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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe
I’m just curious.

I’ve installed the open source app Stats, to monitor the use of the CPU and GPU, and set an alarm when the GPU reached 70°C.

Today, I put a big USB SSD to re-index, because I had the Spotlight indexing disabled on that one.

It started indexing the SSD, which has over 400 photos and many gigs of video, and at first it went fine. But after a while, the alarm has started to sound: the GPU was reaching 75°C while the SSD was being indexed (the blue LED from the SSD is blinking non stop). Then, I saw CPU usage was at 100%, but GPU was only at 25-30%… and then 0%.

It’s funny because despite displaying the CPU at 100% usage, and 84°C, activity monitor doesn’t show any process above 2% of CPU usage. And on the GPU column, everything is at 0%.

What do you think is happening? Is the Iris 5100 GPU from this model being used to help the CPU at Spotlight indexing this big SSD? By the way, does SSD indexation degrade its lifespan, or is it very little data? It’s been indexing almost an hour…

By the way, is an APFS encrypted SSD.


macrumors 68030
Jan 8, 2008
Tampa, Florida
Make sure you have activity monitor set to show all processes, not just user processes. That may explain why you’re not seeing anything in the list taking up CPU time.
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