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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 17, 2012
Hey Everyone,

I recently got Google Fiber (1 GBPS connection) to my home and bit unhappy with the Nest Wi-Fi routers that were included with the installation. Without shelling money out for new Wi-Fi 6/6E routers, is it possible I can use my existing Apple AirPort Extreme Router (latest generation, Wi-Fi 5 model) with my Google Fiber connection? I've been super happy with my Apple AirPort Extreme Router even though they are old and unsupported at this point.

My current needs are:
  • I have a medium size house (2000 sq feet).
  • Google Fiber with 1GB connection.
  • I use pi-hole and a NAS.
  • I need something that I can set DNS (at the pihole) and a few static IPs (Wireless Printer).
  • House is wired with ethernet, so have a mix of Wi-Fi and Hardwired devices.

Before Fiber I had Cable Internet and the Apple AirPort Extreme performed flawlessly. I've been even thinking about even picking up a 2nd Apple Extreme Router to have an "Apple Mesh" network in my home. Not sure if this is a good idea or not, if anyone has done this before, would be interested in hearing your experience.

Anyone currently doing fiber connection with Apple AirPort Extreme Router? Working for the most part? Is this a bad idea and I should just be looking at newer supported Wi-Fi 6/6E Routers at this point?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 12, 2013
Richmond, VA
I have a symmetrical FiOS 1GB connection and up until last spring I was using a 2013 Time Capsule as my main router/AP. It was a rock solid setup for years but you can tell it definitely wasn't designed for a gigabit connection. wirelessly I was averaging around 400-560mbps and wired was usually in the high 800-900 range. I remember reading a review years ago that the WAN-LAN speeds were always the weak point of the APE. I would suggest upgrading at this point especially if you have any WIFI 6 devices.
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Reverend Benny

macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2017

Its a shame Apple doesn't provide support for these devices, they really should.
Since they don't I would strongly recommend against using dated/EOL hardware and software, there are lots of other good options around that are supported.

I would recommend looking at Netgears prosumer offerings, their mesh sulitions (orbi) are good quality.
Now, they do lack out of the box features such as parental control, but they are simple to manage and offers good performance.

Their business/prosumer line seem to get updates for quite a long time.

On top of that WIFI 6 offers a bunch of nice features, better performace in general, TWT which can save battery on devices that supports it. Now how much real life difference it will make is hard to tell tho.

WIFI 6 routers are quite cheap now since 6E is out and 7 just being released.
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