


macrumors 6502
Jan 3, 2011
I find this whole metaverse idea pretty creepy to be honest. Spending time in front of a screen is one thing (which was equally feared at the time — “will the children ever go outside again??”), but actually blocking all your senses, and your sense of your surroundings, completely seems pretty scary. Not to mention anything about the idea of “hanging out” in such a space… I’d much rather see someone’s face on a screen than their “avatar”…


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2022
Apple knows a gimmick and a passing fad when it sees one… so why invest the time and resources into a more advanced version of what appears to be another “SIMS” type of application that will be sold as prescription based service? One where the shysters are already trying to sell virtual real estate, and the mainstream press is seemingly gearing this up to be another opportunity for them to sell their next greater fool recruiting services?


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2007
The fact that Sony, Meta and MS all felt it was in their best interests to join but not Apple is interesting.

Have Apple ever said the word "metaverse" in any public statement? Maybe they think the whole concept is horsesh**, which at this point, is an understandable position to take.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 28, 2009
Apple knows a gimmick and a passing fad when it sees one… so why invest the time and resources into a more advanced version of what appears to be another “SIMS” type of application that will be sold as prescription based service? One where the shysters are already trying to sell virtual real estate, and the mainstream press is seemingly gearing this up to be another opportunity for them to sell their next greater fool recruiting services?
Perhaps using Apple (insert tech of choice) stuff in a real world interacting with people, environments and everything else good and bad is a better life target.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2022
In the meantime, while people are waiting for the meta verse to be created and built… perhaps everyone can go and purchase some other forms of alternate reality - like crypto? That is working out so well for all those who saw the future and value, eh?


macrumors 603
Nov 11, 2020
Mexico City living in Berlin
I still don’t get what that even means. I understand my elderly parents now. Without knowing, you are suddenly out of the loop with technology 😅

I guess it’s like putting on a helmet and then u walk around in a virtual reality. Sort of like instead of sending „text bubbles“ to other people, it’s going to be „face to face“? Is the technology even there yet? I expect it to look like those badly rendered Memojis or whatever on Nintendo Switch Online.

I would be interested once those virtual settings look as pretty as a Pixar movie. Imagine visiting the place of „Luca“ or Pandora of Avatar. Not Super Mario World N64
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Perhaps using Apple (insert tech of choice) stuff in a real world interacting with people, environments and everything else good and bad is a better life target.
or how about interacting with people without tech is a better life target. Why you need Apple or anyone else for that is beyond me. It is obvious people are addicted to their tech device of choice, Apple even started monitoring it for you and gives you stats weekly. I doubt anyone really cares how many hours are spent behind the screen staring blankly at a social media account, scrolling through posts and pictures while feeling like you are connecting with other people.
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