
List of Profile articles

A man wearing a dark overcoat and red tie smiles as he crosses a street between buildings against a glowing sky.
A man wearing a dark overcoat and red tie smiles as he crosses a street between buildings against a glowing sky.

Britain’s New Foreign Secretary Hates Trump and Loves America

David Lammy is determined to stay on message—but he has always had strong opinions.

Outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, wearing wire-frame glasses, a suit jacket, and open-collared button-up shirt with no tie, furrows his brow as he looks to his right.
Outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, wearing wire-frame glasses, a suit jacket, and open-collared button-up shirt with no tie, furrows his brow as he looks to his right.

NATO’s New Leader Was Planning This the Whole Time

Mark Rutte, a workaholic obsessed with routine, is about to take over the West’s military alliance.

A man in a black t-shirt and dark jeans sits on the ledge of an apartment building roof. Behind him is a tall building and city scene with mountains in the background.
A man in a black t-shirt and dark jeans sits on the ledge of an apartment building roof. Behind him is a tall building and city scene with mountains in the background.

Can Zackie Achmat Change South Africa From Inside Parliament?

After decades as a thorn in the side of politicians, one of South Africa’s most celebrated activists is running for office.

A pencil-drawn portrait of Robert Lighthizer seen in profile, wearing glasses and looking to the right.
A pencil-drawn portrait of Robert Lighthizer seen in profile, wearing glasses and looking to the right.

The Man Who Would Help Trump Upend the Global Economy

As a potential U.S. Treasury secretary, Robert Lighthizer has more than trade policy to revolutionize.

Claudia Sheinbaum greets supporters during her presidential campaign launch event in Mexico City.
Claudia Sheinbaum greets supporters during her presidential campaign launch event in Mexico City.

The Woman Inheriting AMLO’s Revolution

Claudia Sheinbaum’s most daunting political challenge will be persona, not policy.

A man wearing a suit raises his eyebrow as he looks toward another person seen blurred and out of focus just in front of the camera.
A man wearing a suit raises his eyebrow as he looks toward another person seen blurred and out of focus just in front of the camera.

How an Obscure General Became the Star of Italy’s Far Right

Bestselling author Roberto Vannacci is eclipsing Giorgia Meloni, but entering politics could blunt his popularity.

An illustration shows a drawn portrait of S. Jaishankar's head and shoulders atop a patterned carpet. Behind him standing stairs is a full length image of Narendra Modi. At left Is Xi Jinping and at right is Joe Biden. A temple and cloudy sky is behind Jaishankar's head. The scene is framed by Indian symbols. The term "Bharat" is written in Hindi above his head.
An illustration shows a drawn portrait of S. Jaishankar's head and shoulders atop a patterned carpet. Behind him standing stairs is a full length image of Narendra Modi. At left Is Xi Jinping and at right is Joe Biden. A temple and cloudy sky is behind Jaishankar's head. The scene is framed by Indian symbols. The term "Bharat" is written in Hindi above his head.

Modi’s Messenger to the World

How the diplomat-turned-politician S. Jaishankar became the chief executor of India’s assertive foreign policy.

Then-Secretary of State John Kerry talks with China’s special representative on climate change, Xie Zhenhua, during the COP21 climate change summit in Le Bourget, north of Paris.
Then-Secretary of State John Kerry talks with China’s special representative on climate change, Xie Zhenhua, during the COP21 climate change summit in Le Bourget, north of Paris.

The Climate Envoys Who Could

John Kerry and Xie Zhenhua have forged a close working relationship as the superpowers they represent have drifted apart.

Mohammed al-Halbousi, then the Iraqi parliament speaker, wears a suit and tie with a lanyard nametag around his neck and an Iraqi flag pin on his lapel as he sits amid a large crowd of people, many wearing kaffiyehs on their heads, in Bahrain.
Mohammed al-Halbousi, then the Iraqi parliament speaker, wears a suit and tie with a lanyard nametag around his neck and an Iraqi flag pin on his lapel as he sits amid a large crowd of people, many wearing kaffiyehs on their heads, in Bahrain.

The Rise and Fall of an Iraqi Strongman

Mohammed al-Halbousi’s ruthless consolidation of power alienated both Sunnis and Shiites.

Sumeyye Bayraktar and Selcuk Bayraktar, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s daughter and son-in-law, hold Turkish flags in front of Erdogan’s residence in Kisikli.
Sumeyye Bayraktar and Selcuk Bayraktar, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s daughter and son-in-law, hold Turkish flags in front of Erdogan’s residence in Kisikli.

Is Selcuk Bayraktar Turkey’s Crown Prince-in-Waiting?

Drones made the president’s son-in-law a household name. His techno-nationalism and popular appeal could make him the country’s next leader.

Mustafa Nayyem, head of the Ukrainian State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development, speaks at an event before the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London.
Mustafa Nayyem, head of the Ukrainian State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development, speaks at an event before the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London.
Hussein al-Sheikh attends the funeral of former Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.
Hussein al-Sheikh attends the funeral of former Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Leader Who Survived the Death of Palestine

What would it mean for Hussein al-Sheikh to lead a people whose dream of independence is no longer alive?

Igor Girkin sits inside a glass defendant’s cage during a hearing to consider a request on his pretrial arrest in Moscow.
Igor Girkin sits inside a glass defendant’s cage during a hearing to consider a request on his pretrial arrest in Moscow.

Putin’s Paranoia Has Turned on Russia’s Far Right

The security state is targeting nationalists like Igor Girkin.

The new Latvian president, Edgars Rinkevics, looks at the camera while sitting at a desk at a press conference. Rinkevics is a middle-aged man wearing a gray suit, blue tie, and glasses. His hands are clasped on the table in front of him.
The new Latvian president, Edgars Rinkevics, looks at the camera while sitting at a desk at a press conference. Rinkevics is a middle-aged man wearing a gray suit, blue tie, and glasses. His hands are clasped on the table in front of him.

Latvia’s New President Wants a Clean Break With the Soviet Past

Eastern Europe’s first openly gay head of state looks to firmly plant the country in the West.

Pita Limjaroenrat, with rolled-up shirtsleeves, no jacket and a flower lei around his neck greets his supporters who are holding their illuminated cellphones aloft at a massive rally at Samyan Mitrtown in Bangkok, Thailand, on April 22.
Pita Limjaroenrat, with rolled-up shirtsleeves, no jacket and a flower lei around his neck greets his supporters who are holding their illuminated cellphones aloft at a massive rally at Samyan Mitrtown in Bangkok, Thailand, on April 22.

Thailand’s Obama Moment

Pita Limjaroenrat could be Southeast Asia’s most significant liberal leader in a generation. But can he actually form a government?

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