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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 14, 2021
Dear Mr. Cook,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is PowerMac5500, and I have been a long-time user of Apple products and software, iTunes and Apple TV. I owned the original ā€œhobbyā€ Apple TV, and AirPods are the best present Iā€™ve ever received (and now my go to gift). I am writing to share some feedback that I believe could greatly enhance the user experience for many customers who value personalized music discovery.

Over the years, Iā€™ve appreciated the vast library and the convenience the iTunesā€™ store, now Apple Music, offers. However, Iā€™ve noticed a shift in how music is presented to me, which does not align with my personal tastes. The new album releases and featured artists seem extremely limited compared to the diverse range of music that regularly become available each week. It appears that instead of utilizing smart algorithms to suggest music that aligns with my preferences, there is a tendency to promote certain artists and genres more heavily.

On my Apple TV, the ā€œFamily Popā€ category consistently displays content that I find inappropriate for a family setting, including provocative imagery and dance moves. While I understand that such content may appeal to some users, the lack of choice in filtering or customizing this content is concerning. In fact, without even launching the Apple Music app on my Apple TVā€“just selecting the icon, displays this content.

Furthermore, the focus on Hip Hop and R&B genres within the app does not reflect the variety of music I enjoy. It seems that personalization has been reduced in favor of promoting featured content, which detracts from the discovery experience. I enjoying being able to make the determination myself. I enjoy a very broad range of music, as does my family. Apple Music presents itself with a very narrow focus.

Lastly, the recent changes in genre categorization, specifically the introduction of ā€œApple Musicā€ genres, have added confusion rather than clarity. When browsing for music, users are now presented with options like ā€œApple Music Alternative,ā€ which seems redundant and unnecessary.

I believe that enhancing the personalization algorithms and offering more granular control over content presentation could significantly improve the user experience. Many of us use Apple products because of their intuitive design and user-centric approach, and I am confident that these suggestions align with Appleā€™s commitment to delivering the best experience to its customers. I am also open to discussing these points further with members of the Apple Music team to provide more detailed feedback and insights.

Thank your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing how Apple Music will evolve to better serve its diverse user base.

Warm regards,



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 14, 2021
I saw a comment last week expressing that some "complaining" users of this forum would be better served sending Tim Cook an email. I don't know if that was directed at my commentary at the time, but I thought it was good advice. I've been rolling these gripes around for awhile.

Does anyone share a similar experience/opinion?
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