
List of Interview articles

A pencil illustration shows Gordon Sondland with his hands folded under his chin.
A pencil illustration shows Gordon Sondland with his hands folded under his chin.

The Advocate

Ukraine and the Europeans are vexed about how to deal with Trump. Gordon Sondland has a playbook.

A pencil illustration depicts Jens Stoltenberg, in suit and glasses, gesturing.
A pencil illustration depicts Jens Stoltenberg, in suit and glasses, gesturing.

The Steady Hand

Jens Stoltenberg has led NATO through a decade of war, chaos, and Trump. What comes next?

An illustrated headshot of Doug Beck.
An illustrated headshot of Doug Beck.

The Bridge Builder

After more than a decade at Apple, Doug Beck is in charge of making sure the Pentagon doesn’t lose a tech race with China. 

An illustration shows British Ambassador to the United States Karen Pierce. Pierce is drawn in a photorealistic style from her head to her neck, whereas the lines of her shirt and jacket are merely outlined and unshaded. The illustration is on top of a gradient of orange to pink.
An illustration shows British Ambassador to the United States Karen Pierce. Pierce is drawn in a photorealistic style from her head to her neck, whereas the lines of her shirt and jacket are merely outlined and unshaded. The illustration is on top of a gradient of orange to pink.

The Optimist

Karen Pierce was the first woman to take up the U.K.’s seat at the U.N. Security Council, and likely the first person to do so in a feather boa.

Illustrated portraits of Reps. MIke Gallagher, right, and Raja Krishnamoorthi
Illustrated portraits of Reps. MIke Gallagher, right, and Raja Krishnamoorthi

The Masterminds

Washington wants to get tough on China, and the leaders of the House China Committee are in the driver’s seat.

An illustration of Nury Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
An illustration of Nury Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

The Witness

Why is global outrage about the Uyghur genocide muted? Human rights advocate Nury Turkel has some ideas.

An illustration of John Bolton.
An illustration of John Bolton.

The Fighter

John Bolton was once the enfant terrible of the Republican Party. Is he now its conscience?


The Messenger

Gerard de Graaf is charged with making sure Silicon Valley plays by Europe’s rules—but Elon Musk isn’t answering his email.

A drawing of Gina Abercrombie Winstanley, the State Department's chief diversity officer.
A drawing of Gina Abercrombie Winstanley, the State Department's chief diversity officer.

The Reformer

From a cork-walled office at the U.S. State Department, diversity chief Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley reveals her plan to vanquish the oldest boys club.

Finland's ambassador to the United States Mikko Hautala
Finland's ambassador to the United States Mikko Hautala

The Russia Whisperer

Finland’s envoy to Washington once shared a sauna with the Russian president. Here’s what he thinks the West got wrong about Vladimir Putin.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (R) and Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (L) bump fists after holding a joint press conference after their meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Jan. 24.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (R) and Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (L) bump fists after holding a joint press conference after their meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Jan. 24.

Finland’s Foreign Minister on Why Helsinki Is Moving Toward NATO Now

Pekka Haavisto once spearheaded efforts to engage with Russia and broaden cooperation. Now he’s helping lead Finland toward NATO membership.

Gen. Claudio Graziano after a visit to the national gendarmerie Carabinieri headquarters in Rome on Nov. 5, 2018.
Gen. Claudio Graziano after a visit to the national gendarmerie Carabinieri headquarters in Rome on Nov. 5, 2018.

Is an EU Army Coming?

Russia’s war in Ukraine is turning the European Union into a serious military player.

Matt Zeller, U.S. veteran of the war in Afghanistan
Matt Zeller, U.S. veteran of the war in Afghanistan

The Escape Artist

In 2008, an Afghan interpreter saved Matt Zeller’s life. Now he wants to return the favor.

uk soldiers afghanistran
uk soldiers afghanistran

‘Europe Runs the Risk of Becoming a Global Strategic Victim’

Retired British Gen. Richard Barrons warns that the United Kingdom and European Union can no longer simply rely on the United States for their security.

Asad Majeed Khan speaks.
Asad Majeed Khan speaks.

Pakistani Ambassador: ‘Terrorism Is Our Concern as Much as It Is Your Concern’

Envoy says Washington and Islamabad now have a common interest in stopping the Taliban from exporting violence.

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