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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 27, 2005
Hi, I'm going to be ordering a 12" PB in the next couple of weeks, whether the much rumored revisions happen or not but in would be cool if they did. This will be my first Mac and I'm very excited but I have a couple of questions:

1) What do you guys think of Bluetooth mice? I've seen some complaints about problems with them connecting and lag time between mouse and cursor. The lag-time thing would be pretty unacceptable for me so should I go with BT or just get a regular RF? (I'm thinking of the Macally BTMouse)

2) RAM - I'm going to max out the RAM (1.25g) so is there any advantage to the RAM Apple installs on built-to-order machines that makes it worth the $400 price tag or is this just the cost of convenience? I've worked on PC's before so I wouldn't find the idea of purchasing RAM somewhere else and installing it myself all that intimidating.

3) I'm going to be doing a lot of video editing work with this computer, I know it's not the ideal machine for it but it's what I can afford and it should do the job until I can buy something better. My question is should I get a notebook cooling stand (with the fans in it) for when I'm doing these resource intensive operations or would something like the iCurve be enough?

Thanks for reading and for your advice.



macrumors 601
Mar 15, 2005

1) I have used several bluetooth mice. They say you only notice the lag, if you're playing games. However, the only bluetooth mouse I've used that I liked was Apple's, and it only has one button, so I wouldn't recommend it. I found the Macally bluetooth mouse I used went through the batteries too quickly, although it has a charger. The Apple mouse went on the same batteries, for about two months. The Macally lasted about five days. I still really prefer corded mice.

2) No advantage to Apple's memory. Just get quality memory and make sure it meets the specifications.

3) Doesn't the icurve elevate the Powerbook, so the bottom of it is not in contact with anything? I really think that is all the cooling you would need, but you are welcome to try other solutions too.


Jun 18, 2004
1) I love my MS BT mouse and the only lag I've ever noticed is when you haven't used the mouse for a few mins. when it takes maybe half a sec. to 'wake', no problem. I'd very much recommend mapping the buttons to Expose/dasboard, you'll never go back to either Windows or a single mouse button.
2) BUy RAM elsewhere and fit it yourself, it's a doddle.
3) I'd say the iCurve would be fine and recommend an external keyboard, wired or BT.


Dec 27, 2003

swedishchef said:
Hi, I'm going to be ordering a 12" PB in the next couple of weeks, whether the much rumored revisions happen or not but in would be cool if they did. This will be my first Mac and I'm very excited but I have a couple of questions:

1) What do you guys think of Bluetooth mice?
In my experience with Apple's BT mouse, I have only noticed lag when I had my BT keyboard hook up as well. Macally's mouse got great reviews, so I would recommend you go for it.

2) RAM - I'm going to max out the RAM (1.25g) so is there any advantage to the RAM Apple installs on built-to-order machines that makes it worth the $400 price tag or is this just the cost of convenience?
Simply convenience here... bought a 1gig Corsair chip for my 1.5Ghz 12" powerbook and have had absolutely ZERO problems. Just make SURE it's guaranteed to work in your machine and you should be just fine.

3) I'm going to be doing a lot of video editing work with this computer, I know it's not the ideal machine for it but it's what I can afford and it should do the job until I can buy something better.
Any sort of laptop holder is fine. I have used the iCurve and am currently using the podiumpad (only real difference between them is height, the iCurve forces you to use an external keyboard) but besides that, you are going to be just fine. Fans wouldn't help much unless they were inside the case, but I have run Halo, the Doom 3 demo, Final Cut, InDesign, etc. without any problems. Yes, the internal fan does turn on and the powerbook gets warm, but never HOT.


macrumors member
Jul 23, 2004
Chicago, USA

No opinion on Bluetooth mice. Other than wishing like everyone else that Apple would make their new one in bluetooth.

I've heard lots of good things on this board about Crucial so you might want to check their ram out.

Lastly, I edit video on a 15" PB and have had no problems with heat. But I do recommend the ilap. It's a great stand and I've bought two of them to use with both my powerbooks.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 27, 2005

Thanks for your advice and suggestions. I think I will go ahead with a bluetooth mouse and definitely save my money on RAM, and also stick with a simple stand rather than a fan powerd cooler. Thanks again.

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