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macos somoma

  1. Q

    iCloud Account Storage Reminders App name in Chinese???

    When I go to Account Storage on macOS Sonoma 14.5 in System Settings->iCloud->Account Storage I see that Reminders appears in Chinese??? I've deleted it and synchronized it again and the name is back in Chinese! Can anyone explain why this happens? See the attached image!
  2. S

    MBP 1,1-10,2 Optimizing old macbook pro

    I have an early 2013 macbook pro 15 inch. I installed macos sonoma using open core patcher. The machine is constantly overheating and fanning and its battery drains very fast. Any thoughts? I am looking for software related fixes
  3. Thor774

    Photos: Is it possible to view a list of albums a picture has been saved in?

    Hello Basically what the title says. I am looking at a picture in Library > All Photos and trying to find a way to know which albums it has been saved in. Is this possible without looking through each album individually? This would be very cumbersome. I am using Apple Photos in macOS Sonoma...
  4. Alex Cai

    Annoying Screen sharing icon

    Bartender needs to access the screen to work, which results this annoying block hanging out all the time Can’t be deleted when dragged away or hidden via bartebder anyone had ideas on how to hide this? macOS Sonoma