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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 19, 2007
London, Taipei
Well it finally happened, but my plan worked!
I had 4 AirTags across various locations in my Honda motorbike with the speakers removed so they couldn't be physically located, the plan being they would search, maybe fine some... but not find them all…


Stolen at 3am Monday morning They found 2 AirTags (which I found in a field), one of them I’d annoyingly taken out to replace the battery so it wasn't in there, but they didn’t find the fourth one which remained on 'last seen' since 4am in a location where it wasn't and couldn't connect to it. It finally pinged on Tuesday morning and I tracked it in a garage in South London. Basically the garage was too far from any houses (maybe 15-20m) for anyone to be close enough to relay the signal but my theory is it was relayed by someone getting their car in the morning.

Damage could have been a lot worse, but I got her back in 36 hours! I'll be putting more of them in once its repaired in some more creative locations, just one AirTag saved it!
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